12-02-1957 - Regular .... ... \ '-' ,., ~1 !-~ OF 21E CIn "war.. OF THE CIT'l 011 Fm'1;'liA'l'7'...1, nO"W)A, fmtD ~nJ'::~ ~, 1957. Tho [~~J.1ar Meetme of tnc.; City Council d the Clt,.. or :~~er-J holtt ~ 2M, 19';7 \lIU called to orcSO'L- tv ,~~ Oeo:r,ae O.1~dek at. 1..30 i '.u. P~Jr '';WA t.~ Gecrge~. ~~";\'ftck \~oun.c11J:an li. hSt\ Ccu:lc1lmm c. t.lbae!ro~ ,.--..."..-" tt-.-.. ~W~l ,~. .......,.,1 Counc1.l.mm D. Fazorell ('04 'tv ,.., -..... 'tlI......-.. '."". 'ft.I '0'<1'''''',,- .J,J. rI _~""'r~ a I:WJA IJ. :.I:A.;;', liJ'i..-,: City Att'7 Jdm :: f \~1:ihoJJa PoUr.:. Cb10t F. II. lZtan!eD 1"1.... ~ Fred Garlick rreeent Pi.....sent fin8crt :Taon\ i>rtt>Wnt, fflHnt Preaent Presont ~nt. fll. ro:1.rI1tos or the ~~ l.faeting held Nov~. 10th and a .:ipec1a1 Keot1ne biW1 r~ roth. were ~ t.o eactl Counciblen rOt' approv&1.. )!ot1Ullq Cow.c~ 1~ Bro&t ~bttae mf.mttq etaM apj'\"C1'oo as (N'tmdt:t<<t, &eccD1Gd b:r ~.tlnrm Farrell and 1q voto CArLra7;:D. lWk) 1: A~ C1f.7 or 1., nqrrna ~11 1 '~)3.26 Gouthem nau Tel. /, Tel. ~.ss st.ubbs R8tr1geraUalt~"'Vle" 13..36 :'Jalv'. 0uJ.f nerv-J.eo 'l..Z? Ford's Gul! :"'<<"vl,}~ 1.1' ~ loUllcr 1.13 JV$.:J ~Jat.'vl:.. J .. 00 IJ.o,d Cox Co. J,.OO Vol.usiA Tracto" li. ~l~.t ,;(;, a.~.oo Iilews-Jorl'mal '.:o1"'l'" ).1.S hustC"ft \lUcn '1'.l.cc;r>a~ t:o. Ilt.3> tJ.ect,r1c ,Jervlce 31.30 Double4IQ- t1 Co. 1.1..3 iJQableda,y 00:11 ar DoGk ~;luiJ 7.00 t~t.im <lu4' I1'Ilde trJ CN1ci.1Jlan nha8tt_. tho3e billo bG J*I.d ancl be ISle Do l~'''' ct' the nd.m1tea, 8eotD.t8d by CounoilDat llrosa mxl tv y~O C'.uJt'm. S.~j~CAT-{W!! . lottcl-- \eo Ned b.7 the Clerk t"'"'Cfa tho 3tata j";:oad DeI~t of Plar1d& .<Jt4t..i.ng t.hq llQN tJOr17 to be or no ua1iJt.anee to tho City in l"8fA1"d to a loma to 1lo" \4lte,y. m1Jm alQQg U. ;i. 1l1gl1\<_. rl. Thor ~<<l the 01t,. ~ to sene local bank tor a 10m until tundn &1"G tad. atailable lv tho ~-r.::.=t.al ~. A let.ter \\8a a.!.8b N8d trGlt the ~~ Chant.o.:." of CcmDeree 1"DC'.DJt.Uns G. CQ1J\ined Zadng 1.& P'l.aDn.1ng &.rd. Stlgeeatima a'.i so !1IIdo to:- apr~a !n ~ or the tour 1ICD<<i. " let.~, WID also 1"fIlId tn:a ros1c1cce co :lal!>>tto Utl"'8et 8l't1 ?emald ~)tt'OGt. Q1~~ t..Qat cvt.a1n 1. b<l cleaned. 1"h.1a lM~t<<- to be aDSi-.'Wed by postel. ~-ds et.atina Courlc1l.18l Uen.-.r had reee.1ve1 the lot.ter m:I lGtld c:Lve tb1a biB at.tenUClO. The otheJ.- lettero t.urned OW'J,..... tc ~ ~ bo taken u;"I tater 1n tho D)Gt,1r3g. ~ ...., ... 0RUmA.fl~ OrmuA.NCl:: 1~185 ~ 5EL."'l'Ia~ 4 or m~ 1m. 97 OJ:" nm CIft 01 f~ l~AZ':..l~t VOW314 Coom'r i'I"('~ st t:;J-lA!IlDn ~ IF..3IGNATIOti OP TIn: ~A1at 1lr :.ur.r&E Wt Tm~ J~:'~trl~ttcil O? J1f~Or.U11' <11 WID:.. TO cJ~riAB. 1118 above ~ was reo4 J.n Mllq At.t..or.ftII:f ~ ID1 motia1 du1:r .... t&" Coune1)mn Shaet'ter t."d.s ~"8 be adopted, ~ tv CouneUcon 1lrcga and 1*-- by t.he voto or t.he City Counc.il or tho City of F4gowat.cJ::- # Flor-i4a,. at 6 ~ DMt1Jv:; held ~ Uti~ ~m c1q or ~. A. O. 1957. riOll ~l vote bo1na aa follows.