04-21-1958 - Regular rUJI'~A1t ~ZET..uro (lq 'E:1E, GIft GomtJIL 01<" rm3 ,CITf (IF E1l'}F;O\;l.\i;&;R VG-W!)!A ,..,.,.,'iJ!ImV' t\"f ,..t1Vl'\J; l:f1'IW, "" ~, l"l'''''''!' 'l't'I ..d, j G",ri VVV~..&. "u.;,rw..,...t,. iOJ:.LJJ#'l..d..,t,.M ~"'1i:n.., '~,1~O. nw r~s;u14t" ~~t~ or tho C1t.y t~l Qf. t~ O;~~:r ~f ~.I<!lt.€fr'. V.1Qldd~, hold Apl"il .41;.rl... .1958. _1; ~lled to Q.1I"(1w- lY.r t>tG,;yO'l'" GGor~e o. ~,tlt a.t. ? ::10 p .i~';ifJ . . ,O.k,.' llOtJ.. ~L It .., ~~ ~()) o. 3~'\d.cl; (.:Gme1hi&n F...~: w. ~ CoUn~ C. C. ;:1hauft... , CoQrieu~R.' J. H~ CoundUm.w,. 13. ,FQ.....~ City" Clw'k ~~ 11. lU.~., City Attty ~,otm 1;., Ord$ho.'lm llo1iC'~ CMat' F. u. ~, Pi;,"$ Ch:W Fredwll~ T:::,~""h C(ill$(;.'tor JOlul li400d ?l'e~ P~t l~~t A1>mmt. ~6~~t. nr>(m~lt Pr~t ~~~ Abt$en:tt. l\.b~l:; ~ 'fil1nut(tln ottho rt~~ ~~ing htll.d Api'.:tl. '1t.f~ l>j't'lt'O l~ted to _<:11 ~lo:iJmn tor- thG1r ep:F'Qva1.. bt.o~ by COtla.,Umiu;\. I-\..o:tJA theae .j'u.t~ u~ :1Vl'$"OYOO Q,S I3lilmitt..'tld.. $OO~\J:l 'b.'r Counei1J'lllUl F3rrell ~nd l.v,y vot~ ~Uit1IED. ~u.s i ACCW!1!0 l ~A ~. J II ___ t~it).ot. ~~, f~~llA~eh Dw.ightta GOl-neJJ.a Paul Florida PtMW" &: Lig,bt (if.i>. t~.. L. ;~bartoon ~ ~ 3to:'& i)tG~_l PGGk. rna. Shrill OU Co. ~ShL""t C~. ~r~~~ Gec~'$ lltn-H..7 1',..~ 1,&.- ;;,".1. l'U "qQ .4 .';:0 40.(fJ !~.05 ~~9.00 .3..00 12.00 ~,~,<'t I? biQ 't>' .. 'w 25.20 11~6.JC 11...00 j{Otion by' Cow's..ciltml ~U"}\')" bilJ.~ 00 paid er:d b$, lmtJo a. pl'!rt of tJw. m1nutea, acoaxied tw CounailImm Fart"tiU ~ J:w voto CAR.~m~\). ~:QtWJ;!!(:lA~~ ~SJm\44tiQl3 ''W$1'''O r<<di"rom the ~ ~e..r, Je~fj l~tl$~.p i\w. & Y'.t"s. E. ;A.rt1~. UI>2T,. rle~t0n1 thUm Te.l~~.e.llh Co., 1ov~ CZ"Oil"aa~ Inc. J ~..J.ng f4 ~ ~I> .P~~1'M!if~8 OfIDIfl.ui~E ~l<Tl AfU..mr.UD OHOnif~~ w. 1':16, ,l~ULMlnG :I:$1B d1JiOOVAL OP GA:aBWlttS MID TsfASH II 1U CITY OF Fm~~\~~ VOWSIA (.iOOtIflT, 'U.~.IOAJ, AN.tl pp~ ,~ TrS PAl1<Qlr OF It GHlUilE mt ~t~ ~.oilA.L ~ ar llrs CI:n' OF EOOm:.~St, FWRWtlR AND f'ft'If.SC..I{t,&W ~ FOU mE ilIOLAfIW frttt~ All> ~mA!r.tm nit';~K)VAL OF 'r".llA:.:li, IfiCIUM.m aAfmAQE fJit) }~UIm:fnpE'mU.miS I\'Q}~ '.l'f~; VIOIJ\TIotJ ~l€~lOF. Tile ah:wo C~oo ~ Ne.d in full, by AttonlGy Gb;1Sil..iOlm and mt.ial d~ iJ1a40 by Coun0i.1.m11 ~ thia Ol~ 'be edop~~;;,'~ lJ:f COW1~lcsn ~11 and vastJOd b;y vote of tUG City C~l ot the City of~~.t~, ~?lorida.. at Q t'Ogula.r meoting held APf'U &t, l,,~se. nou ('..sJ.l wot.