Declaring Results - Annual Election - 11-08-1938 libtoom 4_ jot
T "r.
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l'own CcLtncil of ti_e Town of
rt in ,:irs c;;A_on_ in the Town
ti os oven,l-er, .,. D. 1938 and ca.;-1.v;„.-sed he
aection ie1d in si 'o,.n on
a - --ov 1981 now ti : :- foi-e
„ect:! onl. 7bit e 2et it is
!'creb:, ec1jed tnat, r3s-I.:tat al -lection
I,eld in n 'own o.",2 sc'LL,y a r
8th 1938, is as follow :
or Town To nci1rnn to serve fox' reirew2s the tot .1 eact was _jc..`
TE_A• S h e d _70)7,'").,;•
0--' :2:- • , - of
vote,, I
-Dor a Swann 4 •
21-r) r e_ ' t
'.1..rribe.r of votes cast for the o_ fice of Tr,
Alk .1° - p, •
he is hereby declared to be the regularly elected Co_ ncilman
of s:_id Th-dn to ::erve for a term of three years from his
election : Lizcat1on, or until his successor be
duly elected and
-mat tre ion council of aid Town ':ceS and hereby ,eciares
that A..41±ers r,Aeived the hi hest lumber of
votes for the office of Town clerk c)J s id Town an he is here-
r)y deciLrea to se the 1,-;jc,I.,,rly , lected Town clerk of the Town
of ;1,c. ( ar, to serve for the term of one year _ rom his
election and or until his sucesLor is duly
ection 3. 1:1--,t the Town Clerk or said Town or . d.Lewater,
bJ.orida, ne and he is hereby directed, ithin one day from the
ffiate hereof, to furnish one certificte of election to each
person elected.
erection 4. -hat the '1:own :; lerk of said Town of J;d,.;ewater,
ne and he is ncrfeoy ,-,1-2,3d to spread this : esollation
upon the k,.inutes of this pieeting.
ra'Ssed by the unanimous vote of the Town of 1d7ewater, Voiasia
ointy, 1, .Loriaa, on the 6th day of i.ovember, 4.938, the
7ote or the said Coanuil !Dein: as follows;
0,44. A
4010010./ 411/.0*.
- I
- - - -
-our. J,,Ln
...j,proved ny me tis tit hay of , uvember, .I.U38.