11-06-1957 - Recessed/Regular
know what lR1l"k hae been put into the '-'3tet" dist..-1but1an qatem. As you aU
know, maney bas been tight and boliove me th..e has been a lot. or work
ccnnected with trrinfI to Set. a loan thrOU&h tho Federal Go~t. and I do
~.!lrreclate aU thQ 'fOrk the m..erk GIld others have IJlt into this appllcaticm.
Tho ~ltn"k 'WaS also tharncod tor 'w"- cOO(! Imd ra.tt~hr-:' ...e"'vice by all the
C.ounci:,qn end Attorne,- Branum ter hor aSi.J1stanC9 !n givina him intOl"r.lltion.
'l"here ~ no tltrt..hr business CO(md 1 mn F.0..t"rt311 ~{ed .}" do now &dj011.""n
un,,11 J~tOO PJ'~. \rodn~ NoV'.~ f.th" ~oe<<doo by eo.mci.~n "wJhlTln'1 aDd ~.
'r1mD 2'20 P.M.
CON'rINt'ATION OF P..EGULA;llr:ETDr tm.'1)
NOmV~t 6th, 1957.
CCll1tinuat1cn or the rleeu1nr I-teoting ltelt1 Nover:ber l~thjll 1951 was called to
ordm- by }~ Geor~ o. $edg-dcl: llt ~.:oo ;;:f.
~;.ou. CALL
J.iqcr George) O. Gedg\4ck Present
Counc:Hmen D. L. ti&ehburn Absent
CC\~ne:.tlJ.Dan C. O. T,"Ua Ab~
Gc..'iI1Qihm.n H. John Pr.":lent
CO!mellman B. Farrell ~t
City (''le:''~;: Frank F. I>ipr.c'!.'7 ?reGent
Cit;y Attty Fred R. Irannal, Jr. Pr-emmt
and the Election Deal"d tor the ReauJ,ar Election held Itovenber 5tt.. 1)~7.
Dora A. ,/hit." Clerk
~o.ll C'mtslq, IMpaotor
Helen Xiep, Iu~
Ruth ::>r1r.ikel, Inspecto:-
)c1ln"itu t. Jewll. In$pectOl'
!:ealthea Payl, Inspectoj"
~:1; J ~r:l Oe1sco, r!arldno O'pem.tor'
Clittcn V.oa..'tGr, He-chinG OperatCl"'
Th" Absentee r.a:t.lot" wor-e ~~ted to tho Clerk of Election b:1 tho CU,T Clerk.
AJ.ll~ en the AppUca.Ucuus, \>dtnuaes, etc. '<<Ire CCCUl11noc1 by all. Tho na.mes
on tlw 8Qvelopea wr8 care1'\1113' cheoked with tho Re~to~'atiCXl !looks to detm'In1.ne
all WilD in order then 0l.'lCtled and tabule. teet.
l~ at Large J. \.~ tar Bennett J.2 Ab'3entee Voteo - Total 3Jf'l
f~ It Oeor88 O. Sedgwick 2.0 u " " 362
Colmc::ilD8.n ~l D1st. Harry Broga 1 n ,. " Sl
COUl'lo;..lr,an .rl " David L. \':Uhbum 4 tt " It 00
I' /~':l " Cra:!d'ord C. Shaettcr ,.." " " " f13
..- ...:;
$I ~r2 n Charle'J G. Teague , tt " ., 58
It ;) II John H. Gibbs 5 " ft It sa
" itJ " Robert J. HOnI7 4 .. " " 92
,t 1/3 ~f Herman John 6 tt " n g4
tt &4 n rn...~ F!'.rrell 5 " u " 'lB,
n i4 tt lI. Kenneth ~son L. " " " 76
Thore ~ 9 incorreot. Ballots, 2 out oi,;.!,,;., 1 011t or }2, 6 out or fJ3.
