Passing of Ralph Adams - 08-22-1940 J . I I . '44100) 4 R E S O L U T I O N WHEREAS, in the death of Ralph Adams, our co r:ma ity has lost one of its outstanding citizens; AND WYEREAS, 'r. Adams had rendered outstanding service to out community in the office of Town Councilman and —ayor of Edgewater, and had always shown a deep affection for our community and its citizens, and had not only endeared himself to everyone by his civic activities, but also by his many lovable and friendly characteristics; AND WEE AS, his passing is mourned by all of the peo .le of our town: Lei THEkEFORE, be it resolved by the 'own Council of the Town of Edgewater, Florida, that we hereby express our profound grief on this occasion and that we extend to the family of Adams, our deep and abiding sympathy and that a copy of this resolution be spread 'di on the minutes of this meeting, a copy be furnished to the press, and a copy forwarded to the family of _r. Adams. DONE A ' REOLv2n, at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of fdgewater, Florida, this 22nd,day of August, 1940. La:-or Councilman. Town ,lerk.