Declaring Council Duly & Legally Constituted & Organized - 11-07-1939 I ‘600/ 4 Nilo/ ,4111101001 2 '60LUTION J2;C.T...n _ s (J.2 21'E TO,11: 02 , Y4ALLY , P:a0D1..;10—.) THELIETO. ZEA3 in accordance with the laws of the dtate of FloriCla one councilman was duly and legally elected as provided by law to be Town Co mcill_an os the Town of Edgewater, Florida, at the Annual Election held in said 2own of Edgewater on the 7th day of -ovember, 1939, and ,EsA6 Cu e s id elected L:ouncilmdn as duly tdken and subscribed Lie oath of o__fice and Las filed such oud. in the o. fice of the Town Cleriz of said Town /-1d has done and performed all other reuisites to the holdin . of Lis said office, and the said -:?rwn -Jouncil and each of the members thereof have performed all of their duties necessary to the legal creation of said ?own Council, :OW TnEREFORE 172 IJ,EJCLVED 3Y ":TE T CC-KC:'1, OF TILE TO OF .2.0CIAAT_,;A, Jeetion 1. ,:hat the Town Council cy_t: the said Town Of Ed. awater, consis ,.,s of the fbl_owin three members: C. D. Bartlett, F. a, . .envick and w T. 444dfGar and the aid Jo ncil is heeby aciared to be faaly and re7uldrly constituted and oratized as such, to faJLction and ,rform its duties umder Lna c: virtue of 'the rovIsions of the laws of the State of Florida. nd the Charter and Ordinances of the said Town of Edgewater, Florida, per- t ining the. eto, for and durinf their respective terms of office, and the said Town Council be and it i, 'i- reby IP - , #4`J declared to ';on;list of the said C. D. 3rtiett F. R. Renwick and W. T. Gontiphar Upon motion by :W.T.Goaayear seconded by C.D.Bartlett the above and Zore6oin Resolution was passed with the unanii,,ous vote of the Town Council of the Town of .-I4Lgewater, in rezi_lr session on he 7th day of Lovcmber, 1939, the vote of the Council being as follows: 4.1WA. ' ...04 „0,;.nc • Ian 41, ' 1 To Clerk Apprived by 1.,e tis It _ 9. /PPAAAAJUlL ,0