~ being ~I!l fcllQlf.fSl- Coune1lmm ~ Cotane11..mn S~f'teri' Coune~ U~ CQ\~JJ,mm F~l ~r &Jdg,wlQk Y0& !04 ~..b~t. Yoa tea. Upon _tlan dlUy ~ by CoilWJt'b:can 8baett$t", ~ed ~"'C<r.~~P~ll and oa..~ed, tho ~~ ot ~. mdd. ~.}0 U~ t:~ 1~\~ ~mv/J{l and the ord:1ne.noo wan ~~ pUtu~~ f:.1r.lal ~_~. f'lat;mui tv t)..h~:; vQte Cff' til~ City CC'.meil or t,h6 o.1~y c.t f~p~t~rJ ~lda.~at a ~~~tl~ m~.;.1n3 or mud COUJtc:U ll0,"!d C'1 'ti'.t.l :ZJst .day .r;l l'lt.prU, A. t;. l'&5S ~ t\prrit'O"lOO 00 liN)V:1dGd ~)' J4.l1I, tlw vote c~ lOO.W CO'~o!l ~ ~1.$ foUo~~:- ~:Umr.w l~ CO'lm.ei.~ t\~~~ ~Utnr. lt~1' Cound.~ F&'Hll ~_'m" ~!rt~t'.k 1~ y~ Alment y~ Yen (j.w~ #198 mOfII.mWX,!ll THE Ft~ Oft Oa::l'1fR:Ut.ri'Im OF AI'W1DilCI1'1lA.t eULVr'~. ~~, D~ A!t1) !\t.L cmtSa. n.~\GI'.i FAct." l.Im.s.~UfUIll'l'l1E ClW CtF ~7Att~ \.ro~ CO{l'h."l!. F!.DRtOA J MID POO"~l mfA1}rI.l~1 ro~'Ittm \~OL\T.t~J4I l.'ba &'CVo Ot~loo ~ ~ ;hi .!'ull ~ At~ <Jl:d..$ho..Jm tmd ~ for Q t~t~,. to b\1l't (Jet., (;oun()L~"1 Shuetfet'. ~~i)d 0. t$..ne or not ~ tbcm ~50.00 ~ ccm;'jn~t otnot mro than 1Q ~, wrJ.oo ~4 av~,() to. all C&.;U1.cim~. r~ot:Loo lU then 4u1,' mado ~ Cotme:J.lrMn $hwl'tt~ thi$ ~~ be ~too" 6e- co:nd<<l b.Y Coune~ &-~ an:! pae.c~ ~ t:~. votG Gf:thoC:1~Cotmcll G1~ tb~ caty or Ed.~Ol".n.o:rj.d& at tt ~d$" nvaet.:U18 ~ld A~J 2ltit.. 3.958. 1~ fml vtJt.o I-Aing e.l13 roJ.~\\'~:- (~lt'dlt~ ~~ {J(nmcl..l~ 5hacttw 00un~.nm'1 fl$", i1oun.;:Umm, . ~...roU t~ ~i/J1cl~ l'~ tea AbBOOt t. Yu OINm 1!Vt~ dnl.y ~ tv Ca<JnO~ F&":V0~D" s~~l tli'" OOUtt(~11tnarl &--oga u.nd (1&"l"'lod~ tJw ~~ otretYl~. ~ O1~OO u.pon eeeand 1~1ng WQ$ wnived and th~ ~~~ 1fil!l!l,~ o.~rG(t$'lt.tt upon t:,b;ml t-~~{[;- Pe.atilOO lq t.he l/0t.6 ~t thQ Citq COWlliJ1l of t.hill (at;( fit ~~$$watMr) ~~lcridA, at a l"0gulQl'O ~:lng of ~ Ooumdl bald en the 2lzt dr~ of Apt'il, A. Dt! 19~~ &1d tlfiFOVOO 4$ provided by l~f, t~ vote of ~ Coun1lil b<<lng as t'o1.ltT~fu- CQ'l.:tno~J~ ~ Gcunciiman ~f,tt1r C-mm~1J1tW1I~.f CMm(l...U~ '&"'M.'lU. 'N~~ a~ick lea "f~ A~t i~ y~ ~I'i Et1Sn~~1$ ......1'.: J 1\ l.atteYt' ti"Q'n ~~tl"'M!l t1ni<<1 T01~~ph ~)o. 'X'he G1~i.(: '!,'e.l1i ;b'u:>tnltY.:.oo W Wfr::iti~ th$ to ~ed with t.hG rais1ng ot the \'dt~1!i nM l:d.J,l t,.