- ~ &-osa Yea (~i1J:8D ~),.~~i'.r,"" Yea ~ouncil1:lan nom.:" "&wi CO'~'i.~ ~ Pas, ~ .A4gtdek y_ UpeD motiG'l dW.7 mild" 'b1 CoJnciJ.:81 Broca. ~ed l;q COl:nt:il JlW\ Zhaettor and. *T1od., tbe ~1. of ~iug oa:1d <:i.rd:J.Nnee upa\ IMCCI'.Id road1na wu \:4Uvecl aDd ~ ~ \4\a ord-.1 ~t. \1pQn tir$1 lC".......... ;)~ by the voto of tho Clt7 :ouac.1.l at' t.ho Cit1 or ~tAr, Florida, at.~ ~ ~ or .u1 Council mud to tho ;ns dIv' or DocU-M. A. O. 1.''h1, ani. approv-.1 u :rovJJ1<<t 111 !..tpl, t.w ",ote or aakl C~ Cll roll call ~ GO tollQklO:- Com';dltan a-osa Yu ~ JllMttet' Yea Colmci.'lr.Im l~ ;'as.o COUDC~ ?arNll r., J~' ;~"Wick rea O:mna.n:c i.l.~ DESIGlanlV AND AI'TOImm It .;t'TCOC':'l' t'.Anrrr':;lA~":1 !'!Aft ,at Ti~ CITY 01" r~~4TI;:a, VOW5IA COL'!."i'J. r..om:DA. AND :lJ.lTrIm ro~ A c(J'ti;JnATIO?: 1\:.;" "\U(.;H OFFICi.. The a!xNe Ord1rJance \'1&8 road in tull b)' At tome;r ChioholJ;s and moticm ~ cade br Co\mcHaan '1haatter th18 O1"d1.n8nce be adopted, seoonded by Counci1JlM."1 Farroll ~ pusecl b;y the vo+..e or Ule ::1t:r Council or the Cit,. of :;dpwakr, '?"l.ot'ida, at a regular meetq held (11 t.be ~ cla;ra1' December, A. D. 1957. "1.0:':' call vote be1nr 43 tollow3s- CCAmoilJlan Broc,a tea Councilman :.haette.:- Y_ Councilman lleru7 tea Counoi l.matl FarreL. Yea }f.qor ~~k Yea UrJ(l'\ uotion clul7 we by COl.U'1ci }~ BrcgAf 8eccn'!ecl by Councilman ,..-roll and oarr1ec1 the ~ or ~.U1s &&14 ordinance urJOn 3Goca1 readinG lJSfI wvGd and the o..1"Ctinance wu crderoed 4~t UJ'lClD tJ.nal laeGaC.. i'ueed by the vote at tb$ City Coune!.:. of the Clt7 or ":dg~lIltGJ9, Flcrida. at a regular tl8Ot1ng of sa14 Council held DO the 2nd dq ot Docomber, A. D. 1957 ard appro'fecl .s protI1decl by Law, ~\8 vot.e of aa1d CounoU on roll call belDc .. tollowsc- Cotll1Oilman l1roga Yea Councilman Shaeffer Yea Counoilman HetU7 Yea \:ounc11.=an I'anell Yea M.Qoor i'1edsw1ck Yea .J , - -, -~ v '-' Qr:D ~~:'13 AppoUxtlMnt of a Zoning Doard \;U disev.t'wod and the maJor1 t7 or too Counel:' did not IJ'FOYQ of eccrb1n:1ng a Za1ing noa..'"'d and ~ l3oa:~ !11J 6ugcested lI,y l.:lt) c. or~. It leI;; ~O!Jtod. that. cae!. :~o"moilDwm select 6Cf38Clne frQlll hiet ZQ'l& to serv. CI1 tho Zc:lcinc !Urd and a St:~ ~~ be appo1ntod b:I the tqor, J1t.lt1c.c . tive m61t2ber boL"'C!. It wut,hen ~tId that when tho ~-d. aro &.PrQintod the re-can.1rt.g or the area 848\ of the railroad a distanco or 300 (t. be P"J.t before t.he board, and puhUc hearint13 be held. This cu:-ea to c~ nOl'1J'1 tt~ fat" as Cccan Avenue- to Itl.lml 1rzl:rJ::lt.:'7 tl> ~.0l00 ~nto t..'w t;lt:' a.l.c:c1a the raill'osU. x !!otim ,1U) daq !fQde b:T COWlcilien Drop t..'W ~~1ty or ~tef" l~ a :ml:.t i ement ',.11th !h'-s. Ann $ockrida." an:! CN."'l.~' to drop suit CitY' taG agabutt lu.;;. CllJ 1*.Y Hras. ~kr1do..