Uotion mede by Councilman Farrell that Ce!-titicat08 ot Zlect10n be iSS1.ted
Gni th$ follO\<ii.n& incorted: Thi!5 certificate is issued cr1 the basis of yer::
re~rl.ng fJO ~ votes. This include~ aix (,'hal.1.er.ged votes anC exc1u.1.en
nino detect!V$ AbMnt.ee vot.es not. counted, eud 13 issued tl'ithout prejudice
to the r~'tt8 of your oppczent duo to the tact that the CeuncU has not
counted the detective ab~enteo votes and ha.'J not. considered errr test1.mor1y
or JU88d upon the vilidity or the "heJ lenee*"l tho Counoil leaving these
two matters to the Courh .tel' rrnicm, .l.t ~ oJ sought, seconded by Council-
JI8n John GrJd tv vote' CA'mI!!;D. ~ ca:~. 'Iota Loin4 as tollowsl-
~ II. .~
..... ~
Counoil.Jnan \:a$hburn
Council.man Teao~o
Counoi1can John
Counoilman ?arrell
I-\aj'or 3eclg.d.C4
There being no t'.u-ther business Councilman Farrell moved 'WO do now adjourn
until 7s30 r- .1-1. SeccndGd b.r CO\U1cllNn John am b;r vote CA.:uu:ED.
..'4u 4145 p ..It.
Continued Maeting or the City CouncU ot t"".o C1t7 of :dgewater, norida
held November 6th, 1957 was called to order b;~ !fqo:' Ceorge O. Sedgwick
at 7130 P.M.. ,lAce ~cn.ator ';OIl'ltlU1'11ty '";ent~..
'.... ...d
l!a.1or George O. 3eds.1ck ?resent
Councilman D. L. i:aGhbmn Absent
Counc1lJ:llan Teague Absent
Councilman H. John Present
'C0l11lcUan B. Farrell Present
City Clerk Frank P. D1P1*7 Present
City Att'1' .Fred a. Urmmon, Jr. Abeent
Police Chi.r F. H. I~. !'resent
Fire Chiet H. McParland Absent
1 .....!.
OF E:IXWilTER, VOWSU COUN'l"I.. mR1DA. on TI-t!: 5th DAY OF' NOmtIEl A.D. 1957
MID PROVIDIOO mil THE ISSUA..~?: OF Cb:..">TL"'1C.ln: OF :':L'8CTIClN TC THE CIn omwrc
The abovo Resolutian lIaS read 111 tull tot.hG Clcr'!{ and motion dul.y made by
Gounc:H.tml JQ'm, seconded b7 Counoi1J.nan Fur-ell the ;-.:osollott1on be adopted
doclar:1.ng George O. Sedgwick. !'!a.yor. ~J ':. hue. ~4lftc.""(\ C. Jhaetter,
Robert. J.. lIen.....,. and l3errl.ard 1'a:.rrttll, COU.l1ui1nlo.n in their rGOpeot1vQ Dist.ricts.
RoU r..all vetfJ being &0 follcwoI.
Counc1.lDrul Washbun1
CouncilJlan Teaguo
Councilman John
CO\Jnnihaan ParTe'll
l4ai1cr .3edgw.1c1.
At th..1.s point the meeting "h turned over to V.e ~it7 OlerIc 1d1o called tor fifaoo
elected of"tice:r- to ;rres(JRt Cerltrleat.e or ::at,mUon. Atter reclSivin& t.he co~1.1-
ticatea the Clerk a.dml.niatered tile Oe.th or Office and t.l-te Z{ayQr tmd Counoi.lta1
orJor\t ISeated.
lJqor r~orge O. Sedt;..:dek
Councl1mut H. Braga
10un0ilmNl r.. Shaeffer
CouncUan !~.. He.nr;y
Councilaln D. Farrell
City c:' eL"k Fra.."'1k r. Di: ~:;r
1JE~ ~SIre'35
:lotion by Councilman Shaefter the Gity Council meot tllice a 1Dlth on tho lst and
J~'<i HQIlday, At 11.30 p.}!. f>ecandod by Councilman !:lroea and tt.~ vote CAltttr':D.
