11-04-1957 - Regular W' mntJIAR /~:nm OF TitZ Crj1' CCUNCIL OF 'fils:' ''''I'I'Y 0'" ~ ..",.."..... ':'1 "'''''r'''at. 41~ '-I..... ~ ~.;',lU~"...., ..J.J.... _:';"11\, HELD N~T.1!JT:; 1 ;:..th. 1.-':;1. -~ "6 '-" ~'h" ;:.o{;U1m:' 11eetint o!~ t.he GUy Council of t.h.,;,:,it'./ c.f Ed,eowatGr, Flcr1cla ...0.", e&11fid 1.0 w-del' l;ovor>Jbe;r :J..th, 1)57 bY' :~cr ::':K&ll r. "">.t'l.'ig'dck at 1:'0 p.lt. .., '"\1 r *~-~ "J..:J ".. ~.-. l!D\ro..'" Geo:or;e i,. -,,1 , ,L"\ CO\..l'l.d..:s!l8n D. J. ashbwr n '"ol.U'1ciL~;. L~. ';'~"Uc ~o~lcilnan H. Jc,'1n (.Oi..tn~i.lman B., i'4:rell City :lork Frank ;'. ill..'. 'Ul"3" Clt;- Att 'y J;'rec;. :~. 1".bc.rU10l1, J:'. ': .'"e~<"nt , "escnt IlJGent :'renent Prose.,t . ,.~~~t .~-a~out. ~lC r.rl.m:l.tes or tho ;~~n..: l!.ootir.ij held J...to::".,"." 20tll ;,e:ro orenented t.o each ~Ol.r:r:',.:.lm:li'l f'Cl'" thc~ twr~oval. !:ot.1an U:r "o'..nI~iL:an La.:Jhbw'11 thQS4) m:1nutellJ 6,,4i11l ~lj;;,N)led lW awblLitwlild, iJCl.;CI'.ded lJy COt:luci1.1:lan John ud 'Jy v()tel:ARRIED. '.'rr" ,(" .' A 'f'OUlw AJ.J..k.J4....) ~ j"'" ...:l .. "l JeHe ~~.+,h..'\~ ~:tu.;l.la...d (,_1 ,-,0. .JOl.Othern !]Pll Tc~ .:. leI. ~ha..-le"'.r' s 'el d,i..:lJ~ .uVi \ ~ llf Oj~ Prod:u""...o ;:ty of !Jew tl~'l uCnch I I ...""'.....,....~ "'a "'\<'1"" . .... v.... 'IV""'" , \,.1.... ......... ~'. ..). Darle,. C, Co. llU\i ,~~"'.;:n:'l. ~ch l:e:"J No.., ~:Vl"7l4 !JIJi1de:;:c ::"pl.;". Olen..soe l~D ~ :"Cn~15~ Hardware ";0. HrL.~. I illd &: AO?..Q(d~to.. '~!U1S(:l.'1..... 'U.et,a.-Ui.1t,," ,~..;o a....." row L _ 'e .. 1:. ..J\) 1JVl.90 16.3.91. 4.00 6,.tiS )1.00 '}.77 ~.~' ..50 4./:) 7'O.IJ. J..)J .15 J':oL;.un. l..j' Cw.:.'leilma.r:~ :'rhT611 '(..neue hillr; ~ ~.J.J oii1wjCc:t to correction a1 '1u.,w1on (;. ~~e~aJ.j.iator t.t' J,. sU(~arded b:...';ouuci1ran John lAt.W1' by vot,f; CA.."tru:::m. ",:J. ;,;a:J. lIote ooir.g au .foll~~:- ;ounei.l.n-m ashbu. T.. \' oun.:i....:.."tCl Tca:;uQ Gounc1lJm.n J olm Councilmn FnrreJ.l ~':-",To..~ ...ee;..~.~l~ ~\1: ;u;.it~tl;O!IJ _____ .b. -b.' .:;:. Y\t6 Ab<If111.t loa Yea '!()Q :k..tO:....tj \~ reaJ. troll : ......._~t ..eic~o.'a .J.vkinZ to." ;.lOJ.~ud.Gs1on tor t.he Veterans 01. Poreit'n \,aro tQ :5el.l Buddy Poppies at the Post Office B\111d1'f1g Noveltb1r 9th. Let-tel' from h. &-1. ..J$JJon afJL"U'l~ t.O ;' v;.:lN~ the r~ve l.\C1'O:'J the ~ity owns doat or the F8~ \y. Leti.-er trca residentu on ~-ood Avo. t:Jq'!'O:.I~~W iJ4eir appx'ociat.ion of the \/o:k star~ed 00 Di.x.woocl Aye. and ~ tho ~i~;r to '()J..ai.~ ~t.reet DIlrkore. an the Hit i ha;{ at the iJ.('Ol' ;G.;t:.v.... ar.d ::} "'If Of' '.i"e1"'~ide Jr1vo. l.at tor trem Briley . 1.1.d \.. I~C~C~JAt,,!t uubmtting ap.\l.ication data aheet.o and. arAo)c~l~t.1a.:; w.d plan3 c"iI'er:i.nC t\.ater Ir....etribu.tion System Crnss1ng on f-ligh~ Uc,. J. ete.UDt1 the F1. or~d...1 .~tnt.e Board of Hen1.tll !1~ aa'rove<! thie pro,'e"t \D1er t:1tlir ,~r'....el Rt.. :1~.J~,. L..e...GO.' 0:' 1'.r>a. · ieldi.oJ::'. HctiQ1'l b; '~(I'm~i" 'T"1. ,.'arrel1 L:le ~tCtil1.G.....,. of t.hu VeteJ'lUl.'J v~ :'ore.:.cn \:3;06 t-o 1{l""&.tfJd 7~c.MJiC5ion to selJ. Pop;'ies NovQliJbor !th .1, the pOfJt.al ll.lUdU:g. tieecOOed by Counc.iliaBn \:ao!iliurn and b1 'toto CA:~1IED.. uttor or }.!r. Dawson. lAtim ~ made by Counellam Farrell this commmicaticn bo hel( over until the M\'1 council is Hated. ~)ec<U1ed bT Councd.lmI!In Jdm and by vote CA.