Adopting 1941 Tax Assessment Roll - 10-16-1941 v v <r .. ~-~o "'=."":.~"" .u I U 1,\ I "'\ V H.t!:.,)UL u'l' Illl: "WLI1'L,G '.2,,~( "1.,j..j..i;J~- !.u..~,~'l' ;~CL.l FOr, ~\_.....: Y.;.!j.:~'-t UFo 1'0341. "~W,l.~ the Tax .t~sse8sment !-<;oll aI' the 1'own of ~dLewater, l"lorida, for the year of' lv-.:tl, L.as oeen completed by the Town L:lerk and subrlit.ted to the Town '-ouncil, ahd has been exa,1ined anCi considered oy said Town Council, and tIle said l'o\,/n Council has met vd tll tile Town ClerK as a board of Lqualization, after publication of due and legal notice, at tile 'place and times yrovided by Law, and has heard and consi6ered all co~- )laints submitted to said TOlvn Council sitting as a .;joard of .!iqualization; .l.,m, .1h....;it.r.:;.~S said i'ax ,d.ssessment ""011 is in proper and legal form, and the assessed valuations therein set forth are just, fair and ecuitable; f,U',; ':I.~ \w}?G.,~ D.c: L.' LUC;...lvLV~u By the fow!! Council of the fawn of ""d~e\ntdr, l'lol'iC1~, at a legal l\leeting of the same, held at the v. .1.. ,,~. nall, ~dgewater, l' J..orida, this _1 b \ti__ day of vctober, 1941, that the said Tax Assessment l--toll for the said year of 1841 be and the same is hereoy acce:'ted, adolJted a~d approved as the fax nssessment "011 of said lown for said year of H.'<.i:l; tl!at a copy of this .L{esolution attested by.the Town Clerk be spread upon the minutes of this meeting, and a CO)y thereof, so attesten, be pasted in or affixed to the said Tax \ssessment .l.toll, o.nd three co1)ies lL..ewL:.e so attested be )osted, one at tile V. J.. rl.- Lall and two at t\ 0 otL.er ...Jublic places in said rO\Jll of i.dJeVlater, Florida. upon lllotion by _<2-. E .~5o\JIJj_\jJ!_J) , seconded by -L f?~~_ttY.~l..CJS '. the above and foreGoing .t\esolution was passed wit.h tLe ul1bninous vote at' the l'OWll "':olll1cil of the , v ~ ."...... u I , I ~ U".,I(' v "' 1 b - Tovm of ..!jClwe\~ater, .J: lorida, at its llleetirl~ Leld c.:lis day of uctober, ."\. D. 19-41, vote of' the said I.,;c,uncil being as follows; ~ - - --.. A r 'l1:!J 3 [' : ;J!~ ___ Mayor-Councilman Councilman Co U-YlC i 1man '- TOT,m \~ j day of October, d. D. l~~l. Approved by me this J (:J 2 f -LL.~ 0____ 1.1ayor. CE!i.KIFIC:1.1'~ 1, Jalt3r C. Fuller, '1'011111 Clerk of the J~wn 0.1' l::.d.;eo.i/ate.r, l"lorida, hereby c~n.tify that on the \'1. day oi' Uctober, 1~41, ~ pasted in anu afiixed a true a~d correct co_y of the :t'ore6'oing .l.tesolution in the 'i'ax ~1.;:>()ess,nent J.tol~ nook at tne Town oi' .c.dwd Jater, }; lorid.:t, fol' the Jear 19L;.tl, and tilat ~ )03ted three co)ie s of' the same, one at tLe V. .L. ~1.. Hall a'1d at t\IO other )u.blic places in the .1.'0\111 of ~dweVlater, Florida. llt day of ~ctober, 19~1. Dated at ~dwewater, ~lorida, this