~ City. l..ot.w' f'j;"'Cm ~'1.1~JJ: ~\!~.ld &: ftS~tos with & etVt>pl~~ AiZ&~ to Ccntr-aet oot~ the City or ~~tf,)r, F'J.or:tda tmd f&o;Uii1;Y1 iJild &; t"GeQ~t0$. dated Jm-~.f l8'tb,:r 1956. ~ .~ tttawstWJd ..tWd. ~~. bwV~~lck 'l''' ~ ~il'lg rl1WU. l;btiC,fl ~\t/l chl.ly.~ by Caunoilmrm ~Of~ t.ht' City Clerk and ~or bn autho~ to ~ tbu A~~, S:ec~.b.r ~c1lr~ i~tE!lr and by veto CAR~.. $~U. <;,.:&1.1 V'otQ t'Jt>irt..g as t'Q1.1.(')l!.wt- Counuil1JM nr.op Couna1~ Shaotfor Coune:ilntm Ui!im7 COUin'.:dJ1mn ~ll rf~ S~ek r~ Yea A.ba:~t Yea Y(lf.'A F~Jam~tiat"li or Zotrl.n8 Boa..~ eht'm.g:1n; tl16 d~pt.h of C~~~l ~ en ~k Ave. t.N:m ~k Place tp the \t!est. O:1.1.-y ltitdtl. !'f.ct1on by CG;w.d.ltaan Ohw.:ltl'e:r th:L3 .1Gtt.~ b0 bold .toot> tbE1t~ boin..~, etAbS(p(:t to ".all~ ~ tr.r C.()UUe1.l~ E>ar;?f,Jll ~ by vottt CA..tjjjimSD. l.ott~. f.r.~ l~-ev E~. Wte~ ~ to 00 a.llcJ~ to fi/la.oo a bill. bofwd ~ck m th() Gm-le;l n-operty ~ tfm 1.ov~ .i\"tl"lt Stmd. !,!U'~Cft by ~~ . Sf~f~~ t..ltis lette:r bQ tmblei.ee~0d l:f! (";tJUY1oUrmm P'~ .000 W ~ CiJUtntfo Ii~ S~.r.wk_l! tbat.eu~t.t~ 't.'(li d.c:tn~ ~ ~~ tb$ ~ sf tw0. of tJw PaJ._t.to gt.:~ in t..~ Cii'q ~ it ~ '1.ery ~,onfu$~ wnwl del1v.-lf18 ~ to ~ ~. Hot1en dI,\ly ~ by CoonQiltmn ShaQtfo'r ~ec~ 'by ~moilfl!m:1 F~~ll that Pa'LiwJtw rJt;l;'~ off Iif.Jlr<i' i$i~b:\.J,"(i 1..,6, in 11~.J..,.1 t$ Sub. 00 ~ '~ A'ii'~~.. hCl~~ ow- f~ Y~~l ,tJ&~~ 'lb~.Pt.Ol1 ~Qll vote ~ M follot1ffl.l- Gt;,ari~l1~"l ~.Jl!. Cauntd.1.lmi Sho;f&ttf$t)" C~1".lil~n &~"j''; Camtd.l181 F~U, )~~.. S~.tek Y~.l !~ Ahf,lt)l!'L't Yea Yf~ Di$cusslo1l <%1 G. I~ tor ..I~~tb Avo. ill f'cctm l~'k Sub., !""~ t~ E.ivortd.d$ D~:'iv~t() U .,5. ill. Motdcu t1uly ~ b1 ~:lJ.t!8A' ~~ll.;r.o(+- ('~ed by Councihml t:;ho.e...f'te,\" t.!:ds et.r~t be 1"1~ . Cotr.:t5J~ A'J'~. !~ C$.1J. voW 00ir.e M tQ.l.1.(iJt-mt- f1.our}aihan l1r~ C~ ah~ter (~c;mtrl. hmn lkmr::f Counci.~ FalTOll 'jIt~.,., '1.w\i\..,,,t ~,lj,' .~~~. ~....~"'~..~~ YfllfI;. Y~1$ ,U'l'ilellt. lee. y~ Counail~ b11&ett~" ~.t~~ h~ "'ant<&lltl to :t'lt'i.'1g upthr~ ~;tim or. Uw ~:.tt'~;; ~ 1:v~. BfJt.~ Ha~.lU;lrl.. i;~~ :littatc tnu r.a~"4rtyt!boWd ~ ~l.ear~ il.el it ~ ~ dJ.S$!1i\e~ ~l tha Ci:t.Y' ~ ~~w~t~ ~10 00 ~ven 10 ~ 11~e tool~ Ui'J. he:::" ;yLl'!(!et:d ~$ tJ~ old ~hOO. h1 thtil bacl!.!btim ~nMlj.il lW I.