Appointing Clerk & 3 Inspectors - Annual Election - 11-07-1939 - 10-17-1939 U
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C L .T6 I L,
21:111M II-Si-ECTOli3 OF ELb;CTICN FOit ThE
Ac,v:s 01 „1,;DGE',;A?ER, TLLSIA CCUNTY,
F.su_nDA, uN TIL6D—Y 2hE El:TH DAY uF
A. D. 1939.
WEL:416 the Town Council of the Town of Ec4ewater, Volusia
County, laorida, did on is day order an Annual .zaectfon
to be l_eld in she Town of ewter, Volusia Conty,
on the 7th of ovemoor, D. 1:=3(0, for the purpose of
electing one cluncilman to serve for a term of three yrs
rid one Town 2lerk so srve for a t. ri , of one y‘; and
it is the duty of the said -22own Ccncil to appoint
four persons from the Livalified electors of the said Town,
three of whom shallEct as ins], c-cors and one of whoN shall
E,e-o as clerk at said election; therefore ,
31!: IT 2Ei.;( LVED EY =Au TC-;:- CU LOIL 2C :
Section 1. 'That O V K. and
Lou isn 1,---kuctimil and
c LI duly electors o s ifwn of ewater,
V,A_asia C urty, Florida) Pe nP tPey are hereby eevera±iy appointed
o act as Inspectors of the above mentioned annual election to be
held in said Town on the 7th day of - o' enber,
ection 2. That Evc '0 . Fa ED) , a duly
urlified elector of _he Town of t.dgewater, VolusL County,
Ficida, Oir
Je and he ia he_-eby aL:ointed to act as Clerk of
the above entioned Anual LUectIon to iC held in the Tom
of .. d_;ewL.ter, on the 7th day of i,:ovember, ,. D. 1939.
section 3. That the above a, pointed Inspectors and Clerk
shall conL...uct the said Anilua: Election of Town in con-
ority aitli tie laws of the ztate of Florida, gow,rhing
General Elections in said Aate , and with the LrdinanCee of
the To of Ldgewatei.,
It w s properly moved by Counciln •
C - 1-36WTLeTT .
nd, seconded by Councilman EJ c? C (W/ tC-1:(
that the above and foregoing he solution e aacpaed by ,;he Town
Council of the Town of Edgewater, 1:1.orid , and be sjad upon
and made a part of the minutes of this neetin Psid the 17th
day of October, A. D. 1933 . lte Lotion carried with the vote
of the council as follows:
Town Clerk