03-05-1958 - Recessed/Regular CONTDIDATlONO' Tim i:nrouutt }.fm<]J'rIID OF THE GmCOtmO!L ()F '.tfm GIn OF ~T11,a, FtoraDA, H'SW l-!A.ftCt15th. l;sa. Th& aece~ ~ of the City CounoU or the C,ityor EdgEiNtltet', Flot"ids halA 'MaNll !>tllt 1m.~ called to order by' }~.. r~g$ o. e~~ck at. 7l30P.H.at t~.& ~t.y Oc.mt.or. f!91~k c,~ ~ O$orp o. ;S~1.ek Couno:l..lrAan }1. W. 'Brosa Couna:l:lmlmC. e. Sbaetrq)r' Cousc;Umn . R. J'. }!cInry lJOlm~ D. Parr'0U City Cleric F1'"Sl~ F.. DiPI~ City Att fy John!:. Chisbolm Police Chier 11' .n. bl~ F1re C!1iot ~ Qawli~ Traan Collect.cr John. l~ood ~t Pl"Oamt Present "~it PrellMt l1'~'EUl~t i~"6~ant Absent !~ent Preswt 'ITI41j l1inutea c.r the Uegular }1~:tna hold Febrwl.7 17t.b w~r" presentod to ~eh Cq.mc.iJ.man 1:(11" aWl'"Oval.. !,k)t.1on by Counc:i )~ Sl'uwf'ter these m:f.mt.G5$~ s,!Jp'rOVod 45 aubm1tted, seeorAed by COtm~ ir'~ m:ld by voto CMifarJi. .fll.~~.. &; ~cp~~ City ol~= Snwl"'Nl a..c:n Southern Bell Tel &. 'fel. f.lushes S\1~ Co. p~ Hardware Co. Soutbern BuUdUlg Cede (;on,gr~e$ Ford's Gulf $Servico J~ 3. P.s.rgrovo IJ.c)"d Care Co. f:ew'Bnvrna tbUdet..s SUi}ply Co.. New-Jou.M:ltil C~t.ien N1abltrgel" Cbo:vrolot'Coo Vol~. Tractor & I.mpl,~ Co. Dw-ltfrt.'s Of'tice Supply Gu1.f OU CC'r'"',tJOrat.1cn D~ & Co. Inc,. 3~ Oil C.c. \it. L. ~. Ins. ChnrlGyfo Welding Sj;top Bord-Howell ~ Co. f~~'04.29 29..89 2[..)5 13.S6 1..?.8 9.13 9.J.5 8.94- 38.44 13.20 2.65 ~.3g 5.35 1...6'1 ~90 9.73 5JJ .05 1O.tJO lJ",1a !'totion by Oounc:!Jman ,~ thesa b1lls 'be 'pnJ.d end. be rr.ad~ n ~ of. too rnU1tlt$, SGCOlAded by Como:ilmtm ffem>y mld by vote cwmml!l .\nt~a~'i'l~~ A eard !'t'an V. M. DemUs ~ ,~~ co'1.U\otd,ons and a let.tm." from the Zoning & J?1e.m.ing 1Josrd' rGClammldif:(J u)umgoo in ~~ee fIa in regard to oala of used. ears. OFncr;,l~ RB'fQ1l' ~~ The Car-k r~ the Cl.el'k'$ C81lb Statel..1fllnt and tho BUrJS8t~(epa...t fOi'the f.lwth of ?o'bf"'I.UU"Y, 1958. Al.$0 the Libra..-:1en'f,J P.epcn<<tforFob.Mw7_ 195e;:. O~fW~ OftUUW,U;E if195 AMmIDIKJ OiWJl~'IDB ~.ro* 17f) ti:'.nu&m~ Ali.l APPOIN'1'D.n A CHlItR OF' POIJ:CE: FOR T!1E CITY OF Elr&lAThl"{J VQU.JS!A COUlm" F'lOt.1L11t, fJ-ID SEtl\\17J.o rom1i A COMt~'SAn(.tl rot~ &JCn OFFICE., 'rho ~o ~lce Wl6 ~ ;in fUll $lXl motion duly me.tle by' CounciJ..man Hen.\";1 ill ~moonded by C-ouncilman Par~ and ~aed tw the vat-e or the City Cu.mcU of th~l C.:t .;t.V. d ..' 1I"OOmsw.. "~'..P'lei~:.tdA. .~.t.~. .'. '.... . ~.