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11-18-1957 - Regular
~ "" ..., ~'" ,; . ., !mtI1A'W!l"'''Tl.''D or Tir; ~ CCO!lOIt "'.!111 -l'!" .;'lI~ ('.-, "1'l'Y'l'.... 'II """.. ""'''''''''':,\1 \.i.t' 1.1..', ," .I... ' ~;;#' 1'. ;."" JlJ,.A.J;~I\. 1Jr.>?'" '.!"'l., ~''-'' ., ,,~t.. 1 .'1~'7 ~ i'Nw..:,u;..,~..~ . """Wi, 11 i~~ . .", .... ..., :.' j :~~.Jf.i.i'!.a..~ :;eet1nc C'':: \..~10 \';ity t.,o~....~':' v: t~oJ.!t7 cor. V4$~t., FlOl".lf'~i _~W ~~~. Wbb. 1957 waa ca.1J.ed to (J:iiJ~ by T~ Oeor~ o. t'GdS!'dclt t:... J. ~.i\1 >.t\. ..;r.r, il"1 Ji .............. .... ; :c."'O" (.ie<A'SO o. ~.~"'W1ck ';C.2nei.Jms,n H. Itroza COUl\eilr::m "'.. 'lllaat'!:.r rUL41<:"~;ml ... J.. [:oa;.,y ,. o...mr,d~ nto ~:"'1"O1_ nit)" Dlet"k La~ r. ::1. pt"r.-' ...it,. A:ttty Jobr. L.. Gh,i'Jho~ :")(,;li~ t.~dGi .. .1. !o';,4r. Prea<<nt Present t-:rs.,.v!t f'rQ$e.nt Aboont. {"'rea..."r!t ~">Cn'" Prfo..'ltmt '..' JAi: '1:.t'rt.e:;\ 0.1' the ?~gu1c;r ;wt.i!"'i.,~ :~:k: :::O~'&;1,e,. 11th, 'yJ61"O ;lresentoo to Gft.Q.h f;ounQUJ.!en tf:Jt' theiz- tI!;"l~r"l(')'1nJ.. .'0{ ion 41." vOt.\r~;.:I.lr-;1.:' :"'V&!l ;"hO:MO .::d;.f~tl.l:; Btard !:",.).;r.'~voo ua .ll~t"terl, J..1;~J. ~ed '1;,.,,. .;c..:; ,,~':" ""':' 'f,"";' ~l~ 'bY' VCi,.& ~: '::J. ,,~,lJB "~AXJ:JJ::'iP :':!.or-'...d.a. p~. ~' t.1..,,:' It. ~1;... ]"\~-Howell !amibo:" '~o.. C, II. Sat:!S, D1 et "'"1 butCl.~ , . JC:'- <.K..~_ .'.. .. .. , ..'~ "'7.\1.n~ "'nvu(, i.e"Q.I. '..0. ',1m., .jJl~a A,tt.o J\.l.Titl1' Co. l~atk1n8 ..;'(,.....:", !oe. ~ ~~.\~ ~c.. ~ 4'\~. ~_." , ""p. ""..... r. ",... · :. QoW.IIo r * ~ "-',J. "........'1l,j ......, ('2 .. ...........""'.;1 1.1: . '", L~.1:~ 2:1.5'" ,1,0 S...72 6.70 3..00 :,otiM b~r Councllnm BhMtter these bill!) 1>0 l:tdd ~ be .i'Qdo :) ra.~. C".! t.':e t.ol.nl.."O=.s. MlU.adeJ. by ;;;DJ.t1C~'l ,/~ and lTJ vot.e rAJtP.IED. vJ.l~"C4~~~:J Le',.~ t.r~tl C. tr.. T~... ",(,..,j 1o'fJOd. Shell ell "'l~ ~J('t.~.n!" !""'!no~. t'(:~1 .f*'"J.,.It!b."'.8 Q'1 AIZ and :~ cutback Dot ,. ...:~:;...~ -61" ~.la;,: ..e.1-. t;-tt'"' ot~ f~r.t:r.~t.~... COJ:i cC lO't.t.G." to ~:t:~;.O.l ~~ J..>..S'l.l',u'':t. u~, ilol"tida state tt084 D9~t l'f>>1at.1ve to .. loan of ;4S,.