~UIZD . ;t/ov 1 ~ h~1 . . ", . .., ~ RSSwrrI~S Jcno m,mN'" ,.....U"... l\~~l,,~ C:\Dnl.\tJG:E t~173 Author.bing AI EXtmmITtm!: III EXClJSS OF ~'O THOUSAND DOLLl.tr.s C.2,000) FM mE C~.tSTRUC'l'ION 0' Orelt:aVA'1'lON ;~'ZtLS Am> mm~NEfn t.'F.LLS. The above Ordiftanee vaa read in .tull and motion ade by Councilman \'ashbu...""n tor it:. adoption, aecanded by Councilman Farrell and passed b;r the vote or the City Coun~U of tho City of Eds...t.er,. .norida~ at a regular !llMting held on thiJ 4th dtq of NOVembe1", A. D. 1957. Jill call vote beina as followsa- CouncilJlrm Wa.ohbum Counci 1 m&n Teeaue Counciltlon John Counc:Ume.."l Farrell l-fa.ycr Jedawick Yea Abactt Yea rea !Q8 Upon motion d~ JrGde by' Councilman John, secco1ed by' CouncilDan 1.ashbum aM carried, the requireMnt. of read.:l.n8 said Ot'd.:intmce upclI'l Meond readina \;au wa..bect. and. tho Ordinance wu ordererl put upon t1na1 paasage. l'8G,'3ed br the vote of the City CouncU ot the City or r.dgewater I llorid.a1 at a 1''''Ular meet.ing or aaif.! Council held on tho hth daT of November, 1..D. 1957, and approved b p,....ovlded b:r 14W. th.G vote or ea.id Counoil on roll call 'N!d.ng u. rollo\..~ 2- Councilman \1auhbu..-n Counc11J:an T~ Councilman Jehu Councllan Fa.rNll l-tqo.'" :Je4C'.uck Yoo Absent Yea res Yea m;' l"lI'-~""~ . '-- '(JU~ '.:t'i! I.awa ot::tect~on ,.1QJ"Ct quoted by At.tome,- f!ranncn, pertain1nc to solicitation GQd distribution or literature m Election D..l;y. Atto..""ney Ilr3Z2l'lOft also stated at. this time that he \_9 very proud to have been or service to tho Oft,- and bo}xx1 h,io 94r'~io.o had btMn aatiafact0!7. All a.Jreed tmt h. had MrYecS tho City well. CQW1cUnan .Farrell tttated tte had. loamed .. lot IlId a~iatecl hav1ng tho p;o"i."Ue60 of Hr'fing the City au COWlcllnlm in Distr1et. !J4, cd had enjQJ'e(l wcrkir..; l:ith GU\4'1 cO<<t fQUC'WtS o.rd Mends am "'l'()t..tld net be mad if not elected again. Counci!man John aleo artated it had been a pleasure to work with all IOU Council men. ~;e fight.ed, but. t'lIde uP.. and dano the best l." know how. Ife etated ho <lid not like the I'lI.d al1n&'.1na th.at had 'betul carried on in trn. Election by the Of.JC-::,'tticn. Councili1ln ~,'aahb\.c n .stated it bad bfMn t1..~c '\.'o-..king with all rmeh tine Council mID tmd be wanted to eM the 'K!.tcn- syBte.m eonploted and wether I am elected or no'(., I haws tho k07 to t.Qo fiMneint; or this OJ"3t-, but ,.1111 not. eabatage the water' 'WOrks &IS he \.anted watv and 00 do all or qy neighbors. I will keep on warkia1g th.& came IMI before it ele~ or not. l4,'Yar ~edg,;1ck ston Rated he tel \ tbo _cem or tltJ.8 CouncU :its above re}'n'"Oach &nd a,veec.t with Councllnan John there had boen too roM rmut G~ and in- a1nuations through lack of eorr~t. intOl'DllLt1on ard it I am re-e1ectecl I 81neeroly hope I.ill l1&vO the 8trength to carry on and have through this vote a good Council t.o work with aI:ld allo wish to "t;to that I would like to let. the peoplo ..F... ... . .., .. know 1Id1at work has bMn put 1n1;o the ',-ate:- distribution B78tem. As 70U aU know, maney has been tight and boliove .. theyoe has been a lot ot work ccnne~ted with trring to Set. n loan thrOU&h tho fcenU Govemment and I do o.Pf'N'cj.ate all tM "fOrk the Clerk aa1 others MY. IAlt into th18 application. Tho Cl'.!n"lt was also thanlc:=! tor ho~ eoo<! Imd rattht"-:1 ~e-vic. b:r aU tt,. C'.ounai..'xnn ar.td Atte.