Declaring Results - Annual Election - 11-05-1935 lure 'tale
D 19
the Town Council of the Town of Edgewater) ".'_orida.
met ,SPacizf eessien in the To:;n of Edgewater, Florida on
the 5t_, day o- j overnbec A. D. 1x'35 and canvassed the returns
of th- Annual Town Election held in said Town on the 5th day
of November, D. 19352 now therefore
LE. IT LV . BY 1. ,,.• TC,,.i.7 CF TEE CF EDGJ TER,
F O.Li1.11i i
section 1. That from. the; canvass of `stir returns, i e is here -
b: declared that the result of the said Annual 'election held
L. the T .V e viu er, Florida on Tuesday: _Yovell i
ber 5th,
la+35 is ..__. 1 cllo..3i
1 years the total number
For 1.0��:� �=c:���.1.,c� r.�;n to serve for three ears
of votes cast was 7z .
H. L. Haughton rec : brt: d� votes.
For Town Cl ,k to serve for one year the total number of votes
<�_... ;.au 7/ .
H. Lohn .r. received 7J__ votes.
section 2. That the Town Counc. 1 of s_:id Town coos hereby
uecl - re that H. L. Haughton received the highest number of
votes cast for the office of Torn Cour cilman end he is hereby
declared to be the re ularly elected Councilmen of said Town
to serve for a term of three years from his election and cual-
ificetiorr, cr until iii: ,? cceseof all be duly elected and
_ Coo
Thy t the Town Counc_i.1 of said Town ices hereby <: eclare that
E. F. Lohruan received the hi;heat number of votes for the
o f.i.ce cf Town Clerk cf said Town anti he i .. hereby declared to
be the regularly elected Town Clerk of the Town of Ed e rater
to serve for the term of one year from his election aria: rual-
ifice.tions or until Ii s auccessor is duly elected ana qualified.
Section 3. Thut the Town Clerk cf said Town of Ed ew-ter, Flor-
iva be Lra he is hereby directed; within one day from the date
:hereof, to furnish one certificate Cf election to each person
}eetion That the Town Clerk of said TI:Mh of Ed ewater, Flor-
:.da be :_,La he is hereby Lirected to spread this Resolution upon
the i?inutes of tis Neetir .
Passed by the unanimous vote of the `-own_ Council cf the Town of
Ecizewater; Volus is County, Flor•iu;, on the 5th de of TIovember,
A. D. 1935, the vote of the said Council being as follows:
L yor—Cou/ .+. .tan
- -�/,_
• Go ulc i lns .n
C.OUniC1 liion
r.2TE`' �j
Town Clerk.
Approved by me this 5th day of November, D. 1235.
°ayor—r .ciim_ar