11-07-1957 - Recessed/Regular ", .., ~ Couno1lr.3an nz.osa Councilman 3haettot* Councilman IIen.ny Counci.1Jllm Farrell I~Ol" Sedtzwick Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea /' rc/~..1(4'). \1UJ then mad.o irJ' Councibrm Fa:rr-ell al... City amployeea be held over \.::nt.tl ~J.3 3U~ce;,;~or be appoint.eel at. Council r~t1lllt.t 'l'hu.rsda;.y at J.,30 p.tj. ~1~(;.(J;Jd:xl }U Oounoi..l..t1an Broga and b;y vote CA:mr:D. Thore be1..'18 no tu.""thE" bwdneol the meting wac adjournoc1 until 11';0 1'.1:. nn~ faJ." r~eaniaat1on. T1me 1'45 p...'!. CClIttb1uatian of the adjourned meting of liovember ()t~ wao ealled to order by ;4;"Or George o. Sedgwick at 1130 PJ',. Uovomb6l" 7th, 1957. ROll (..\Lt l!aycr George O. 5ed"nck Present, C01mc1.lmt.n H. lroga Present CO\6J1o.1lan c. Ohaetter Present Councilman ll. Henry Preeen\ Counoilnan D. Farrell .tTe38nt CJ.t')" Clerk Frank 1. Dipper;y Present City Attfy Fred ~ !lz-8rmon~ Jr. Absent Police Chief 't. H. No.rT.lAn hoecent 1'.0 p.4.~i-"':10 0: tho Jl>>Ctt1na was to reor~ tu'd make appointment.. TJwJt :Ju~toq. Hotleu by Councllman Shutter the Da:nk of Nerol Szqrna be deatenatod as the City DepositOl.7 and sig:1ature cards bo signed by the !4IQror end City Clerk. Secaxled by ~G.mci.1mrm BrQi& and by vote CAP..'Um. :lon call verte be1n& as tollO\1S:- Couno1' ~n Brcga Yea Cwnci.lr.an Shaeffer- Tee Counci1.m8n Henry Yea CouncUan Fa..'"r'Gll Yea lla}~ Jedt:;wick Yea AT'~'(,.':;'~--Y . A let.te.. watS rMd br t~'1a Clerk tran AttoJ.-ne,. !3razu:Jon stattng ho would not attend tho meeting because of di:JC'l18S.J.na. ~ other things, the t1!tte:" or Cit) Attorney t# ad think it m1&itt eubarrass you to have me the:-e, ttwuah 1\. \-,auld not ~s no, as I do not tabt tm1t~ of t.hnt; nattJrO 0.3 btUnif pw"3or":':', Lut i.'at.h.~ u:i a nattero of blJ.Uine1J3. Ho also ertated tho 1tema ot \lnt'Wsh~ butdneae to:' the City. A C01'7 of th1a letter \180 given to ea.~h COUlll~\ ~l'rM. Hotioo b;y Coun<.lilll8n ~, Attomey John :,. Otbholm m. nIL",*, City Attorney tor the City. eeocoted r:." Counc1J.J:lan ~hae.ttor Illld by vote CA:11UED. P.oll call voto being .. !'oJ.lowa t- Counci.1.r.ru1 Ihaosa tea Couno1lm8n Sh.&ei'lor Yea Counc1.Lmsn H8Zlry Yea Counc11msn Farrell tllq )!a,yo.'" ~ck Nay errl CL:;mt I-totlQU by Coull~i1nun D(w.G.ti'er t.he present City ~ltlrk. ''h-s. D1PPf1'!7 be retained in that capaciVl_ oecc.a:lacl by Counoi1:am Droga aM by voto CARRIED. :toll call vote beilta as to.uaw:U- Councilman Brosa Yea Counci1Jm1 Shaaftez- Yoa Councilan Uenl'7 Yea Coun~i 1""", Perrell Yea 1.fQor SecIgw1ck Yea ~. ..""" ..., DElVrr CLERI CouncilJJJsn Braga 41.117 moved that V.rG. OfCc.nnGll remain 11'1 the capacity of Deruty Clerk, :seconded b;r COfll1CUman liGm'7 and by vote CA..'1mD. iioll call . vote beine as tc11Ott;J:- Cot1l1eilim.n Broca Yeo Ccr.mci.l.nan Sh.!Atrer Yea ~O'nncJ.lmn Henry Yea C(.'l1.mcilrl3l1Tt Jarrell Yea. Mayor ~d.~..k Yea ST:iEET DEPAIn'J.mHT mlP'~ lrot1on lq CounoiJ.lWl FA!"~8ell &11 the Jtreet Dopartment ~.