-nq ~on tor hol" e.saistance !n giv1ng him lntarmat:1_on. There be111t;; no ttlrthe- business G~ci'~ Farrell mved ~..l1!t do nc14 &djoum \1nt.Ll J;.JOO P..}!. ~:edneeday' 'No\"~'" Ath~ tl0Ccr.ded by- Co1.moi~,,'l "Ja<Jhbum and by VQt.o CA~urED. T1mo 2,20 P..l!. CCfmrJUATIa: o...? R!'mn:.AJ }tzJ:Dr 1m') Il>mtmR 6th~ 1957. CClrltJ.nuaticn or the Remilar lteoting hold NoV'e~er l~th, 1957 was called to oroot" ~.. }~ GeOl"'" O. r)(!(f~~l: at 4:00 ;'.?'. ~JJlL CA.T~ ltayar Goorgo O. &~~1.ck Pre3C1t Counc11'!e'1 D. L. tJashbum Absent Ccune11man C. Q. Tca...~e Abs~ CooneilDm H. Jdm Present Ccftme1.'1.mn B. 1at-reJ.l ~ rity Cle:-'k Frank 'i. Di!'fCI7 :>reGent (~it,. Att'1' Fred R. Irmmon, Jr. Pr-etMnt and the Electicn toa.rd tor the Regular Election held Ilov~ 5th.. 1-157. Dora. A. liJrl.te" Ca!-k ~all C'ra:tsley, Insp$Ctu Helen lCioll, Inspecto-J."' Ruth DriDkel, Inspoct.o:- J.-1arim L. Jewll~ InBpectot" T :ealthea nayl, Inapeeto;" ::J..1.J..1am O~isco, ira,m:!no O~toY" Clitt.cn "!osher, ~oh1ne O"iJerat.m- "..., Abeent.ee r.a:uote ~ ~ted to tho Cl'31'k of Electioo b:l tho City Clerk. 111l1lJ.ZlnS en the Appllcationa.. "Iit.nes8es, eto. were e.xam1neci 'b7 ill. Tl"l.C namas on the eovelopn wre care1'Ul.13' checked 1rd..th the Reg.totratica Dooks to dotel"Irl1na all ,,;as ill Qrder then Ol;onOO and tahule. ted. N~-or at Large J.. "':al tor P<<met t :.2 Ab!Jentee Vote-s - Tot~l 33~ ft .. a.ora. o. 8eclew1ek 20 tJ tf " 362 Cotfne1lDan 1'1 D1st. Harry Broga 1 " .. " 81 Couno1..1r.en /ll It David l.. t~hburn 4 u " II 80 It ;h " C~lO';f(\rd c. Shaettor I') " " " 03 If .... h U i;~:Z " Charle<J G.. Tea&Ue ., n II " 5e "'- If ,73 " John H. Gibbs 5 ~ " It as " itJ " Robert J. 1{olU7 4 It tf " 92 tot 1/3 tt Herman John 6 " " n 84 .. (14 " Ibrnal-d Farrell 5 " " " 78, n .;4 n \1. Kemeth RobertsClll 4. " .. n 76 Thor$ \.~ 9 incorrect BaLlots, 2 out of Ji-l.., 1 Qut o! if2, 6 out ot flJ. J.:otion mad. by Councllma1\ Fa..-r011 that ~i1'icatGa or Eloction be issued anl the follO\liing lncorte4: This eert1ticate is issued ClI1 the basi, of ':fC'':: re.;eiv1na eo mI.lV votes. This includes II1x (,'ha.ller.ged votes en! exclu.dea nt.."tc detective AbQentee 'Iotes not counted, l!U'v:! i8 issued vithout prejudice to the r1&hta of )'Our oppc:ment duo to tbG tact that. tho CeuncU hu not countod the cSerect,lvo absentee votes a.ld has not considered arJ3' test1mol1y or ~aed upon the validity or the ~hall~~; tho CounaUleaving the:se two mttere to the COUl't!Jf'o:' rC"'1ew, it ~ 1..1 sought, seecmd.