1ol1 ca.l.: vote beina as tollO'.fflz-
Counoilr..lm Drop
Ccunc1 ''&1 3haefto;'
Councilman 1IfW7
Counc.1lmu Farrell
M~VOl" Sedswick
1~~t1~ \a..; then made tv CouncU.trID Far.r-ell a:u. City G!I!ployeea be held CNer
Ul1t:tl r.13 aUIlCe;)sor be appointed at. Counc.U JOOeting" 'Xhurada..l" at 1.,.30 p.t~.
,1ec~1X1 i"~ Counc::J.man Drosa and. b,y vote CA$U:'ID.
ThorG ~ no furthCO' bwJ1ness the roocting -'0 adjournecl until 11.30 P.!~.
~llU"6Q.ay tar roargMi&&tion.
T1me 7145 P~'1.
Cc:mt:1nuatiCll1 of the adjourned. maning of Iiovembw ()'th \Ian called to ord...
b;r ;'~'1)l" George o. Sedgwick at 1.30 P J,. I:OvQlriber 7th) 1957.
!~ George O. 5edt,duk Present
Couneilrilan H. .fkeona .Preeent
CownoilJllBn C. Jhae.fter Present
Councilmrm n. Henry Preeun\
Council.man B. Farrell 1"N$ent
Cit).. Clerk Frank F. Dipper;y Present
City Attfy Fred ~. 11rAAnca1.. Jr. Absent
Police Chio.t' f. H. NOf1lRn }-'recent
Tho p......j.(.;3o 0: tho lJeetinlJ was to reorganizft and make appointtDonte.
llwJ;. Dr.i..,osit(47.
!-!ctlG1l by Couno11man Shaerfer the Dank or lle'..: SlQTna be dea1&natod as the C:1tr
Depoa1tOl7 and aig:1ature cards be signed by the ~ and City Clerk. Secaxled
by ~CA1nCilman Broaa and by vote CA.?...'mm. :loU call vote be1J1c as toUOt1S%-
CounoUman Brcga Yea
Counci..lman Shaeffer Yee
Counci.1.mrm Henr:y Yea
Councilman 1-....'"l"Gll Yea
Liayor Sed.ewick Yoa
A.T'~C.J;"Y .
A lette.... wu read by the Clerk Iran. AttOl-ney 3rannon stating ho would not
attend tho meet1ng wc&use of ctiocuss:1rls. amozt.'l other things, the mtter or
Cit)' At.tm"1l87_ IDi think U. mle1Jte1:barrass you. to haVQ ., the:-e~ thouah
i\ would. not embarrass no, as I do not tako ~ at t.ha,t nature "-3 be:t""-U
pw'IJonal, Lu't i'aU*, u<i a matteJo cf btwinorlnlt HG also stated. tho 1temo or
unt:l.n:!.shl3d butJ1nese tor tho C11:.1'. A CORf of th18 letter "JaB given to ea(;h
r.ou.tl~l ~ 1''''' .
.roi.J.on ty CounollNn Ib:-og'Jl, Attol"llctJ" John ~. Chisholm be IlL"'" City Attorney
tor the City I eeQc:n;teU b;" Counci.lJ:la.n ~haerfer and by ...ot. CAHRtED. P..oll call
vote being as l'olJ.owal-
COImCilne.n Broga. Yea
Coun0'.1'lman Sb&ett.r Yea
CouncllnJn Henry Yea
Counc1.1r.an I"arrell flay'
r!a.Yo~ ~ck 1la3
ern cumc
f.'..etiw by t;ounei.1.mn SlUlttfi'er t.lw p:oesent City Clerk. Ih-s. Dippery be retainecl
in that capacityl'_ aec(D'Jad b7 Councn~n Droge. and bT voto CARRIEn. Roll en:.!
votu beind as touowst-
Counai.lJ:an Brop Yea
Coun"ih1)l11 Sbaeftv Toe.
Coonci1Jzan Henry Yea
Counci 11lJll'1 Parrell Yea
~ Sedgwick Yea