Loan Request to Settle Judgement - $1,000 - 04-27-1936 kiwi) Li) REgOLUTIO N. .7HEREA: it has b - en made to the Town Counel of the Town of Edzewater that the said Town can corero- Mi30 the judgment against it held by the Hill Dredging Ccm.„:any, a Cor;:ration; and it is neceosary that the said Town borrow the sum of One The and ($100.00) dollars to settle said judg- ment; and *IHEREL the First Atlantic National Bank of Daytona Beach, has agreed to loan the said Town of Edgewater the sum of One Thousand ($1000.00) dollars. 7o1 TIMaZFORL BE IT RESOLVED BY THE T0e-.L; Cee7CIL :It TOeT OF 2DGE :2,12n, FLOLUD2.: 3ection 1. That the Town Council of the Town of Edze'ee.ter, Florida does hereby request the said loan of One 'Thee-lee-el ('131000.00) dollars from the First :etlent4c Yeti ia.i Bank of Daytona Beach, a cor:oraien oran:Teed end exietieg as such under the laws of the United 3tateo ef America, in Daytona Beach, Volusia County, Florida, and the 4ai4 TOWL doe:, hereby authorize and a,17.2e.e'e . aid loan. Section 2. That the 727ay-o.i. and Tcen Clerh of the Town of Edgewater, Florida, be and they are hereby authorized: em- powered and directel to make , eleecate and deliver to the said First Atlantic National Bank. of Daytona Beach the promissory note or notes of the Town of Edgewater, Florida, in the i)rinci;e1 sum One Thousand (e'1002.00) dollars, with interest, and eayable .eke- - Lid * • i ,.. in tho following mann,r: the sum of 74ve Hundr,2d (,500.00) ' dol 'ars rn or before January 1st, A. D. 1937 and t%.,=:, sum of Five Hunr4-11 ( 5CC.00) dollars on o before .."-fril 1st) 1927; and the said Mayor and TO. n C7o-k '..,,23 authorzod t- affix the na.„Ie and the corporate seal of the Town of :dge.Tat'2.1', Florida, to such .. romiosory note or notes. Section 2 . That a coi,-; of this Resolution be sro.21,d upon and made a part of the 7inutes of -lolls meeting and , co.. y be fur- - nished t'..,- First Atl.nnt' c National Bank of 71a-,,-tona Peach. foregoing Resolution was introducer', by Council- man C . P. 8477-We who moved its adoption, and the Motion was seconded by Counc-- ly L jyagyi‘/0..a in adjourned regular session held this 27th da, of April, A. D. 1026# .7_1ssed by the unanimous vote of the Town Council of tho To.:11. of .7..d,;ewat :*--42 Florida, the vote of the Council being as -- - -7_ --, ....... .3---°4 ./7 ----- ------- -- • XL,,__ _____ _ ._----- ' ....-