~ .....in..;.." n: tl. B..ld. . ~." ~M. . .. .....1~._ '. T!irl....... fJ ~A'(rOO-Mti"M(:t;r16 as or ~~. .uTt.;~.1;'5~r~-pe.t,. %bUi'tlUlr<<~- ~1egu1ar ItMting held F~ 13th, 1955.. P..oll Cal:l. be1na as tcl.l.m)'S#- Caune1J.ulan ~ Coune~ Shae1"ter ecunQ~ !~ C'~ Farrell l~ ~lck Yea y- Ytm Yes. Yea U,pon 1t_ion du1y' Wlde by Coune~ $}~cr, ~ by Couna1.1m.rm l1'-oga &r.d (~. the~t of }~tlt1g said .~oe upon ~ ~~ \>.ea wa:tved and thl9 ordinance wae ~ put Upal .final pas~. ~sed. tq the vote of tbo C1t,. CouneU or the City of !dg~telr ~ ~~i.d&J at, a reguJ..mJ meetmg or ee.id Councdj. hold llarcb 5th,1~~j and .approved S$ FO- vided. by law, the vote or ~ Oouneil be:1ng as f'c.il.loli"rs:- C(r.mdltul ~ r;ounailfll'$n $ba.&ttm~ CcunciJJ81 lkn:u'Y CClIDo1J.m\m F~ ~.~ ~1ic1t Yea Yea Yea Yoa Yoe. ~,~ Rl!.fJmA':'U~ nm mIDVAL OF GAF..lYl.GEAi>l1)i~t.\5HIN '!'fm ClI'fOF m;l~::A~4' VOLtmA acxmm, FI.OatDA. AN!) P!IDv:umD FORTflE ~im OF JI. L"fUlmE ~ 'i'f~ RE- i.fOVA!. 'ft1EREOF tlY THE CIi.~ OF. mxBJA.~, wnIL~:~1 MID m~.. ~WItW mt\L~ ml 'l'HEVIOIATICli 'lfWlnWF JUm ~~ TIm~C\7Al~ OF' 'lRA.'iSU, :nrettJDIKl GA.RP~ ~'D PrmCRI1mll FENAL-nm .FOR 1'iiE VIO:t.A.f.tON ~, The above. ~ wnt) read in tull bj" lLt.ta.~ GhlDhoim mld t:lOtO!"'e action ~ t.&ken the ~ ..~ o~ed to the public tor ~U$~ Oil rat_. The tollOl'llng p0:'DOrW fI~\9 for end ~;hUllt Q. :Mise itl the l"atesc- Mt~. Swarter. lass f!~" 1~ Sbebbler. !rlr. P.lk.e, ~. ~ke, ~h:>. G:c'attal~ MI". ~tA.el", Mr. ~, Mr. AllJ.uw.. l~. F'iser, !i!r. F3;0uwand Mrs. Hall1d!w. Atter dis~1ns th1u ~e$ ~o and ~on tot' CC:rWfd~c t.h!s tho 1~ U'~ the ~ce rer..a.in tllG Game au Wcro 0't"$5.00. A %!Wtion 'eG 't.~ duly l'Sde by Couna1.J..ma.n ~ that ~ em~t) a ohe.:r"ge of {*,.oo .tcr the Pif'Gaoot ~ m1d oo:ud.Ml' t..'-io ordhum~ ~bafor& complet1cn or liSter systc.l and ~t up a rAk to be col~ed m.ord~hly with 'WSWrbills. Seconded to' Ccunc:i1.- mmn BhttGtfer. Counoi.lman HWJ.l7 objeotfJd to this $tat.U1.g th1W0 .were. ~"Gt_i lOO in kdG dist:..'"i.et t1mt cUd not ~ tor ec.UG~ or gar~ 6n11 tJf~l Q1.ld (r4t~ that tl1000 living 11'.\ trail.. ~otWts d:1t1 not ~ .for this ~/1ea. Arter another disouGs1cn C',oune11.man Sh~er \\r'1tbd.tW b1s seeond it ~.1.l.rnml at"Oga wouJ..d \111tb.d.raw hie _ion. 'The n:ot1m ~ t,~ w1t,hd~1Jl and the Counc:U calt~ ~ ~voo and .~ up \dth wbmt. thoy .thOf.1lht was a scU.ut1cn to sat.isty cvel7'GflO tv cut\1nre the {!~cial and t.r~ cOttM.$ and motels in half'lt It ~ suggested ~1.t..'