Directing Checks & Warrants - Delinquent Tax Fund Account - Signed by Clerk - Official Depository - 01-18-1938 * r . R E S O L U T I O N A RESCLUTICi. DIRECTING T_ AT ALL CKECii i OR WARRANTS DRA JN ON TFii D;L IN 4tTENi TAX FUND ACCOUNT SHALL BE SIGNED BY Ti OF TEA TOW OF EDG. .4228, FLO.11IDA, AUTHORIZING TEA OFFICIAL D.E OSI'TC , CY SAID TOWN TT C HONOR ALL CHECKS OR -.. . ALTS SO DRAWN. BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE TOWN CO ;CIL OF TLE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. That from and after the adop- tion of this Resolution all checks or warrants on the De- linquent Tax Fund Account shall be signed by the Town Clerk of the Town of f dgewater, Florida, alone , and that the. Bank of New Smyrna, as official depository of said Town of aidgewater, r'lorida, be and it is hereby authorized to honor all checks or warrants so drawn on said fund, it having been the custom in prior years for such checks or warrants to be so executed, and the purpose of this 4esolution being to facilitate the prompt payment to holders of delinquent tax certificates of moneys in said fund upon the redemption of said certificates by the owners of the lands against which such certificates may be outstanding. SECTION 2. That a copy of this Resolution be furnished to the Bank of New Smyrna, and a copy thereof be spread upon the minutes of this meeting, and that three copies thereof be posted at three public _laces in said Town of dgewater, Florida, one of which shall be at the V. 1. A. :-all in said Town. Passed by the unanimous vote of the Town Council of the iTown of 14dge:rrater, Florida, at a revular meeting of said Town Council, held at ydgewater, F7 .rida, on the 18th day of January, A. D. 1938, the vote of t _e • • 4-1/4e, 4 40Pe Nier, said Council being as follows: ootocOor- qayor—Ct oilman. att4F 4 /IP /0'W Councilman. ( AT2 .42 : Councilman. Town Clerk. Aproved by me this 18th day of January, .4. D. 1938. LI Jar. It Walter C. Fuller, Town Clerk o Town tat of "igewater, Florida, hereby certify that on the I -I -- day of January, A. D. 1938, I posted three copies of the above and foregoing Pe solution at three public places in said Town of ,,,agewater, Florida, one of which was at. the V. I. At. or Town Hall in said Town. Dated t: is q day of January, 1938. (ItraA74. Town Clerk. •