Declaring Intent to Vacate Certain Alleys - 04-07-1942
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t ~ ..:> V L l.; r I L I;
De~laring t.:.e Intention of tl e :'o\',n
Councilor' t:e '.L'own of .c.-:~e-;;/c... te r,
l"lorida, to Vacate Cereain .t.:leys in
ad.iu .;:' o'vw, an"" ... rov i e...i 116 fQr' J. otice
to .~butting . rO~tn'ty, C n",1'S.
...;.~ L.' .U:.i~)CLV~D .3Y ...' ~ 1'<",,,.1., Cl v- ell l-1" :2. ~ To.H, GF
~.u(jL i..:'..;,,,"., l"LL.ILJrt:
..:>....C.i.'Ilil. 1. 'l'h<.A.t it is be.ceby c...8cL..l'e"" to oe ti.e inten-
tiGr. 01' t..8 .2O\m Council 01 tL.e l:'O"i'lll of ... oevI<..ter,
Florid~, "uy '\ roper Lrc...inance :)ursuu.1t tl ..:>dction 4, of
,,,rticle VI, of (:::'<1ino.nce 10. 75 of Said 70vm, to vL.cate
t' e 1'0110winb unn",med alleys L 5<<. J~own, to-wit:
(1) lhat c~rt~in fitte~n foot ulley
lyinu nOlth of Lots 4, 5, 6 ~nu 7, ~nL GoutL
of lots 8, 9, 10 und 11, 01' ..'iL...inson uubdivi-
(~) That certain fifteen Loot alley
lyi11"; ,J~st of Lot 11 of .Iilkinson ...lubc..ivision,
it'O.l its intersection with Ililkinson ..:>treet,
and rUllnil1u soutl a e...istance l f one h....ndred
fift{ feat.
..:>ECTION 2. Objections to tte vacating or said alleys
shall ~e hebrd by the said Town ~ouncil at its re~ulbr
meeting to Je held at tLe V. 1. 4". or :i.'o,Hl hall in
saie.. Town, at 7:30 ... .. on Tuesday, tLe 21st 'day of
.n.11ril, 1942.
..:>~CTICK 3. lotice of the hearinJ of Gbjections, dB
provideQ in uection 2 hereof, shall be given by tl.e
~own Cler~ of said Town ane... bhall be s0rved ~Ion
<.A..Ll ..)rGperty owne1'o abutting on bott sides 01 S.;lid
alleys in the manner provided in ~ectiol1 4 of rlrticle
VI of Grdinance 1 o. 75, whicl! ,LJ ot ic ~ shall be St: rved
-hot less than ten u.ays ~ l'ior to the said 21st day
of 4Lpril, 1942.
Section 4. "fter hearing s[ objections, if any,
. .
or in the absence of ob~ections thereto, the said
Town Council shall then consider the propriety and
advisability of vacating said .tl.Lley.
The adoption of the above and foregoing
Hesolution '.J,J.b moved by Councilman G. L. Sf!' LEY
seconded by Councilman O. E. 'S cuT H R R.:D-:_, and
passed by the Town Council of the Town of ":'dgewater,
Florida in open session on the 7th day of Aj)ri1, 1\. D.
1942, the vote of tLe Council being as follmJs:
j~l' T.c: oJ T ;
TOjm Clerk.
H! ..._ roved by me tIds
. day
o.t d~ ril, .d.. D. 1'42.
:b:" ,j.', . .m or agewu er, or~aa.