Authorizing Transfer of Funds to Street Fund - 09-16-1941 ItE: OLD-210N 2,23CLTIO lI TAh3FE]c OF atrJTAII TO ?Ff FTJTD. 4--LI.j21A6, the Town Council during the fiscal year ending ,teptember 30, lt.-J1 expended the sum of -hree hundred Dollars ($300.00) for the distribution of shell on Jiverview Drive and the sum of Two } undred : ixty-four Dollars and ,..ighty- six Cents :0264.86) for the purchase of a mowing machine and equiment therefor; and said expenditures were charged to the s,-treet Fund of said Town, althou,-_th all of said monies were expended for permanent improvements; and the Annual budget of said Town contemplates expenditures for the operating expenses of said Town and that improvements of a permanent nature be financed from the ker- manent Improvement Fund; and :11,1L:WLA;32 said Permanent Improvement Lund was not available at the time saiu expenuitures were made , 'being in- ! vested in a Certificate of Deposit in the lank or Hew bmyrna Beach, Florida of the par value of Cae Thousand Dollars ($1000.00) , maturing on the 30th day of ,Jeptember, and I . ,Th&R.ILAS there are ample funds in the :special Fore- closed Property Fund of said Town to cover the tot.,1 sum so exended; and it is the opinion of the Town Council that said Permanent Improvement Fund be maintained at its present amount. _ _ _ koiri•o/ • 10'1 THEREFORE DE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town of Edgewater, Florida chat the sum of Five Hundred 3ixty-four Dollars and Eighty-six cents ($564.86) being the total of the sums expended as aforesaid, be paid into the Permanent Improvement Fund, and that the said sum of live Hundred :3ixty-foue Dollars and Eighty-six cents ($564.86) so paid into the Permanent Improvement Fund be then trans- ferred to the street Fund of said Town from t said i'erman- ent Improvement Fund) and that the Town Clerk be instructed to make such entries in the books of the said Town as would be necessary to carry into effect this Resolution and to issue such checks as shall be necessary to effect the same. it was properly moved by Councilman W .T. 6;001) 4(1;a% seconded by Councilman O. E •SouTrici_RI! that the above and foregoing Resolution be adopted. Upon a roll call vote said Resolution carried unanim- ously, the vote of the Council being as follows: Mayor-Councilman IMP councilman Town Clerk Councilman 42,L5 approved this 16th day of September, 11. —9'44)