~Ol:meilmm'l .si~r~~ tM :~~!i;. hi'iv~ tJ'w CUIY Cl~,r'lt ~"lt"ite a lutt~.. tiC f~8.~.lt.oTi, th.i~ let.tm:. t~ ~ ~. by tn$ 1:bUdlug Ixmp0crt.m:-. ~oondeti t'lj" 0Gur.w:t.~ ~J.l -'- by vl3't>~CAmu..~. A.t.~Cbt$holm pr'4')~entetl tJ'm fot'Ja B'lltl "Ml"t1.ng ta b~ },.'\t.t\UTM ~ t,R,;\'J ballot~ tQ' the S,t.l$(,..ia.1 Eleeticn. Th.i.$ ~u di~"lil$~ ~. tbe l~' nof* tttGl li>~ ~~ 'Wan ~1~'0d atld. Cotme~ a"~ 6"'~tQtJ a~thl'.) ~:i~M!Mr1 nnd.~. ,~Jn wm"~ to<>t1nS f.hfltbUl h,~ .~ iu rav~ ~t let.t..1.n$; it. go mtbe ballot tllj) ~ ~ the ~g ~'tt.Bd. It 'W/i'..e ~mously' d.~ided .to~G it m t.he ~..Gt i.i6 SU&~ttl$d. Di:;JeU$si~ on tbe Tfltdgc 01;" l~ t'};"om Lot 30 ;{j4.1$t~. .i01"a~ tQ Qti# d~xi.~ to tOO City tat. ~ (jf Oattan Av~. Jf~tio:1~' C~e;iJ..r~~ a"'~ th* GU:.y maku €I. ~~ wiU~ ~. 9~tial $t't d~ ~'t)\D.w.1 ~. P~'Opa.~1 ~a~~ by C()'l.t]Wil,.... man. SlhMttGr' $ld. by '10~ Cl~~. l~~.~.ti ~tatut h..1.$ t!'JtW"~", l~'. Taller cau.l.d ~ ttda ~Vf{;f'.f in a. .t~T.\\l' m.uuttj);u, ~ b~ 1tu:!~tNet<<1 A,tt.o~" Chi.shoJ.!li to $flotbat t.!w ~"\"q ~ bUled.to him. }~.~~ _~ 'lor' tll~ tl~' ~ t]~A14'1d the City ~<Ul en l~S~ M m~l{,,"a ~b!ldh~ t'illii~ or d1t.'~h0.s at1d~$k wh~ tbay' eor.;ua l1-ut; $'4c11 a ditt'lb. 111 fi"'<<it ot his }.WOl~;r ~ htJ ~ ~~ ~ to put in ~ ~v~t... ~~. ~ek a~ he did not, ~. ~en tbuy ji.'~Ud 00 ah13 t.'O '~1::.."t. in Ctl.{'.h n d~:tcb. rh~" ~ r~ .f\art.hcr bu~ CcuncU~.l ~~!~t~,. mov0Q Vrel do rtl.':1ti a4j~, ooe~ ~v Cou.nii1~ Farroll $I'd by' v\~ C.L,.;mw. ti_ th40 ?J~. ~:Or: 1 ~.,....~..lIIJJl. J Lln t T V' 1,"'1I'-;L .. N ,n f P' T C~~ .~~~'Jr r. l ~ .ilI COiu1CfJ_ ~~"*;~~l'. r r.... r,n ',~ l'~ . ''A- w_~ A"L"l~(;'Z:;T: cOuntii18 H .~ ~r' T r 1i1' n' I ~ ~ ....... ~....~ r ,1 n J"" ............t..... ... . tI'1 I U1.. r'~ ')0.,' .( 1....""'.,. . III QI., --..HIlI_lit......... 't.~~11I . . _II . J. U II. ....,_...._. ....:l "t___ Mayor Sedgwick ask that something be done about changing the names of two of the Palmetto Streets in the City as it was very confusing when deliveries have to be made. Motion duly made by Councilman Shaeffer, seconded by Councilman Farrell that Palmetto Street off New Hampshire Ave, in Mendell's Sub. be names Thomas Avenue, honoring our former Marshall David Thomas. