Division of Money - Delinquent Taxes - 04-04-1934 R E S O L U T I O N tit) . A RESOLUTIUN RESOLUTION PROVIDI-T3 FOR THE DIVISION OF ''°ciTIES JOLLE "T ED BY THE TOWN OF EDGEWAT ER FOR DELIIT- Q,?E ?'T Tow, TAXES FOR THE TO1T OF EDGEWATER, VOLUSIA COUNTY, `FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Torn. of Ed.ger•ater , Florida, on the day M 3o , A. D. , 1933. , Passed a resolution a o _ orch resolving that all monies then held or to be held or hereafter received goy the torn by reason of the collec- tion of said tom of delinquent torn taxes , levied and s sessed against the property located in said torn be set aside in a s'oecia.l ftnd to be held and issued by 4 said Torn as and for the building, erection and construc- tion of permanent public i ' rove rents rithin the Torn of Edge"a.ter , Florida, and that said special fund thereby created and established being knorn and designated as the permanent improvement fund of the Torn of Edgerater ,, Flor- ida, and WHEREAS , the tax payers of the Torn have failed to pay taxes for the year 1933 in sufficient amounts to carry on . the current expenses of operation of the said.. Torn , and, WHEREAS , as the 1933 taxes are nor delinquent and under the old resolution the said sums collected for delinc;ue�t 1933 taxes are to be paid into the improvement fund, and, lit WHEREAS , the Torn needs money at this time to carry on its operation expenses, and, .. Loo; WHEREAS, it is not desired by the Torn Council of the Town_ of Edgewater to abolish, do-away-with, or declare null and void the -permanent improvement fund, and, ' `'EREAS, it does not wish to change the resolution or declare same null and void as to taxes prior to taxes for the year 1932 , but , WHEREAS, the Town Council thinks it rise and expedient to have the taxes for the year 1933 Paid collector and treasurer of said town , who is t) e City Auditor and Clerk, and that such collections ae distriouted in accordance with the budget for the year 1934 , as same as thouh they had been collected prior to their delinauency, there ore be it RESOLVED BY THE TOWN CCT`ITCIL OF THE TOWN 02 EDG SWAT: , VCLUSIA CO =:TY, FLORIDA: Section 1. That all monies now held or to be hereafter re- ceived cy the said Torn by reason of the collection by the said Toter, of delinquent town taxes for the year 1933, toge- ther with any and all penalties by reason of such delinouency in payment of said to-axes , r-ich were levied and assessed acainst the property located in the said town , be placed in the general account of the said torn and Properly located or distributed to the said funds in the same ratio and propor- tion as though they were not delinquent and had been col- lected prior to such delinquency. Section 2. That this said resolution shall not in any wise or in any manner r-aive or do-a' ay-with any f eesor penalties caused oy reason of the taxes becoming delincuent . -ection 3. That this resolution become ofLective imediately upon its Dassa. e by the aforesaid Torn Council and being, posted at three (3) -oublic places rithin the said',. torn for a, -period of two (2) days. The e.dotior_ of the above resolution was moved oy Councilman f/ seconded by Councilman CC(_ ay and u_-oon motion oy the Torn. Council was duly and reaularly -basses , said vote oein__ as follows: Ma-:.yo-2- ouncil :Ian • 7,1:/2. Council-inn a,ei ncillan T A E T�� ST: Agoota To-n Clerk. Approved by me this the 4*4day oi: " ' , A. D. , 1934. Mayor of Edewater , Florida.