<<l by Council- mn John end by vote CArmJ:ED. :?oll ca.' '!. veto Loin; a8 tollowal- Councilman Washburn Absent Councilman Teague Absent Councilman John Yea Councilman Farrell Yea Mayor Sedgwick Yea There being no further business Councilman Farrell moved we do now adjourn until 7:30 P.M. Seconded by Councilman John and by vote CARRIED. Time 4:45 P.M. Continued Meeting of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida held November 6th, 1957 was called to order by Mayor George 0. Sedgwick at 7:30 P.M., place Edgewater Community Center. ROLL CALL Mayor George 0. Sedgwick Present Councilman D. L. Washburn Absent Councilman Teague Absent Councilman H. John Present Councilman B. Farrell Present City Clerk Frank F. Dippery Present City Attty Fred R. Brannon, Jr. Absent Police Chief F. H. Norman Present Fire Chief H. McFarland Absent RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE RESULTS OF THE REGULAR ELECTION HELD IN THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA, ON THE 5th DAY OF NOVEMBER A.D. 1957 AND PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION TO THE CITY OFFICERS CHOSEN AT SAID :RUCTION. The above Resolution was read in full by the Clerk and notion duly made by Councilman John, seconded by Councilman Farrell the Resolution be adopted declaring George 0. Sedgwick, Mayor, Harry T'.. Broga, Crawford C. Shaeffer, Robert J. Henry and Bernard Farrell, Councilman in their respective Districts. Roll Call vote being as follows:- Councilman Washburn Absent Councilman Teague Absent Councilman John Yea Councilman Farrell Yea Mayor Sedgwick Yea At this point the meeting was turned over to the City Clerk who called for each elected officer to present Certificate of Election. After receiving the certi- ficates the Clerk administered the Oath of Office and the Mayor and Councilmen were seated. ROLL CALL Mayor George 0. Sedgwick Eresent Councilman H. Broga Present Councilman C. Shaeffer Present Councilman R. Henry Present Councilman B. Farrell Present City Clerk Frank F. Dippery Present NEW BUSINESS Motion by Councilman Shaeffer the City Council meet twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Mondays At 7:30 P.M. Seconded by Councilman Broga and by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follows:- I 4111) Councilman Broga Yea Councilman Shaeffer Yea Councilman Henry Yea Councilman Farrell Yea Mayor Sedgwick Yea Motion was then made by Councilman Farrell all City employees be held over until his successor be appointed at Council meeting, Thursday at 1;30 P.M. Seconded by Councilman Broga and by vote C` " Imxl. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned until 1:30 P.M. Thursday for reorganization. Time 7:45 P.M. Continuation of the adjourned meeting of November 6th was called to order by Mayor George 0. Sedgwick at 1:30 P.M. November 7th, 1957. ROLL CALL Mayor George 0. Sedgwick Present Councilman H. Broga Present Councilman C. Shaeffer Present Councilman R. Henry Present Councilman B. Farrell Present City Clerk Frank F. Dippery Present City Attfy Fred R. Brannon, Jr. Absent Police Chief F. H. Norman Present The purpose of the meeting was to reorganize and make appointments. Bank Depository. Motion by Councilman Shaeffer the Bank of New Smyrna be designated as the City Depository and signature cards be signed by the Mayor and City Clerk. Seconded by Councilman Broga and by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follows:- I Councilman Broga Yea Councilman Shaeffer Yea Councilman Henry Yea Councilman Farrell Yea Mayor Sedgwick Yea ATTORNEY. A letter was read by the Clerk from Attorney Brannon stating he mould not attend the meeting because of discussing, among other