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Broga Yea Councilman Shaeffer Yea Councilman Henry Absent Councilman Farrell Yea Mayor Sedgwick Yea Discussion on a name for Palmetto Ave. in Totem Park Sub. running from Riverside Drive to U.S. A. Motion duly made by Councilman Farrell, se- conded by Councilman Shaeffer this street be named Coquina Ave. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Broga Yea Councilman Shaeffer Yea Councilman Henry Absent Councilman Farrell Yea Mayor Sedgwick Yea Councilman Shaeffer stated he wanted to bring up the condition of the property owned by Mrs. Bessie Hamilton. He stated this property should be cleaned as it was a disgrace to the City and suggested she be given 10 days notice to clean un her yard and remove the old shed in the back. Motion duly made by Councilman Shaeffer the Mayor have the City Clerk write a letter to Mrs. Hamilton, this letter to be signed by the Building Inspector, seconded by Councilman Farrell and by vote CARRIED. Attorney Chisholm presented the form and wording to be placed on the ballot for the Special Election. This was discussed and the Mayor noted the word wine was underscored and Councilman Broga stated as the Business men and Mr. Brown were footing the bill he was in favor of letting it go on the ballot the same as the wording submitted. It was unanimously decided to place it on the ballot as submitted. Discussion on the wedge of land from Lot 30 Edgewater Acres to be deeded to the City for part of Ocean Ave. Motion by Councilman Broga the City make a survey with legal description so deed could be prepared, seconded by Council- man Shaeffer and by vote CARRIED. Yr. Brown stated his surveyor, Mr. Talley could make this survey in a few minutes, and he instructed Attorney Chisholm to see that this survey be billed to him. Mr. Palmateer ask for the floor and commended the City Council on passing an ordinance forbiding filling of ditches and ask when they could put such a ditch in front of his property as he would be glad to put in a culvert. Mayor Sedgwick stated he did not know when they would be able to put in such a ditch. There being no further business Councilman Shaeffer moved we do now adjourn, seconded by Councilman Farrell and by vote CARRIED. Time 8:40 P.M. Mayor%e olL7,09 0 4, d, _54:///m,4/ - , Fe Councilman 1 Adir vounci ATTEST: Councilman City Clerk j Councilman