Order Annual Election 1934 - 10-03-1934 RESOLUTION.
Orderin , a.n annual election to be held
in The Town of Edgewater, Volusia County,
Florida., in the year A.D.I934; Prescribing
the time and place of holding; such election;
prescribing the purpose thereof; Prescibing
the rules by which such Election shell be
governed; Prescribing the Time the Polls
shall open and close and providing for
noti& of such Election.
WHEREAS , the Town Council of the Town of Edgewater , Volusia
County , Florida, is authorized and emnawered under and by
virtue of the authority vested in it by the laws of the
State of Florida, and the Ordinances of the Torn of Edge-
water , Voli.sia County, Florida, to call an annual election
for the aforesaid Torn , and prescribe by Resolution the time
and ?lace of holding such election and the Purpose therefor ,
AND WHEREAS , it is proper for the aforesaid Town ''o _ncil to
order an annual election to be held in the aforesaid Torn
for the purpose of election one (1) Councilman for a: term
of Three (3) years , and for the further purpose of elect—
in ; a Torn Clerk for the term of One (1) year , ( or until
his or their successors are duly elected and qualified, )
now therefore,
Sectionl. That an annual election be, and the same is here-
by ordered to be held, in the Town of Edgewater , Volusia
County, Flor'_da, at the Town Hall , otherrisw known as the
Community or V. I. A. Hall , on Tuesday the Sixth day of
November A.D. 1934 , for the -ourose of electing one Council-
man for a term of three (3) years , and for the further purp-
ose of electing a Town Clerk for the term of one (1) year ,
or until his or thier successors are duly elected and
' e
Section 2. That at the annual election hereby ordered, the
same rules that amply to genera:'_ elections under the laws
of the State of Florida , and the Ordinances of the Town of
Edgewater , Volusia County , Florida , shall be observed.
Section 3. That the Polls at the aforesaid voting place
shall open et 8;00 o'cicok A. M. and shall close at Sundown,
Eastern Standard Time , on the day of said election.
Section 4. That the Clerk of the Town of Ed gewater , Volusia.
County, Florida, be and he is hereby instructed to give Notice
of the annual election hereby ordered, by nostina the notice
to be hereinafter set forth , at least fifteen (15) days prior
to the date ucon which the said election hereby ordered,
is set , in t ree (3) different conspicious places in the
said Town, one of w__.i ch places shall be at the fornt door
of the Torn Hall , otherwise known as the Community or
V. I. A. Hall in said Torn.
Section 5. That the notice of such election to be posted
as herein ?provided shall be in substantially the following
fort, to--it;
Notice is hereby given that the Town Council of the Torn_
of Edgewater , Volusia. County, Florida , under and by virtue
of the authority vested in it by the laws of the State of
Florida and the Ordinances of the Town of Edgewater , Vol-
usia County , Florida , has ordered an annual election to be
held on Tesday the Sixth day of November A.E. 1934 , at the
Town Hall , otherwise known as the ommunity or V.I.A. Hall
for the purpose of electing one Councilman for a term of
three (3) years , and one Town Clerk for a term of one(1)
year, or until his or thier successors are duly elected
and cualified. The polls will open at 8:00 o' clook A. H.
and will close at Sundown , Eastern Standard Tiem , on the
day of said. election. S ,id election shall be held in sub-
stantial conformity with the rules applicable to •eneral
elections held, under the laws of the State of Florida, and
subject to the Ordiananees of the Town of Edgewater , Florida.
At ► ""77 11t�00��•.���u
By ,JL
Tann Clerk. Mayor
-\ imoe I
The above ad fore going resolution wa.s presented by Council-
man ZO 0. 4 and seconded by Co zncilman
o) 1ZR ►.ae_ , and was Passed by unanimous vote of the
Toren Council of the Torn of Edgewater, lTolusia County, Florida,
on the 5 _ day of 00-0 .-- ,1934, the vote being
as follows , to-wit ;
3" ?o,.,,,,,;.AJ
_..4/. ______
*._.___. 7k -_________
Approved by me this 34 day of &IAA -- A. D. ,1934_