things, the matter of City Attorney, and think it might embarrass you to have me there, though it would not embarrass me, as I do not take anything of that nature as being personal, but rather as a matter of business. He also stated the items of unfinished business for the City. A copy of this letter was given to each Councilman. Motion by Councilman Broga, Attorney John E. Chisholm be named City Attorney for the City, seconded by Councilman Shaeffer and by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Broga Yea Councilman Shaeffer Yea Councilman Henry Yea Councilman Farrell Nay Mayor Sedgwick Nay CITY CLERK Motion by Councilman Shaeffer the present City Clerk, Mrs. Dippery be retained in that capacity, seconded by Councilman Broga and by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Broga Yea Councilman Shaeffer Yea Councilman Henry Yea Councilman Farrell Yea Mayor Sedgwick Yea NNEW DEPUTY CLERK Councilman Broga duly moved that Mrs. O'Connell remain in the capacity of Deputy Clerk, seconded by Councilman Henry and by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Broga Yea Councilman Shaeffer Yea Councilman Henry Yea Councilman Farrell Yea Mayor Sedgwick Yea STREET DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES Motion by Councilman Farrell all the Street Department employees be carried over until such time as their work was not satisfactory. Seconded by Council- man Shaeffer and by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Broga Yea Councilman Shaeffer Yea Councilman Henry Yea Councilman Farrell Yea Mayor Sedgwick Yea POLICE DEPARTMENT Motion by Councilman Shaeffer, F. H. Norman be retained as Police Chief, seconded by Councilman Broga and by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Broga Yea Councilman Shaeffer Yea Councilman Henry Yea Councilman Farrell Yea Mayor Sedgwick Yea FIRE DEPARTMENT A letter was read by Mayor Sedgwick from the Edgewater Volunteer Fire Department stating Fred Garlick was elected Chief for the coming year, and ask for confirmation by Ordinance by the City Council. Motion by Councilman Broga, Fred Garlick be appointed Fire Chief, seconded by Councilman Henry and by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Broga Yea Councilman Shaeffer Yea Councilman Henry Yea Councilman Farrell Yea Mayor Sedgwick Yea LIBRARIAN Councilman Shaeffer ask who the Librarian was at present and was informed Mrs. Ruth Smith had been Librarian for more than a year and the library had a much larger circulation than ever before and reports made every month to the Council. Motion by Councilman Shaeffer, Mrs. Ruth Smith be retained as Librarian, seconded by Councilman Broga kand by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Broga Yea Councilman Shaeffer Yea Councilman Henry Yea Councilman Farrell Yea Mayor Sedgwick Yea f BUILDING INSPECTOR Motion by Councilman Shaeffer, that Adolph LaBonde be retained as Building Inspector at $100.00 per month, seconded by Councilman Farrell and by vote CARRTFD. