Declaring Results - Annual Election - 11-07-1939 5 , 4401 ic R ESOL TTION A RES 'LUTION DECLAaING THE .ESuLTS OF TiLE A=UAL ELECT.LON HELD IN THE TOWN OF EDGE- ::ATER, FLORIDA, ON THE 7th DAY OF NOV- EMBER, ALD. 1939; AND P_OVIDING FOtt THE I-J3TJA.;CE OF ,;.::712IFICATE3 Ole ELECTIOI: 20 :1E3rECTIVE oTiasa3 ELECT3D AT JAID , ECTION. 'FEEL; 2own Co' ncil of thel'own of ,-tagewater, Florida, 1.et lar session in the Town of Edgewater, Florida, on the 7th dc..; of November, a. D. 1739, and canvassed the Town retu_rns of the Annual/Election held in s,.id Town on ,;: e 7th day of 1%ovember, A. D. 139, now therefore BE IT RE LVED BY THE TOWN C' UNCIL OF 2',.2,E TOWN OF EDGEER, FLORIDA: Section I. That from the canvass of the ret _rns, it is hereby ecLrsf. that the result or the said ,..nnuaI Election 1.- eid in he 2owil of Ed,7ewa,-„er, Florida, luesday, 7th 19:39, is as follows : For Town Co ncilm6da to serve for three years the total number of votes cas:" was 207 . ____AJaaaaltaar ceived _ ifsi votes. Leon H. Ma Ilvene receive6 56 votes. For own Clerk to serve for one „-.J r he total nAtiber of votes cat was 175 Walter C. Fuller received votes. Paul D.Leddin received zell votes. Kay Loftin received 1 Vote . .)ection L. That the Town Council oi —id Town does hereby declare that d. T. Goo_typ received the highest ni. iber of votes cast or ate o Rice of Town Concilman and ' cid * cl he is r.e.,eby declared to b:.; the regularly elected Councilman of said Town to serve for a term of t: ree years from his election and qualification, or until his successor shall be iy elected and qualified. That CoJncil of sc,id _ own oopes and hereby declares that Walter C. Fuller received the hi'zhest number of votes for the office of Town Cler.ic of said Town and e is here- by declared to be the re .11arly elected Town Clerk of the Town of Ecl; ,w ter, to erve for the term of one .,ezAr Irom his election and qualification, or until his successor is duly •.1,1ected and qualified. Section S. 2hat the Town Clerk of said Town of .a;dgewater, oe - and le is hereby directed, within one day from the date hereof, to furnish one certificaue of election to each rson Section 4. '7hat the Town Clerh of said Town of Edo'ewater, Florida, be and he is he.'eby directed to sl)redd this ;rlesolution u on ',;he : dilutes of this Leeting. .e.,,ssed by the unanimous vice of the Town of ide.water, Volusia County, Florida, on the 7th day of iovember, ... D. 1939, the vote of he said co _ncil being as follows: —Payo. - _:o _ilollman .of /4" 1406.1 Arms CuuriAPPall ■AdigiLigrAP Cu un C i ' : irt4 • alter7711711er roved iiv me ti_is 7th da: of -ovember, 1-30. or-ao IIO1JJun