- the:?50.00 tor ~oo to her P"Oper~ ard in returr. a~ h1.'JUld drop her IJU1t aea:i.nvt tho ";1t.:; nnd ~t Claim t.o the "~1t,' IJrOl>crl,J" nor;esnar:y tor WI 18 Ft.. hard tor' 8tI ~t. 30ccaled by :O\Q1oi"nart ~lhaet!er aDd ,;'ol..l call vot,o taktm as tollows 1- Caunci1ll:an B:-op loa :cunc.Uan Shaetter Yea '.~cllla.'1 J!ea:r;y Yea Cound.lram F&rr'!tl:: ltq !~. ~ck Hq ",ounc.llman Ill--q;a ask about the Ch1lcIron t a ~ ?e....-t:r and ho~" m<..il had boeft dunat.e;ld last. ~ tor this~. Tho ;lm~k in1"0l~ h1m :lCX).OO had been dcnat.od .ard th.... '4W)S9.J.9 1n tho safe ..... l;t-e3f1t1t tett rrua la~ years ;-a.4;;.y. :)otiCll was then du.\y .e by 0ound.lran DrOSl Ute ';1t;,. donate ,100.00 r~:. t.,,,~..11.H4r<<1t. Chr1st.zIU Part".. e~e4 1,7 :OuncilmBxl ""CD,"')? aOO passed \;(, ~ >fote. i~' Jedgwick then uk tor a repwt i'l~:;1la camd.t tee \-mo ~cro 6PPOtnted to rwet ';.iith l1r. Slattery em atzoeet li;.."ht. mtea. Nt.t..C"":I;~~ "JhiOhol."1 .fmItWO~ 1'0'1" the cClll1d.tt.ee 8I1d stated. {fl-. SlIltte-l:'":( t-.ad a. IGtte!- !'ran thoir ~"'.;I t"OCOl'.'.uH.na t.bat t2.25 be er.arged tor street 1 :!.,f:,hts as j t ;a.., b~t 0..41- tn~tl.i cost ".2.JJ per light. 'i-bm t.hes tigure.J were b.rokan down. He statM! toile ";ity would allow Mdit.icnl~ t1mo -w.t.'lin rea8ClIl. am it \:P !'G\~amJandoi t.!lL'\t Ute aty ask tor an additiarstll 30 ~j i.O etU,dy tWz J..saue. ,,~.... l:.t'f"It\'f~~~ ,~';.u. 11;-_ ,....\ ~-~;...~.. :''..:jT.,;'' -~"idct.. read a tol0~U1 re~ivOO ~t. J:30 :'~. traa {"CI"..ai01*S Rolland cni ~;1'ilS.tJ:&er3 and Consres~ Ufn~' CliI\IZ Rdviuing that. the 1ac111t1a Loan tor {4. :at-or Dlstr1butiat Gyat.em had 'boen &l)flrQvod and ott1o.1al I_ice ~ ba ~"'c@i\Fe4 by t.he City tomorrow. ...OlJUG.i.1.IaIm 5ha.etf'er trt.e.ted to ~1OUld be ebse:nt Ira1 th~ '~1t., tnJs~ ~cetJbor- " :~"j ~" .. t..,............,\.., JA....'..~,. -~ 1IIA'li.l'...~ w.i__~.. ~'" aAl. Larew ~ek ask {:ounc'l~ !'~-14er.rer abo'...t 4 -:(~' ....u1vel:"t. m Il"laglm- Avu. Cound.l1l8l1 ";bae..4"f'er- Btatoc1 r'!r. ~ \JtCtUld liku to l-eplace tho ;}6u Cul\"CA-t, al 1:1'J..a.e1 &!'" Ave. 'nth a ~~n ':~' vert. and use the ')fl' vU1.v01"'t. won of the .. ... ~""'CSs.b1g at Ocoan Avenue. J~ ~)edgwick wtatod he \4R.3 aga1.mJt t..tJ.~ &.'J it i~ coat t.hc C1t:' over 1500.00 to place this eulvert CI1 Fle.gle.- Ave. and &s tar 8R ~~O ~ ca1Ccm.ed it .... ~! to Eitay t..'lttre B.$ 1t. belcngw to t;,e t;Uy. 1'hor-e bei.nC no L"u..-t.hor buai.r10ac Cc::4mc.tlmsn l"iU"'I.'"Gll movoo ~.. do JlOt"! Rdjou.m, SG~<.n1od. 1,.7 Counc1L.~ ~ ml b,y lIQte GA"\',;O. ":iDe 0145 " .~. . .AZ.."':":" 1'. '-' -;-. r~.. L ~cUmm (" "1........_ ,ouno;.l..woQU ~r;~ .4_ CouQo;f.ltWJ 1 r City Clerk ~ -4 ~h.. r b.. -.,--..A'"1 - (h) Al01 44. 414110 ‘11411110 Kayor Lr )( • if Councilman ,o/LA/A, eyCouncilman 4114'.4%/14/we _ /./ Councilman 401 1-91,'—_de /0177- • „ ATTEST r*‘-:/tet."1,CIZIC City Clerk II