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Broga Yea Councilman Shaeffer Yea Councilman Henry Yea Councilman Farrell Yea Mayor Sedgwick Yea ZONING BOARD Motion by Councilman Broga the Zoning Board be retained, seconded by Council- man Farrell and by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Broga Yea Councilman Shaeffer Yea Councilman Henry Yea Councilman Farrell Yea Mayor Sedgwick Yea Discussion followed on the Mayor & Judge Salary. The Mayor ask what the wishes of the Council were. Motion by Councilman Shaeffer the Mayor receive the salary set up in the Charter of V1.00.00 per year and the Councilmen receive X300.00 per year, seconded by Councilman Broga and by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Broga Yea Councilman Shaeffer Yea Councilman Henry Yea Councilman Farrell Nay Mayor Sedgwick Nay At this point of the meeting Mayor Sedgwick brought up Street Supervision, stating he had been at the City barn at 7:00 o'clock each morning to instruct the men where to work, and felt that this work should be taken over by one or more Councilmen as the Councilmen should assume some responsibility of this department as it was too much for the Mayor along with other duties. After a poll of the Council, Councilman Henry stated he could and Councilman Shaeffer stated he would if the Mayor would continue on for November and December then he would take over in January. Mayor Sedgwick replied that he would as always be willing to fill in during temporary absence of any work required of any Councilman but Councilman Shaeffer was to be responsible from this day on if appointed. Motion was then duly made by Councilman Farrell that Councilman Shaeffer be appointed to look after all street work with authority to employ, dismiss and purchase repair parts, etc with a purchase slip, seconded by Councilman Broga and by vote CA RT7D. Roll call vote being as follows:- 1 Councilman Broga Yea Councilman Shaeffer Pass Councilman Henry Yea Councilman Farrell Yea Mayor Sedgwick Yea VICE MAYOR Motion duly made by Councilman Henry, Councilman Shaeffer be appointed Vice- Mayor with signature on the card at the Bank of New Swina along with the Mayor & City Clerk, seconded by Councilman Broga and by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Broga Yea Councilman Shaeffer Pass Councilman Henry Yea Councilman Farrell Yea Mayor Sedgwick Yea OLD BUSINESS Councilman Henry ask about the Railroad crossing and was informed that the Superintendent of the FEC Ry, Mr. Hamilton was in the office this morning and the R.R. had ordered the material for the crossing and would put it in as soon as the material arrived. The Western Union has completed its work and it is up to the City to put in a culvert on the East side and Mr. Brown on the West side of Ocean Avenue. Mr. Brown stated he was ready to do his part as soon as the City decides what size culvert was needed. Councilman Shaeffer informed Mr. Brown he would contact Mr. Ham;l ton personally and would ascertain the information for Mr. Brown. Councilman Broga stated the City could no longer do business with the Edge- water Motors, but they would continue to service and do minor maintenance work on the Fire Truck at no cost to the City. Motion by Councilman Shaeffer a letter be written to the Edgewater Motors thanking them, and the letter be signed by all Councilmen and the Mayor, seconded by Councilman Henry and by vote CARRIED. Mr. M. M. Dawson was present and a letter was read to the