(X)C i.o hwtAll "~3 QYel:OS m~ }.al'G1l\!11"""'t~ li,nq~ on U. :1. l~ 'f~ '1. tet,.tOl' to lionut'C\hle :...ray .CollJ..tw 1Wki:'l8 .tar ime8tl5&i..icn ~ t.hl ~~""O ctlt~~ r.ll U. S. !~ lO~lllOld".h -:,f Ons..~ Av~. ;'rot.!o' "'!~.~ ~.~~' ~y ~'Cll.:.L., n. . :~.k:'. Ue.~lOi1d~.l by {;ouncUran ~or,;. tl.~ :It.( (;Ol?'~ :'1: end "t~.o:>, d.~ ';;.."1:1.., lQ~te..' to ...~~ '~,(.\'4,;l.l."1'lOr c:tU.lin{: !d. ntt.e.nt,1c.l.. tv UJAi) ho'lza~O'~ ~~it1on th.-t" op:w dJ.:-'\il.. \J(;;~-.\..L ~ ::not asldJI" that he 1nvest1r,ate a.>>d do all !z:a h1a 0CIIWlIr to r-elleve thi~ a't "':t:1t~ r-. '" '!'\t<J 1e-!... tel' l? vt'~l to AM. t:; ~.hie',()l\."!l. b;,.. P~C1" ... lcl.:;.. 't; ~;~it.. kt.tc;..n.... ~..J.GhoJ.l'1 tt tIlve __ to Senator' Gmrt,j,m' to deli.,.,. to r'l""'el"';."r~' CQJ':""i!.l;; c-.. : ~ .." ,::>1"...::" ~:.tr", ~crri'3 ~~:. T"'W1....~ :~'or~" :'.l~t.. ~. '1"1.."""".., '.- .'Nfu.... .. -~~t_ ""d') ~ I.p.'......, I - '''''~'l .. 1'.... r,-",~ l:II'I"'O 1\'If~ CI~ ."" .....- - 'A"'f.". 1..'.~!Ai~~ft4Q~ II",J.a.:. ''''.:..t.~,;,,.' . .{<"'.1.,..... '" l\ ;/ ..... ...!~ c~.. ..UI.) "'... _. ~_" I-V.I_, FL02Ir..A. AUD SETnm l"ORTU A (;cm~;rN 'i'll. .: \-; .....:cu orne:. ~1.e above 0rd1Mnee wu ~ in full hi At~ Chlcho:ln a 1d ~J(Jt.ion dul'~ ~u l~" C(,xt':. ~:t!nlW' ""'-oea thi,J c--d;ti''l&1.'';Q ~ ~~V4:'~. vocClded.~. ::c;un.'~1lmn.'1 '!atl..7 ~nd 1&iJ~ lJ;.? t!lO 'Iota 0:.' tho C.4 \l ~1JUU(ti..1 ~' tlhe ;ity of ~~tAtr. Florida, at a ~-u1t.u. x:eetin{: hald on the U~t'1 ~1ay u: :;~~. A. J.. 1957. ,;~l."" call w'oto bi;;h~~ u lo1.l.cwsl- ~. " . ~ -' ... \.O,JS'l"u~ : N~..-:";;. C(;~'1(.:J l::n.c'llQ,Pf":o:..' \,;t;Al1'1a11l:nn :~7 l;O\me~t11:Ul lru'.:'\::: L l~'\ ~~ "'.:~::.<Ji ;. :~\ 'I_ I- Ab~..i. Y.. '~PUl ~~t.ior1 4ul.,- made b:1. ~i.lman;l..aoL"'.LQ"'. o:.J.eCOl1dec1 tri C()lJl'iI~ Htm;cJP Gn\l tJ61.(< 1., tho l""Q'Ji..~('.m~t. o~' :'Rd!nt., t..,aid O.l.~--o -.1po11 aeco:rd :rctdir~ _ "I. J()(} atld, U~e Q,,-dJ n&lflCi . J.<'"; v..~';; '1" _ " (U Clnal J;~!l,"'lac0. rt1.ll~~i t.~ the vote (",r t~.a Citj CO".J!1~':'l ...: L'~ :it7 '-': :"<iZfJ'.l1ttr, ~t. C ~C,; UO" :"':J\.... i:l~ c;: ,g,:a.id Gou.t. ...: ~i"'.'.~ t..... ~ 0" ~. ~. . ~\,~ ;'!'~~~" t.. 1.. 1.) I anll :l,,~~ 'clieci as prov:1cied b.Y L'\1 ~t ''J /(".J vt' ,;aW '.:O'.Jnc.c.. ~1n8 . ...tollowe.