Adopting Budget - FY 1934-1935 - 10-03-1934 r it eliN A. t NJ , RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR ALL NECESSARY AND ORDINARY, SPECIAL AND ESTRAORDINARY EXPEN- DITURES CONTEMPLATED FOR THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLA. FOR THE YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1 , 1934 , AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30th , 1935. WHEREAS, it is the duty of the Torn Council of the Torn of Edgewater, Volusia County, Florida, to approve and adopt a budget of the expected expenditures for the year beginning October 1, 1934, and ending September 30 , 1935 , now therelore , in consideration thereof , BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER VOILSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the folloring budget be adopt- ed for all necessary and ordinary, special and extraordinary expenditures of the operatina. and maintainin the said Torn of Edgewater , Volusia County, Florida, for the fiscal year beginning October 1 , 1934 , and ending September 30, 1935 , No. 1. Streets and draina,717e - - $ 800.00 No. 2. Street lihting 885.00 No. 3. Salaries of Town Clerk and Councilmen (3 ) - - - - 740.00 io. 4. Legal , elections , fines & forIeitures, and salary for Marshal 1100.00 No. 5. Office expense , supplies and lights, machine repairs-100.00 No. 6. Emergency, uniorseen ex- . nendures not covered in other accounts 500.00 No. 7. Permanent Imorovement Fund-1000.00 Total 45125.O0 4 * , . ft - i _ - -...-__.- *---*•• - --,-,' _- _ ' F 1 The adoption of the above resolution was moved by council- man .9 R , seconded by Councilman ea and Passed by the Torn Council of the To of EdFera.ter , Volusia County , Florida, on the / IL day of ' f ''""4"""- A. D. , 1934, the vote of the council bein= asfollows: d e/ems"1-/ d-- I;ayor-Counc ilman Sa-i "____E-1- Cdunc i an Councilman ATT; : Town Clerk. Ap-proved by °ne on this the day of , A.D. ,1934. Mayor , Torn of Edgewater , Florida.