Appointing Clerk & 3 Inspectors - Annual Election - 10-18-1938 qi■ . ajo,y * s4.1111Wille NINUme ftiOd NINO) - —-— 07 -= - - C: the Town Council of the Town of If]dLevater, county) tyloridal did on this day order an :,nnual i,lection to be held in the Town of i;d-owater, fclasia Co nty, -;z1orida, on the 8th day of . ovember, 1U387 for the purpose of electing one councilman to serve for a term of three years and one Town Clerk to serve for a term of one year; and it is the duty of the said 'f'own Council to appoint four persons from the qualified electors of the said :own) ,..re of whoin shall act as ins_ ectors and one of whom shall act as clrk at said election; th.erefore , .27 tion 6ati E. tinoGiiTori WIPPw-Ymilt± each of whom a_te duly L„ualified electors ci L-,Le f.can o . "rrD' ia be and they are hereby severally to act aJ Inspectors of the aeo1e r..7enoned annual election to be in oi 8h o _ ovamb.ir„ .,.. D. 1938. cion 2. :hat EELlea„5111) WkEF2,__ 7 a duly qualified elector of the :own c- 2uer 701.:sia sc ktfittioe lormpe • .110. 'Nerd *Ned -,. 2 t c 7 li)ajz? POni INA _ H . L . KRUG tLut _ 6lut.on be h the 2o.;n of 4.4r mada of of Ccto,..:a.2, D. 19S. Lt6 2C1. CWS1 et, /AV IMP //c/CC.4Lidel/ • C moil/Tian 23) . RT "IIZSE nc imari,