- .. ~ .i.\"":". ~~ "'l '-t.:.~'- , .;,).... '\1 .fl. \. r1. 1("'_'" '!~ . ('.OttDCUnw i1.on., ~ ....... ", ....""""{,....._,.. t.... . '<ii. i~Q" ,,,,J ~ 1 ~ :lea Au""... '!1t "" ';'11; 2. ~ ~;;llt....;, . 184 O~IG!;!I1~u. 4.i.w ~'D:-, ( : ~ ,':.. . ~~:.,~. . ~ ~1n;U 0:' 1:::; ';1:(1'1 "'{ :>>~~ .... ,j.. .;::rn ':Jp ;-:rr;:- ?j.T: ".... '....1l,;,J. IA ...;UJI.~'J.!, i. (;;.;- t.. ';.1,~ u.'bov4;>> t','\lirw.co '\'1I.l.a t'eaC ::'1:1 t\J.: ll~" ttt~.;.7~'. ;'~~i~~~W:' art! :.:t.iur. dul.y ~ b" .iJ.#~:..~'r.~~"-~ ~\.;;:1. .:....t. ._" j ~1~1"\ rJ "o~ ' , 'I t l' #'>.".. .' _.~..rc...~ :~Vfl!...,,' lLl,l ~1(JVd ;.;"" .' ... ...;~, c..... ,~, "'1"7 '-:. ~. (~: 1 .. .:~ "....:..~~Ioor J ...~o "iJa, i,.t. 8 t'O;:t:U.ar tu>, Jr-v ll...ld on ",~....o :J"-;j. ~" 0': ::c '(;; ~ '.. II * .,.t :..95'1. " 0..., l'a.,1. 'otu be1.r..r, aD r~~1-~~ . :- ~t~ --:-. _' ~l Yea Yor ;:tl~ J\'b"c1. 'fl' .. ticlmc !."",m'l ,','1tnt.i ~. :ll'i. r.~ l1'tf)~ .. Tl)Ilnl ,~c mu~ .., :"Y"J'l 1'Cyo;. .....r)~n 1.._'': .. . t"... :." .~J't "",t tn. ,~~.... ~... t,'...U. j:.:ltiotl duty '1:1do 1q ":0tUl,.:1 '::t!!1 ,h:..;.~.. 'f~_' I '.#0 ;or.1ed by DounciJJm.n U~ .t:Ul "' ~""(vl t'.,.... "c." .~_..."'". .. .'....,,' ,., .~. " -"1.''''-'' ........ '''''J '11.'1 ,..~,f.~_,.,.".. ,..", ... "',', if~"" Ii''' ,..-'...,.,.. .-.,.; .. ........,......' .... ,',rI 41 -.... ...r.. .... "7i. t ~; ~ ~;.. :: ~ C:" t:",:1.n~. .', ":t~ C ",. t~ ~\:d ').1, t '.0.0 .i'.!..na,... rtlAs.ace. 'f'.ft'''~~ t.11th\l votf' fJi: the !.'il~~ (""U1'~4. d I-Jttl ; ~f,~~ \..;' i"'4~to,.. t "r<n,'\J e.lr. r ....,,~.:,t1.a.. ~~~.n~ c.'~ ~id ({ .iJ......: 0' :'" a~ ~l..;.: _l.J. i;.a;y or l:Jo"omr-e", A.. 1'. t)5" "'.:-Y! Co ~)t'O.;ed n..<J Hl"'c'f1.darl br' : t'~IJ :"'.1;. "Ft tu c~ w".<.1 ""(\:.'\Cl.l ('<'1 1"01 " ~lI . ...':'in.' .,.. ^''''I''''!'''I- ';c.:::':l ':'l:...ru 1 ..' C'",jtl (,.OlJIlci l:~~ ";}ll~Ci.'!'G.." \-tr.U'h il tl1.!:~ : 't'!lI"';" t"Ci.. ,c ' :u .~!l :'''.;:<0 f .:.. ,,;a-.w' . :x! -; :i...;t ..:~ Yea Yon. :. .;z .~ ?"'f". ""-'. -t'~ 'r.w,"'/":1 _.' ~ "J,u ...~ 1...,. .~~ .\ :~~'l4~.iU1 fi~)J lOlnt..!.n\; e ~ka:1.nr Ilc:4\rd U\" l. '- tl O'lt"r ~ ru-Appoint~tts (j 00',' a.l~t.J.1"":lt~'.h }flles . D1l,;....