Delinquent Taxes - 07-01-1941 R E S O L U T I O N RELATING TC THE COMPROhII3E, NETTLE NT ri_:D ADJUSTMENT OF DELINQUENT TAXES AND PROVID- ING THE BASIS THEREFOR. WHEREAS, under and by virtue of the provisions of House Bill No. 374 of the Legislature of the State of Florida of 1941, the Town of Edgewater is authorized to comaromise , settle and adjust the amount required to be paid for the amount of tax sale certificates issued by said Town prior to the year 1936, to ;ether with all subsequent omitted Town taxes on the properties covered by such certificates. AND WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Town Council of the Town of Edgewater, Florida to carry out the Provisions of said Act. iO I TNEREFO E, BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town of Edgewater, Florida: .section 1. That the Town Clerk of the Town of ydgewater, Florida be and he is hereby authorized to accept as Town Clerk of said Town compromises, settlements and adjustments of the amount required to be paid for the redemption of tax sale certifi- cates issued by said Town prior to the year 1936 or any portion of said certificates held by the said Town for unsaid taxes assessed and levied by said Town upon lands lying within it. In all settle- ments of taxes made pursuant to this x'ct said Town Clerk is like- wise authorized to include in such settlement all subsequent omit- ted Town taxes. section 2. All settlements made under the Provisions of this resolution and saidct shall be upon a uniform basis, which said basis be and the same is hereby fixed at 25 per cent of the total amount of taxes found to be legally due and owing to said 410kare (,,s0000 Town on any such tax certificateard said percentage shall like- wise be applicable to the subsequent omitted taxes found to be due and owing on the property covered by such certificate. Jection 3. Be it further resolved that a copy of this Resolution be spread u^on the riinh!tes of this meeting and that four copies of said Resolution be posted at four public places in said Town of ydgewater, one of which shall be at the V. I. • or Town Hall in said Town. Jection 4. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. It was properly moved by Councilman VY • . '.00•10R2 _, seconded by Councilman f. k r v IC (K that the above and foregoing Resolution be adopted. roles call being taken, the vote was as follows I: yor-Councilman Ar Co .ncilm: n Councilman hereupon said Resolution was declared adopted. • proved by me this 1st day of July, A. D. 1941. 41) 2TYLAAY1) i:ayor ATTi iT: Town Clerk.