~s be earried ovel~ 'Ul"til $.lch ti'~ at; tlteir ~!t lta3 not.. 6ai..l~re.otoT"'J. qEt('(\!l'ied by Ccuncil- t1IU1 5lmettor ond b7 vote CA...'mn.."O. Holl call voto be~ a:s follo--J2- CounoilmM n-o~ta Yoa CCt.m()1L~ ~la.ertt4 Y~a \~ounaiJmn 11enry Yen Counci:z.r...all P.!l1''t-eJ.l Yea !~~or Jodg-.d.:k Yea. POLIC.i~ DEPAR'l'!.m:rrr Uotion by Counollma.n Shaarr.~, F. H. Not'r.Im be ~fJta1ned a.~ Police Chior, seconded by CouncilJDan ~ and Or' vot~ CArtW:::D. :~o11 ':a1l vote beU1g as follows!- Ccun~1lmm1 l'?roga Yea Cow:ud.lm8n Shaefte:. Yea Councd1.mn Henry Yea ~oun<,;1.lnon Farrell Yea r~ Sedgwick Yea F!.im DErAlm-m'll1' A lett<tr was react b;y f.!q-c:o ~:1i;k hem the :?Agewater Volunt~ P1."'l') ~rt~t otat~ Froud Carllek lias elected Chief for tho c~ year, and ask 10'f' ccntirmat10n ~ Ord1.nanc8 tv tr..o C1ty Counci.'1.. Jloti~ b;y CounoilJlnn i."'o,~, :T~ Ca.-lick be ap}.'I()i.. ...too ?ire Cl:-.1et, soconded b;t Couneill1lQn Henr-y and 1::7 vot.e CAHP.IED. looll c(Lll vote boinl: as t"ol.lo\m:- COl.411d lr.an 11roga. tea r,o\m.clli'an ~1uwt1"ej~ Yea Counc11Jrm.n H~ Yea Cou:ncilnz.t~ Farrell Yea l~ fedswJ.ck Yea Lt&iA:"crAl! Council..cw1 f,haffer lC'tk .t"lc :'10 IJ..~.vs '.,uJ at pr'eaent aM \.%La int'm1."Y...d ! :--a. u..th Seith had beat ~arlan tor %"'.ON than (1 ~ a..'1d the 11m-W7 had & t2J.cl1 larger ei::-eul&tiQ1'1 than ever befm>e anc:l reports made sveI7 I:lIXltb t.o tho Council. Hot.1co by Cowwilman Shaeffer, r-fxos. Wth 3m:lth be rGt.ai.ned as I.1.b.r.at.ian, saC<<lded lGr Ccuncllman Br~ ~~ b~ i'.)tO CAIt"'"'..I:t3>. P..oU. call vot. beir-S C3 tollm:s:- Cw::.eilm!.n Bl-caa CQUtlfJil.zmm :;l1&efi.'er CQUD.::j.brm I~.ry Jouncill:.atl la."'n\U .~""'o,., '~-... ..~"'k ......, ./1. u~....... y~ Yea Yea Yea Yea ....' 1L. -. ..... '-" WILDIln INSPECTat Mot.ion h7 Counc1l-.n Sbaett'er, that AdolW t.anande be retained as n~l1dlng Inspeetcr at ~,lOO.OO per month, seconded b;r CouncilDm Farrell and by" vote CA.R!llEj). :loll call vote be1n.& as tollo-fs:- Counc11Jren a."oga Yea Counci.l!.llm Shaetter Yea Councilm8n Hem'7 loa \JOund.lr.:JsIi Farrell Yea J.':qao ~r:k Yoa zoom XAr.D t!ot1cn by Counc11Vlan Brop the Zcmi\18 Board bo retained, eeconded b.- Counoil- =m Farrall and by vote CA.'!R.lED. iWU call vot.e be1nZ B8 tollowl- C<:rvnclluw. Broca Yea Councilman Shutter Yea CouncUmu. 1I8nI7 Yea Councilman Fan'eD Yea ~ Jedpick Yea Diacusblon followed em. t.hQ Mq:or $; Judee Salar;y. 'lb. Ma.1or uk 'What the wishes 0.1' the Council were. Moticm b1 Councilman Shaotter the ~or receive the aa.lar7 set up in the Charter or t4OO.oo per :fear 8J1d. the CO\1Ilc1lmf'n receive .:JOO.OO ~ year, ot;cCllnded by CQWloilman Broge. and by vote CAFJUED. aou call 'V"" beins au followul- ~cuncu.n Droga Yea Counc:1.l.nw.n Shae!tO%' Yoa Counoi 1 Jn6n Henr;y Yea Councilman t'u'reU Nq ~~Qr :oog\>liek Nq At tb1a jJOint or tho meeting l!qor Jedgrlck brO\1,Sht up StrO()t Su}')4lrv1eicn, Btatina he had been at. the City barn at. 7~OO o'olock each morninFr to in"5trtlct thti mran wlIre t.o work, and. felt. that this work lIIhould be taken fIVer by <:&10 or lOOre Council JDllJI'l &IS the C'Qunellmen ehould 1l38UlIlG same rfJS!'Onsi bili ty or t.b1tJ d.