Council which had been held over asking to purchase Lot 13 West of the R.R. After a discussion with Mr. Dawson a motion was made by Councilman Shaeffer to have the Mayor go ahead and have the land appraised and turn it over to the Councilman a Monday week, seconded by Councilman Broga and by vote CARRIED. Mr. Brown ask about the paving of Flagler Ave. He stated his contract with the City would run out in January, but he would extend the time of this contract if the City would assure him the County would pave this street. Councilman Henry stated this street was of vital interest to him as he had to travel up and down it and promised to see it done. Councilman Broga stated the first consideration was money to be spent to do a satisfactory job. Er. Brown stated he had contacted Mr. Saxon and Mr. Galbreath and they would pave thisstreet if the City requested it. Mayor Sedgwick re- plied directly to Mr. Brown for a correction in this statement that the County would only help the City on any road work when they had time available and that also the cost of such work and material would have to be paid for by the City. Yr. Brown agreed this was so. Mr. Brown then stated he would write a letter extending the time for a six months period. Mr. L. C. Stair stated the Hubbard Construction Company had destroyed his fence and hedge on Lamont St. and when he contacted them was told this should be handled through the City Council as all claims had to be filed through the Council. Mayor Sedgwick stated Councilman Shaeffer had charge of the roads from here on and he would see that Councilman Shaeffer met the Road Superintendent and advise the Superintendent that Councilman Shaeffer has charge of all road work. SPECIAL POLICE FOR UNION CHURCH ON SUNDAY Motion by Councilman Shaeffer, Herman John be retained as Special Police for the Union Church on Sundays at 112.00 per month, seconded by Councilman Broga and by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Broga Yea Councilman Shaeffer Yea Councilman Henry Yea Councilman Farrell Yea Mayor Sedgwick Yea The Clerk was instructed to have all Ordinances and Resolutions drawn up by the Attorney for the next regular meeting. Mr. ;gym. Piser asked whether the Council couldn't do something to improve accuracy of newspaper reports of meetings. Mayor Sedgwick stated the Council had no control of the press and all meetings were open to the public and were reported as they saw them, but if any errors were made the newspapers were always glad to make corrections. Nftei Mrs. Reilly ask Mayor Sedgwick for the floor and directed a question to Councilman Shaeffer as to the statement he made in making appointments saying "ne accept the appointments and can always fire them". She ask if there was any specific time and if appointed by Ordinance if the employees were assured of permanent positions. Councilman Shaeffer re- plied, I will tell you this, if left off for any reason at all, I would be the first to let thea know. There being no further business Councilman Shaeffer moved we do now adjourn, seconded by Councilman Farrell and by vote CARRIED. Time 3:00 P.M. Mayor 7,1 ,r 6 J_ 7 Councilman / iL ?A Counci u- %4.6, , _,/i AP Councilman t F Counc• .(- ATTEST: -ATTEST: City Clerk