~J :/,.a:",,,,'1(~ -oJ .lid net. uant ...0 dtr.'V'o e..;;aJn ani ~J.;U"i.a1 !::.>~~"te:" 3U\~.~ ." C..;lO":; ho C ,(: I.. . ('&-e tc servo a.geJ..n. "'..... . ~r'!.T...~..", ~ l;~...:~~'f4{~ ',~t, ;'nc!~ '"1utJ."loiZl :rt.3t~~ ..,':~ h!'J.. rcUo n''1-e;n.~''1!1fltfJ vJ.th rotty l'!\.~"""'" m..p~tory c..f' :i(".' ~;!'t~ Il5a~h to rx.<<rt ~ .itl.. j ::::. d~' ;"c'.. .:....:J:'t;.~. ;L"1..t.~f(~':" t;<ii:lr~ !';" .:~ .~.~ \J~ sU"eSt 11.tr~t in:;'~. ..... .. 0" ~ '-., ." ,.., ...., l1D.J Il):.;Itt~~: CC'mcil..'1J8n Hem-r b:-cr..tght. ~p ,)uction 4 a::' Ordinan.1. ~Yl em r..ot. ClOli1l'1.inG. nO Alik t.hat this be changod as he ilaJ l*U1 Ilpyointod t.o look. artcw tht.'J lot olean1nc anu :'t'l ~he o!'<11naneo now ..-c<:d:. t.hu 1.f4}'or <!l-a14- d$tOtWw the w-icrit,y (If which 'tot.s a~ to be eleanncl. ''''\Yap 'fJd(;'I:.i~k :;t1teJ t:. "-= "4JJ a ~O\la job and t;. '.;' o""d1.n~'1CO ohould be e.t~'e\1 to c.llc':: Cc;,;..~i::~l I~ tuil a.ut~1t.,. t.o do t'1".5 .100 and not have t9 hrine 'Up baf(ro +:~\l "'ounc11. &a~.h lot to bo cleaned bef'o...""3 aotion 13 t.a1\t!!!l'l. Attorney N~~o1'::1 "&G lr.atNctAd \0 amend ,'cation 4 of t.h1~ Ord1nrmce arad n.av'$ 8.M)iJ ~.'t" !.'.:'" +.hc.;. t:...14~ .''''4i-Uar I:W.'9tint;. en lot doaning a diac'll"Jcicm tvUo ...Jd etl uqw..ptle1rt. need8lJ. ":QW1c1l::1an ~haar:u.. l::o.d\.t II u.oi..ion tbat the l~nyot" ~.k fo'" t,l.O or:nro bid;.) a1 a i..n.("~'~~ dt.l4l ~ a i<Qrd3Ql1 Tr.,t.O!" Nett. i,l)) .1..",1 ) () e. IJ .!.....:O 'Jut-t:.&.. and 34" nnd J.;dtt Jeamn.tl '~C'~ot..1J';'.3;o', de~tIlded by .;~..:; u!Wl i~.oaa and by vota CAIFa:m. Rol~ C&ll voW ~ Lt'\ll :..~ 1':110'118:.. COt~,.u ...."'.l ....t...~::' Coun '1Im'1 ';r~ne.r Ce:.lr,f 1awl :iun-:: Co..;nUl.l:Il.M'l. ."er."C. l :'i<:yc ' ,)~"":lg-'.)" , .... ...,~ yo (t..~ YC/1 .I -"\, l~ T'" ~ "t.u"'U.~ml tt) bol!rw.,~:.... ilAl ~~,iU'1 ~U~ i..:t~ 114.0 1.11 alii a oJl*J1al i:eet.ing be ca.:'l~ t.(. ;;0 over the bids fI f1Qkl\:.:U.nr.lA 170(;(1 b~oQeht Uv WiG pu,Jooua",u uC a 1'ie~ Police Car. He ctatec.l he 1'1.flIi'Q,t'l'Ud tri1d~ '2..-0 fN:\(;h YQ:;V' ... 1.1 .";d),l!::~'#7"~;"v! t:"::i:i,:3...~. ~ t,O~ ~ CWl\'~U.eut. :~tion by Gounoilmnn '1hM..:"'t'r' t.h" ~.'t.../ ~~~"k ...