Appointing Clerk & 3 Inspectors - Special Election - 05-16-1939 - 05-02-1939 11111111,01 Ned R E a G L UT I O N A RESOLUTION APPOINTING A CLERK AND THREE INSPECTORS Or' ELECTION FOrc ThE SPECIAL TOWN ELECTION" Tv BE HELD IN THE TOWN OF EDGE DATER, V;:LUT1A COUNTY, F i.,0`{IDA, ON TUESDAY THE SIXTEENTH DAY OF MAY, A. D. 1939. WHEREAS the Town Council of the Town of, Edg ewater, Volusia County, Florida, did on the 18th day of April, A. D. 1939, order a Special Election to be held in the Town of Edgewater, Volusia County, Ploridal on the 16th day of array, A. D. 1939, for the purpose of electing one Councilman to fill the un- expired t_ r n of ' orate Ning or until his successor is duly elected and qualified; and H=EAS it is the duty of the said Town Council to appoint four persons from the Ualified electors of the said Town, three of whom shall act as inspectors and one of whom shall act as Clerk at said election; and WHEREAS the Town Council heretofore on the 25th -:ay of April, A. D. 1939, named Tuceba D. Reed to act as Clerk of the said election and Olive hr. l'arker, -'rant Gon;eau and Louisa E. Haughton to act as Inspectors thereof, and it now wearing to the Council that certain of said parties will be unable to act in the capacity aaove set forth; therefore BE IT EE_LVED BY THE Tel CJJ CIL OF T'hE TOWN U_ r„D{iEr7A :ER, V"L73IA COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1. That that certain Resolution appointing a Clerk and Inspectors of the aforesaid election, as passed by the Town Council on the 25th day of April, A. D. 1939, be and the same is hereby rescinded and set aside . ection 2. That 6‘ n /" /� Gan) fL & r__ and I 2- . 4 1 1 'j /,10 is 2r>_ 1-/a14,/,c7) and /e hies GL '/��Qr ? c27� , each of whom are duly qualified electors of the /Town of de- water, Volusia County, Florida, be and they are hereby severally appointed to act as Inspectors of the above mentioned Special Election to be held in said Town on the 16th day of key, A. D. 1939. Section 3. That 6" /ire,e K- Pd Y/ie -)^" , a duly qualified elector of the Town of Edgewater, Volusia County, Florida, be andshe is hereby appointed to act as Clerk of the above mentioned Special leetion to be held in the Town of Edgewater on the 16th day of 7aLr, A. D. 1939. Section 4. That the above appointed Inspectors and Clerk skull conduct the said Special Election of said Town in con- formity with the laws of the State of Florida, governing General Elections ins aid State , and with the kdrdinances of the Town of Edgewater, Florida. It was properly moved by Councilman, LP ,de -741/4'75/- , seconded by Councilman, / d ,/14x /52,2d ?r, S , that the above and fore oing 7,esolution be ac,opted by the Town Council of the Town of Edgewater, Florida, and be spread upon and made a part of the minutes of , this meting held the 2nd day of Eay, . A. D. 1939. The kotion carried with the vote of the Council as follows : ,rAi / )- ' ayo -Count pan 'AO n / , ,• Councilman .', ST: , 4 (A)-1111.4111-1"". Town Clerk.