Town Marshal - Additional Salary - 12-15-1936 4.-Asior 466111P., Amp- '4441. *mow 'vow LeT ION. a former Town Council of the Town of Edgewater, Florida, did on the “31st dE:y of November, D. 1934, by motion, vote to pay the Town Earshal of said Town the sum of twenty-five ( 6.u0) dollars upon the arrest and conviction of each person or persons guilty of lar- ceny or breaizing ana entering; and ,illEanLA3, it is the desire of the . resent council of said Town to continue to pay tile 2own Larshal us aforesaid; noi. therefore JE IT 4. ULV_JD IT LII G.IN CUUNCIL TC.ih OF El.)(4E- 21(„IaDA: oection 1. That in addition to ilis other fees alid sal- aries the Town Larshal of the Town of 2dgewater, Florida shall receive a fee of twenty-five (325.U6) dollars ;or each person he arrests oa cuss to be arrested for the or pilfering, offense of larceny/or breakinL; cnd entering in the said Town of .. dgewater, Florida, provided that each person be subseuently tried convicted of such offense, either in the municipal court of said town or in the Court of tile Justice of the Peace or ()tiler court i . the estate of Florida havin.z jurisdiction thereof. erection 2• That a copy of this hecolution be spread upon L.nd .,,ade a part of the Linutes of this meeting. s' 4 4"014or Asir "Now' Ilosso' "ftir, The above and foreoinz resolution ws duly 1.)resented and 2assd by the unanimous vote of the Town Council of the Town of ...1;d_ewatr, Florida at l'ejilLr session thisjTIOLdLy . J. 1369 the vote of the Council being as follows: 4k Mayor-Councilman n .17..a yatot,4, ill-n . - -- Councilh-n 1 Ltral j51.111,11/4- Town Clerk.