02-13-1958 - Recessed/Regular -,., - ..,. . l .<~ (~ Continued meeting of February Jrd held February 13th, 1959 called to order by Hayor George 0., Sedg\'lick at 10:00 A.n. 1'..011 CAL!~ Hayor GeOrgi'l O. Sedgwick Council1nan H. \:. Broga Councilman C. C. Shaeffer Counci1ma.n R. J. Henry Councilman B. Farrell City .clerk Frank F. Dippery City Att'y John E. Chisholm Present Present Present Present Present Present Present The purpose of this continued meeting was to discuss an amendment to Garbage Ordinance 11119 and any other business that nay come before the Council. A discussion followed on this Ordinance and Councilman Shaeffer stated a fee of ;"5.00 per year was 11 ridiculous low rate for the service rendered. l~or Sedgwick stated it did not cover the cost of this collection and it v,Tould have to be raised to stay in tho black. A rate ot ~lO.OO per year for each Residence. $10.00 for Trailer Court Owners Residence was set with an additional 25; per month per occupied trailer space. Count of such spaces to be made between the 15th and 20th of each month previous to billing on the 1st of the month. Also all containers limited in size to not more than 20 gallon, covered standard garbage can. TRASH: To exclude limbs, trunks and atwnps of trees and all leaves to be put in containers and all rubbish or trash must be placed in containers of not more than 20 gallon capacity. Discussion on reViSing Ordinance #119 and motion duly made by Councilman Shaeffer tha.t OrdinancG #1l9 be repealed, seconded by Gouncilmn Henry and by vote CARRIED.. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Broga Councilman Shaeffer Councilman Henry Counci1.man Farrell }.!a.yor 3edgt.;ick Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Hotion by Councilman Henry, the City Attorney draVl up an Ordinance to cover the above regulations, seconded by Councilman Farrell and by vote CARRIED. , 3alary of Chief Norman was then discussed. Councilr..&1 Broga stated he was on call 24 hours a day and always answered all night calls regardless of time and was always courteou3 to everyone and he certainly was' under paid. Councilman H~ stated he would be hard to replace and was entitled to additional pay. l-1otion was then made by Councilman Broga that Chief t-Iorman's salary be increased to ~400.00 per rr~nth, retroactive as of February 1st, seconded by Councilman Henry and by vote CARRIED. .doll call vote being as t'olloHs:- Councilman Broga Councilman Shaeffer Councilman Henry Councilman Farrell Mayor Sedgwick Yea Yea Yea Yea. Yea There being no further business Councilman Farrell moved we do now adjourn, seconded by Councilman Henry and by vote CARRIE:D. Time 11135 A.M. /t -j-; , ~ON / /\1 4 E b - C/ j-a/31" .3 ~ ... ATTEST: ~ l<1a;yor Council1:Jan Councilman Councilman Councilman ~ ~. .... "-" City Clerk 161 its 5;e.727..g, 6 dee+ =172 •