*1e 1'~ f"o.totJ bG Cl~U'll~d= ~sident:i$l dwoJ.l~, $;.00 until Wetor ~ 1G in q*~t.lcn C~e.iale~t.s. ~ptift..g root-e1s &'1/1 t~l" pm+..s ~5.oo untll _ten. &JSUm ia in ~Q.t.ian . Not.els,S7.50 unt.il Water- 8~_ is in o~.t'ation 1.~ ~, 1 to 6trailwe itl-oltWive~7.50 untU _tel' eyst.em. is in oporatlon ..' TraUm- ~, '7 to 15 t~s jJl,~lua1vGi!i:J.Q.OO untll HGt~. ~yat0m :La in ope!'atLm' 'l't-ailGr ~,16 or more trailer..'"5t $15.00 Until 'Water Syst.et'a S.a in op11.mtien t\t.tort~ Ch.iuhol:n''WaS instruetultt:! ."41'1 up a 1NwlSGd Ord1nanoo and havo ~ ~ .f01. the n~ Oounall !OOStWeo ORDmtJqriO. 191~. '.. " m ORm. ..NAti.'U!. i~. 104 or Tim CM..OF F..IXlm'lA'UE!.~ votUSIA cet.rmT. .... '.. .' J?U)!ttDA., 'mE SAAESElDI} AN' GWnWJCE Si.~ ~I ca.1aasA~Gl FC<t~ TilE l~t AC'mD AS ~WNIC1PAL JUOOE. 'roo above Ord:inal\ce ~ ~ 1."1 !\tU b3 At.~AY Cbiaholm... A dicQutisien t~ ed. an1 el1&lid in G beated de_t.o" Attar ubat,1,ng f~ ~ time. an \':111011 each ait.io got 1n:to beated Q!"~tJ Q, motien waI!J <iu~ m;de by COlmo~ 11'la'l1 ahooff'Ol'" this Qt"d:h'iOnoc .tw adopt.fd, seccolet, btJ' ~m~ 1~ en! roll t."&ll V()t0 tdten as roll~:- CNlC' )manBroga C~ilman.~ CQl.tnQ1h.1:m i~ ~F4~ . tt_f>>" ~'fMlek Yea. Yea. tGl\ Nay Pua i.'heNt 'Wt\$ no mot.i<>n to 1'Rldve sec~..d ~ en ~.., Ol"d.il'll.mee GJ.nCt ~ Sedt~ ~~ bi$ at.t.at"1W1 Fred R. 1:~, Jr, prGd.oed a CO'.n-t t1sbt. t.f tb1s ~'G be~ a 1eM. ~'0 wr!JN ~ vlR"y 1-. disO:i1~ betwnen the J~r and Courl,dJ.,... r.>>n Sb.tuJffel" and vcri(il".J.$ cit:1s0n~ sA@ ~m~9. COW:1'CilmtL'1F'&...~1l ask about tho bottle ooclr. on f!:v!l'.Wgl~ Strefrt. at the ~!1vm' end and o.sk just how'tr.1dG U4G atl1Mt is ~ to 009 l~" S.oop'lck ~ed in the ~~ plat tJt1s ~., laid out 50 rt..l,rt'ld$ $'r~ C(mne:.L~ i3rop stated thi.a p'lat ~ no geed as it lwl nwo:' ~ reoorded. l,w;fi !&$$f!if~__ ~t~ of th~ ~ , p~ .brd, eon~. !.fQtiMm. l.lY Co.ma11t_i S~tiW." .seoe:m!od bJr. CotmaUman. H~ t:.bo Oounlldl aooept the ~o~t.ionB or the ~ 8l1d SeeM.a'1 7 -(g) Ord1mnee If8 00 ~hm"~ to: nl~"mlml1" tiw Car ~s &lW!' be ~ to dGal .in used. ClIWS }rtW~ web bu3i."'lfJaS 00 te!" the d"..spesitJ.on or trade-ins. Prov:1d:lng tMt:no jtmk ea..~'o~,~ di~tJ.Otl OOX'Q ~ al101..-ed to rerrain at the ~aQ8 belCll1d a 15 ~ lim1t"ll, :Roll ea.11 voto $S follo.i~: GCltUloHvan ~ Couno~lman SMefter Cotme:J..lmm Ii_.,- C~ Farrell !~ Sedgt;iek Yea 'lee. 1'00 Yelll loe There ~ no flwther bu$~s 1!4JUOr ~lViek recessed th~ ~tiDs. unt.il .2 P.U. Tbur~ wllm bids m ero~rore on hiz!~ ere to t.~ o~.