Reassess Property for Taxes - 1939 & 1940 - Extend Taxes on 1941 Tax Roll - 04-21-1942
Lt"::;JlL1ITIl.,Lf }~urhl.1nZILG 1'1 E TV'em
CLD,U\. IF 'l'i-B 'l'("m GF ~DGJ:!l,i..T.l:i;n,
:F'LC :ID.." 1'0 H.c::-Ab,.)~;j.:i C~JT..~nr .. j,~0P-
~:{TY n: JHID TOvW FC.d T.~X~.j FeR
TLJ!: y.t!:.~rl..i OF 1939 and 1940, .~lm TO
J:!l;':T~l"D S..i.ID T.~X~~ 01; 'J.'L.c; TM lWLL
OF .3.\ID 'l'0itN r"C.d TEi: YEAR OF 1941,
..l;D '1' G .. .!.t(;C~jD TO COLU CT T} ~ ~.\I..u!:.
.:}~~AS the Town Council of the Town of
~dgewater, Florida assessed the s~~ of ~22. 46 for
Town Tuxes ag~inst the hereinafter described lots or
pieces of land in said.Town, for the year of 1938;
AIm .1H..c;~.~.:;) said taxes Viere unpaid and
became delinquent and said lots or pieces of ~~nd were
duly sold by tLe TOiin Clerk of said Town, as 'l'ax
Collector thereof at tLe '1'own Tax sale of delinquent
lands held in said Town on the 5th day of June, .'-. D.
1939, and Tu.x Certificate Ho. 473 was duly issued
therefor by said Town Clerk;
.~h''D .f}lB~~l1.8 the subsequent omitted taxes
agaiaat said lots or pieces of land for the years of
1939 and 1940 have not been ~aid, and said omitted Taxes,
together idth intel'est t1:...ereon to the present date are
as followsa
Inte 1'e st :
.tI.l:D .:HB~{B."Q said tax cel"'tificate was
duly purchased from said Town of ~dgewater by ~. L. Duff,
and was duly assigned to him by the Town Clerk of said
Town on tIle 29th day cf DecelJlber, 1941, said~. L. Duff
paying the'rei'or tl..e full amount of taxes assessed for
the year of 1938, and the subsequent omitted taxes for
the years of 1939 and 1940, tmgether ilith the accumulated
interest on all of said ull)aid taxes to and. includin6 said
29tb day of December, 1941;
.tI.l':D .inLi:J.-tE.i;j said certificate for l\lnpa'id
taxe G has never been surrender'ed up for cancellation
and is still outstanding, althoug:. the amount of the
unp< taxes and interest accruin,s thereon for the
years hereinbefore stated have been duly receipted for
by the T own Clerk of tiLe '~own of dgewater;
~~l.D h1IEL~AS the original miner of said
lots of L,nd as the same appears on the assessment roll
of said 'J.'own for the year of 1938 is John ,,~ckley Estate,
and said ..!lstate tl!rough its duly authorized agent, Charle s
'i. rlckley exercised the right to redeem said lots from
the lien of saia ~ax Certificate and s~id subsequent
omit ted taxe s, und for the .:: ur>ose of ,so redeeming said
lots paid to t he Office of the Clerk of the Circuit
Court of Volusia County, !t'lorida, the amount 01' the face of
saiu. i' ax Certificate, to-wit the taxe s for the year of
1938 plus accUffit.Llated interest thereon, but omitted to
pay to said Clerk of the Circuit Court or to the Town
Clerk of the 'rown cf Edgew,-,ter, Florida the amount of the
subsequent omitted taxes for the years of 1939 and 1940
and tLe accumulated interest thereon, anu through an
err'or the office of the Clerk of tLe Circuit ~ourt of!.
Volusia County, Florida surrendere6 saia Certificate
to the said John Ackley ~state, and said ~state still
holds said Certificate, and has failed and refused to
return tIle sane to t.he l'own Clerk ctnd to :1UY tL.e said
subsequent amitted taxes;
""I,D ,'h~,dEAS, by virtue of the facts herein-
before recited the taxes for the said subsequent omitted
years of 1939 and 1940 rer'1ain a lien ui:.Jon tLe lands
hereinafter more particularly described, ana it is
necessary t~at the lien ttereof be evidenced by ~royer
Cl.elir~qllent '.2a}. -.)ale Certificate if tl!e said taxes be not paid
as req~ired by law;
: (./, T: ~...w.;FO:,~, .w~ Ii:' ~,c..)(.,LV~D BY TL~
.rC./l~ CuC.:CIL (It' :2' ~ TC,fl/ (F .c}DG...,;....~T.i:.{,. FL(' tID.~:
~2ction 1. That tle following and
delinquent taxes for tIe omitted years of 1939 and 1940
togetheI~ with tre unl aid and accumulated interest thereon
from tbe 1st day of .\pri1; 1940 and the 1st day of tl\pri1,
1941,respectively, for each ot said omitted years, be and
the same is hereby assessed against t~e followin~ described
lots or j;ieces 01' land in the Town of ....dgewater, Florida,
lor Town ~ctxes, to-wit:
Lots 3 to 12, inclusive, Block C,
Ye1cka Terrace ciubdivision of Lot 5, Sherpard
~.~anchez Grant, Section 50, Township 17 south,
.dange 34 east;
said Taxes to be assessed as follows:
Year, Tax: Interest: Total
1939 ~2l.71 :p6.63 .p28.34
1940 ~2l.71 .p4.88 ~26.59.
loJection 2. That the 'fown C 1e r~-( of said
Town of ~df:;ewater, J."lorida, oe and he is hereby aut: orized
anu directed to extend the amoL.nts of said taxes on the
Bdsessment Roll 01 said Town for the year of 1941, alcng
with the Town Taxes duly and la'\/fully assessed for said
year of 1241; and in tbe event said t&xes so aSGessed
be not J;; Ctiu as requireu by Lb.'\i ""nd by the (.rdinances 01 said
Tovm, tLen :the said l'ovm Clerk, as Tax Cmllector of said
Town be and he is hereby clUttorizeu. ",nc... uirected to sell
said lots or · ieces of l~nd at the re~~lar annual Town Tax
~aie to be :eld in said ~own in the year of 1942, as required
by law, and to issue to the said Town of ~dgewater its
T~x ~ale Certificate or Certificates for s&id ~&X8S an~
accL.Ilu.lateG. un~ interest.
The ado~tion of the ~bove and loregoing
.desoL.ltion was rlOved by ~ounci1man O. E ,SOOTH f\ {x..D
8econaecl by Councilnan G~o~~e L. 61\1\..\'::'I"
, and ~ dSved
by tie 2o'.m Councilor' tle :'own of ....uoewater, :b'lorida,
.' .
, ... ... ,
in aI-en sesJion on t:e 21st day of.~pri1, .lo. D. 1942,
t:e vote cf tLe Council being as follows:
..lTm-, ,,.,.3
... J.~uJ...~
.,pl'i 1,
Town Clerk.
^.. -,roved by L1e tl is
(ldY of
I' .ayor.