~e'~,:.'~ :Ji"': J ...... 4.w:'.111t ~ i.o U.a; ~:;;:njJ, ~~t.\h's, Juo ..-tt.klm. . nro tW1 .i!icU.w~Qr Che"rrolt't. ~lIe~ b,. ';CMlcil- "':1tU: u...oga .tU:1d 1)3' \fote ..;~1:..r 71. :011 ~* t) v"u "'\.'1t;.~... ~'J :'~ 1.1voN:- Cc,.J.;'..!:' Ct1.l'l 4 "'00(:.... Cat.nc.i:lt,,'l' ,~'~aef... t;; f"f;f:n,l.'" -<,,, nmn~ CQunoill;(U'1 lL~eel1 : ~t. ~~<'(~L i(~: YG:l r~ Yoa. 'Yea Yea Coun("~Urnr. Jhaet"tflr''e''X~'''OO tho;. 1"'"'-; 'T. hl'ld I:C'T'": 'otC'C In:.;;"a.llation uL' ti~.... {.",'~jS- in.! ("1\1 C:enn Ave. and he ,.~n'# tit) '" r,:.... yl . 1. \..' .., .,:.~t 1.':..'"" c..: 1..hli c":,,c;s~iLe f1"1 ftflC ("...~ "ve. rhcl.j-,,. .. "1 t. l~ ....~~ ~,,:..'. ;10 a:.Jl ,,'O...v.4t.,,;d :J:.Uc.wl /....". v ,ld oe taken ..-:art;! ",Jf i'~r8t and tba1 theeQ.".1~C1t W(...t.l)d ;,>is MOVed d~n onto '~"':em, ~... t~nu~. A. . ~J1~A1 an Lot .1.3 ~'c:st 0: r:~'; <"4_ ...C"pa-d f, r~~t """! r "'e~ t. lXl~. . :,. ~.u~.t~Ql\ mid llJ". II"" :-.....d ~~. 'l..-,1";,-:- ~l'lJlv1if.t~ an a; ~.t:.i}.t.l o! ",;:;.00 Clt1 lCI" l... "10tn. of Fik ~~. 01' 11' ,,~,...n~t..!, t ~, V' I) .. .~'" .""; "f' C ," l~r.. Ut~:. &. die. \ "ll,t., (,.U\U1l,;.1.l.ma.n 5haeftoJ" 1"X)voc1 that .Lot. J} riest of I'ii:O 'ly. b4t ool~ ~,t !iib.'ie Alletion on t,h", at0. .., ~~.t d.. ':,' '" tl .~ 1, ~.r _. _I;" {.. at. lltOO 0' cl~. ..~a tQ W sQ].J wi":..O\.ot. AbsW"".~l <'1'.1 7"j l i t9 ~ ~jl A-." '! 'a""l'anty Deoe.t.c l;.t: f\:..""!duhed by t.:10 e1t.)' w1:.h ~ ff\1'\:t':!Jfo1 :1~~~e11t..~'.11l t ':',,1 c~ ,!2,j.OO. Seecnded 1:(r CC...'nf:.!..l.z;ut !.i:r'oos. Gr.d by vote CAt.....m. ,'01.:' ,-:a.l1. iO"l..." l~1r.c aD to1l0W81- t.oune11man ~or"" ';(Jw.&C l.u.n Her!"'y (;c,'".d~JJ..i:a.t " ,,""".Z... ., Councllm:m farrcl'Oo Ha.,ycr Adgl4i.ck Yea Yfta V. 3.:,\ lea Yoa ~~(.lj.~~"'J.":'.. ;::n.at~ W..e .,elJ,. !h-ilJ. iZ2t:" on t- ~t. ."'" 1:'1 .;;A: ld cr...a,rt t,~::":'c.T1 t'".m-.i3i!l!~ au1 the GoYerr~mt :):~~'3f)Q:'" \..aUU be or~ ll.4Ld alent ~th r.,... 1~oe~1cr. .. ~. i .> - ...", ...., ITr. :'almateer ask &her ,to tho bf_;' ,crlc' w:d what l'l'o~'e...a hf.d 'beec mar1e. l'lQ'c.u- Jodgw.1ck stated no w(.)rk find 000-.i1 done on it u t.'18 IlIZe7 that eou1.e. ha.'e beer. und WO.8 used to ro1.1.../o the 11.co! conditione this tall at:d the f;:'c.l.ltd ...:ea. Ol:l \4$ ~:, l:.