~t as it was too III1cn tor the Ma;rcr &lcag with other duties. Ai"to~ a poll of the Council, CoUncUam Henry stat.ed he oould and Counci.lJm.n ShaerrertJtat.ed he wo..ud ~ tae l~ol." \~d continuo on for noved>er and December t.hen he 'WOuld take over in J&nuar"J'_ 11a;yor Sed.t;w1ck "plied that ho would as al1l/&7S be will.ing to till in during tGmpOrary ab:Jenee or ~ work required or anT Counoilman but Counaihan 5haerrer vas to be responsible tran this 4q on it appointed. Not-ion wu Lhan dul,y made by CouncUman Farrell that Councilman Shaeffer be appointed to lock atter all atreet work wit~ authority t.o employ, diamias and purc:ha.se repair parts, ete with II. purcM.se slip, .econded b.Y Counci1tJ8l'l Broga aDd b7 voto CARRIF'J). Rol.l call votn be1n&: as follows:- C~cil1lW'l l.b-oga Yea Council:!mn Sh&elfer Pa. Counoilllan Het1r1 Yea Councilman Farrell Yea ~~or s.d.pick Yea VICE I{l.YOR }~tion duly ma4e by CctU1oi.ur.an H6n!'J", Counc11Jnan Shaefter be e.ppoin~ed Vi as- }~ \'lith 8ignature on ~he ca.~ at the Em3k or New S1!l)'1"na along with tho }~or fit City Clerk, seoouded by Counoilman Brogn and by vote CARRIED. "toll call vot.. being as tollow,,U- Councilman Broga Yea Couneilmn Shaeffer Pus Couneil.tM.n Sen:r;y Yea Councilman Farrell Yea MQ'or Sedpi.ck Yea .. < , ( ~ ...... OLD ntmINESS v CouncUllln flen17 uk abou.~ the .Railroad croasi.ng and. t.aa intormed that the 5uperintmdent or the FEe ~ I ~.~. Ham11tcn was in \he office this ~ ~ t~ ".1. ~ order<<! the mater'...a.l tor the cro8:lins ~ would put it in as eoon as thf'a mt..:dp~l arr:i.vod. The \e~t.e..'""n Un:I.on h&:J ccanplElted ito work and it il': "'.., t(\ t't-e City to put in II eulvert on the rut Bida and !'fr. Jh-own on the jrest aide of' Ocean A venue. )1r. lWawn stated ~e wall ready to do hi. JVt &3;60on &e t'le Cit;r 4eoidos ~t siza oulvert 12~ ruteded. Councilman Shaetf'er :t.nror~ lk'. Brorm he tlould oontact. tir. Hud.ltcm personally and would tt$ccrt.ain th& ~~oI"J!lation tOl. Mt-. Drm,m. ;/ Coureilnm Broga stated the City could no lancer do business with the Ec1.ge- .ter HotOr'8, but they would continue to sO"'1'"Vic. and do m1.nor maintonanco \101"k on the Fire Truck at no cost to tho Cit.y. l{Qtion l~ ~ounoi1r.aJl ~l&etrer a totter be lJritten to the E;dge-..ter Motors th&'1k7.rlJl.hem.. and th~ letter bo signed b;r aU Cmmc1.lmen and the N&''1Or, 'l~cmdoo by Councilman Henry and by vot~ CA.R.:UZD. Hr. n. If. ~wncn was present and a lettot- "mfJ roo.d to tho Council \,'hieh had been ho1 d over ~'\~ to purohase I~ 13 l<.cnt or tM R.a. Alter' a db. 'lss1on with Mr. Da~-"1son a ~tlon ,,!C~ r:a.'Vie t,y Councilman Shaeffer to havo the l'~m- eo ahead m':d have the land a1lIl1"ai~ed and tum it over t,C) tho Cound.1r.Ie.n a ~ week, eoconded by Counci1~ Brogo. and b7 vote CARRIED. 1"r. Prown ask about the 1l4ving c,t Flagler Ave. He stated 'tis contract with the O:.t,y "'l'J'Lt1d run out in Jatalal7, but ho woul.d extf'nd the time ct' th1e contract it the City \(ouM as~"rG him tho County wow.