~. '1 nllle..- ~'.tb.. (tlK\ ~wld r.ot t e U~~ untl~ vrCl~l"" d-c't1.1"'" .......ad Men hia'..'\.1.1t'::!. (~(j)..m'~Uam Erop mted l,s had been in CCltltD.\.,'t wlth !1z'. ~ or the ~j,,"13qa;Lto Caltra! .Dcard tlnd hod ttatlIJ ~" er !!lO:Jli or tbo cUt.~1in8 wlth 1.1a and t'll'l t-iz diteh tJOUld hD::a t.c ~ lc",,,,:a t d t'-,I' ;anc.l f'M all the wa.:r !)outh "'n.: ..,.,,~t.. _^'-'_1 ...."... ""'''O'~ .,... '. .t.-~. .,..,."" .\..,1.. ..,..,...}. .,.....!"~ tiIWo~ ~~I.J .u l-'4-""""'~ -.. v.....i ~ '*'~ .... fill", ,....,.~'>< W .",4.".; ..........-oLi..v...'~. W~ "'v..~. '"U........~ rt.at.cd t.be propo:sDd h~ U l'nrk \41.3 Gt"::': lio:.:C. ';.utCli.... Tt.G'~'u ~inb no fW"tne,: '.\.1.n~.nchfi CO"'..d.l.ltn.1\ o,jtJl.i.~t<<:' T.lDt'r.Q '";'C dCi no.: adjourn, 1'lCf',{I.:led b:t CC\Ut1cl1."'\<\t. "a.:;-l:'. ~,~ ':"" "....-t~ ":.t!:.IllD. ~ 310S f'.~f. . J.~,Vv ..............._~__ ....._l.JiI!iIl I.: 01J11\;U ~ ;lL . 1" _ Ct"...;', ~ft :1'. :..'~ ............ --q-- CQ'lltlCUe!\.71 -,.. .....-...... .-............. t"Ol"l1~"~ ".rml ....~ ~--------'..........--.. III' .t..'~""i',...'1'1 ':':i~~r ....lO$.J .. 1 ki01 glim0 11,4101 Mr. Palrateer ask about the ball park and what progress had been rade. Mayor Sedgwick stated no work had been done on it as the money that could have been used was used to relieve the flood conditions this fall and the ground cleared was still under water and could not be used until proper drainage had been installed. Councilman Broga stated he had been in contact with Mr. Braddock of the Mosquito Control Board and had gone over most of the ditching with him and the big ditch would have to be lowered at the Canal and all the way South and easements procurded from property owners to complete this work. He too stated the proposed ball park was still under water. There being no further business Councilman Shaeffer moved we do now ad jourr , seconded by Councilman Farrell and by vote CA ' D. Time 3:05 P.M. Mayor 5. orz y e. L cJ pig�r z_tj Counc�?manA(r. w ' ' Or i. ,14-7---- im COunCilr A - Councilman ,/,/ ���--, - l Councilnan- l- _t_' _ ' ( ' ' ATTEST:,- ,71. City C: .