<! pave this street. ~OQld.,1.:1tU1 Hc!U7 st3ted this ott'eot l;D.JJ o! vi tal interest to him .It he bad t~ t l"~vel up and down it and promiSed t.o ace it done. Counoilman Droga stat,eel the first considerat.ion was 1IClne.y to 00 spent to do a S4tietaet0X7 Job. 1!~. Jr-own atatect he h6d cont,act.ecl Hr. Saxon and r~. Galbreath enl t.he;r \~culrl pave this &retlt it t.he City reqttcllted it. Mayor Sedawick re- plied <.liJ'"ectly to "11". BroNn tc-: a c~t1on irt th;.s stat8l!l'!J1' that th. County would only help Ula City on c\y read work when thlV had time available a..'V>Ji tJ1St also tho eost of GUch WOl'l: and mtG:""'!al wculd hay. to be pe.1d tar by 1.';\S C~J..y. J.t.'. Drown &greed this wao ';:0. !~. ~m. then stated M would tirito a letto\"' utfl'C.d1n& tho t1l'OO tOl' a. si:: months nerlod. l~'. 1.. c. 'j~L. :ltn.t.ed tho ltubbe.1'd Conatru.:tton ComJU\Y had destrOJ'ed his tenC<l atld hedge on Lamont St. end \ihen he contacted them \&8 told this :mou.ld be ham.led throu.~ t.he City Councu a~ a.ll "la1.tns he,d to be tiled ~lrout:h tho 00\1%1c11. HlqOr Sed.gw1ck ntated COHnoilmarl Shaetter h4d charge f;;.i.' tJ.o r0ad3 !'rcn here on !111d he would see that ~c11man fihaetter met the rocd !3~ '1.~~'i."1.tQ~nt CJlI..t "Xivj C'JFa tl1., Jupnrintemcnt thAt Councilman Shae1'tex>> 11.1'..5 :h.a,l'"ze or all road work. :)i:X;IA~ ff!.Ir1 FeR UNION CHURCH Olf SUNDAY Hotion by ~0U11~il~ t'Jhaefrer", H~ Jolm be Nts1.ned all Special Police tor the Union Chur~l't on :;und~s at',l:.'.CO Fe.' nmth I seconded by Councilman :. 'q;n c.nd by vot~ r.AR'Un.. &11 call -Iota bQin<< ttS f'OUo1:JI- CO\mn1lJIlan 9ro.ga Yea COrlnl"ilJ'l'l.,n ~haatter Yea Coune; 1""lUl Hen....,- YM l:;ouncilJMn Farrell Yea. l>!ayor :3~dck Yea The Gle....!, ',':M :in.Jt:'"'U~t~'l to h~V8 all t.:d1.nMco3 8.J1(t RGsolutims drawn l\~ br the Attorne;r tor tho nmd. ~gu.1.c.r msetinr;.. 140. ,M.. Pip!' 43ked whether the Council \.:(X.udl.l.'t do 8C211'KJthing to improve aocurac;r or ncnm14PGr report.,. or maet1nt':'l. ra7(Jr" )edgw1ak stated the Cexmcll had no c<I1t.rol at the pres. and all -.t1n&o 'uore open to the public and were report.ed as they eaw them, but it My' errors 'k1$re made the MWapaperS WII1'e alweQ'O g1.ud tQ llIIlke con-ect1oos. .. ...- ,~. I (' ". ~ "-!' "-" ~';.~;;,.. ~lell1y s.sk }!ayOl" .;jedgr",ick fQ: the floor Md directed a que-iticn t.o ,;" Jr.. .i.lr.rm Shaet:cr an to in..- !j;tatEm!er.~ h~ z::..':\d~ in mBk~~ nppcd.ntzn!l:nt.t:; ;fi.,y~1(; 't>':~. ~c.V~ ..he ap)1Ointme."1tz and. ca.'1 a.:~ tire tbel1'. She 4.Jk if' ~'!fT.:e ';40 alJY G~t:ific tL-ne nnd i:' appo:1nt~)(\ by Q"dinan-ee if tho GU.O).~8 \iO~~ lW~ ur p.a;.~t positiOl'...3. (,ouno1lsr!un Shutter re- p~ied. 1 will toll ;rw this, it la.rt dt tor uur "'eason nt, nU. I would 1.>" the fir-at to let them knOll. Th01'" bein& no turthen busille:iS \iound..c!Ei!'. Jhe.ct'te~ tiOved '..c do now adjcu.rn.. SQcarxl~ by CO'J:l,lcilan tar.roll tiJ.ld by ..ct.. ~A..XEO. T~ 3.00 p,;r. t!1'!'f"O:.... ""of. ... ..b..~",.. Councilman 4- ..~......-......... Councilman J:I .'. tIP Coune':J..r:a~ 1 .....- , r-. .-.....-.....___ C,,:.mc11man -- AT:':"'i'.:'1 City Cla:dt