11-08-1957 - Special ",y .,.. .... or.: ...., '...,~ SPfryIAl )~..:,. ilr: OF T"t':B ern ~OUN<':It CITY OF EOOFJiA'l'ER.. FlOtttDA, HGLO IJOV.Cl~E.:1 8th J 1957. A ;j?)~1al ~.Betix..-: of the Cit;..~ CoundJ ce the ,..jt~.,. or l~ga-Il\"te.."", Florida h...J..,,: """";,,,' .,'" "'t' "lc'-7 1.."''' c.'l.....l ~'O O"v1"",,, ~...~ ."'.. '''''' ,~...,....-- ( '::'~~~1'!'~"k -' v -'-... .....'V..t.rI...iA,J,.. u .!, ...,:J ~ ,.U,..I", U\.i. ...' 4. .....~'. "'-"/ ..~ v.. . V'~ ;~y v. ,...,'~t.i..:...... at 10:00 A.U. ilOLl. '-'A!J.: 1~o:- Ge01.SO c. ...e~;.~'1l~ t.""'......c.;, ......"" n n-.......n v",,",", -...........,. n _ .)~ vc.... Counc iJl:1.:m C. JbtJ,.rfer Caull..:i.l.u..-1l1 h. U0iU7 Cotin61lm.'V1 D. FarNll ;i.ty Clo;d{ n~ ~;o. Dip~ry ~..'illc~ Ofli(:Q{' ,l. H. Nc:"m..1'1 ~m!W. ~Te~ent ';Te~ent LTe"M1nt .'r'lGi;.nt 1':-eiX'Jnt p....HrJ.t Th" ~...h\1 "Ian called le.' tb, purpoec or AC( ........ttr.!,t l"l"'" ....'or.:tina the r.si(~..a.i;,;tion of Att-v..-ne,t /..~'\1 ~. Drannvn, J:.'. A letr.er f:rom It.t,ome;y lroo. R. ;,a-lWl"Wn, .Jr. \;'4".> :,"eni 1;; the CIeri. alia'LiDs h1;; ~'!ta.i.nflr was ~ ~.(......u; lb",'t" 13(, to ~O'"r~' 15t. and 1'"..0 had al~ served Q;'l;G \.;oO,k u. m:oess of t.b..ls, &nd th81'eforo ro:;!f,-ltX1 ettectivo this dn.te, (no'!. 71',t\, 1'151). Alao tho >:C.t{1k~'ide:.' ~aA in ....nWJ. ~':'auTl'J f.1"'X.'rt is I;~et tor ~inC ten(h~"O\-J, 1'r~ November:- ath. in n.,w ~"'ff..11& :XJac.'1 ~O1"'O Jud,..~ Nelacn at 2:00 "~'.. <j:ni.s l~tt..w. Jt. ~tl~';;lr9ll arA ~ p:....t o! t:.Ji:C nt1n:.rtoa as ","",cord. J.t.t.o-mcy ....~tw.m 'WU pre"c" e.nd Jt.ato.l t'1o..... la3 (l. ',",eo aea,.i.n::.t. ti" ';i.ty or .A,:J1J'>i;.';hitr' .-..1 ...:..me.a ,:laln3 C(,-.;...t dl.Jd U in:JtJ.'A,~t..ljd '..-JUl.rt appear a:nd t4VfJ thi6 cae. CQ1t.inued a.o ha hs.d aL~~ oo'-i!sod his ~llf::nt. J'~8. ~oekridor l"othirle \,,"OUld be dono to .#'ac~.I2..Nl1ze hm' l'i[hts one .,!lO 'I./o...1.1d :'lo7.VO to got other C'Ct'lnsGl. Ho nJ 90 statecl i-ir. Urown we.a w11Une tc. Q;.'Oo~.. 'l...,'l:.dt. r.fJ\inat tho City and atV- "-7W tine for tak1..11t t"tlt,i.:;u~" in the matter load ~t.>d and tho C1t;' Stloeeaa- ~",1 h ~o..Ud ~ a dhmd.' ~l:'::'. ~()\.ilv~iltll!1ill 4"vroll a"'..<.W uLO'.lt ktto.tn-ayJ1.i...\o1.':'ll '(.\lr::.tionshlp t.c th., ~~l {'lah'1S court ~. not. t.h.a.t :U:l k,.'d:., bo...: .liJoe ",:.. tho l,..:lBG ar&d \<1;1' inf'ormed b;y ~.". ..., ,.~ltiahf.)1r t..\ut.t :..t~ "., ~.ann(4.1 aJ u" 1.nt;...,,' ,joth :ides or th6 Cl!UJ8 and t::v=, euit lJ;:.,ol yel! l.UG qi.l.e5t.iQl~ 0; la...... '.~t1tLer the... f'nct.v. ~CJtm;.;11r:ltll'l rarr~l1 1:'100 't'oot..ed to Jcnot.i his c.onnect1mo ~~th I:4g<rw:ate.... A;Jl'e$ Hol'JlU, Inc. and Attorney C''t.t'Jhoh'' rt...ateci he 'a,... t.. ni,;,udr-e' l;ji):-:i ~.. to ~.. \("'r. r!G\)(f $, atc. !:ot,1o"" ~,U then ~ mde b;y Jf)uno".t.tnan !~.1 thJ C(~"n41il acl.o'Opt. the ...'"C- ~i.p,no.t..1Gn ~ Att.Cl'l'1O,Y L.".annon, tllf:'..;ow'('d br ...c.w,,,~.n ::..oca o.nJ 1....." "eta r.Jw!:.iXJ). ;'Zoll. ~ Y'Oi#(.. L""iP" !W 1'0"''':; 0\1'31- \"rc.::-.d l~ lot "QI",.:l ~Qlln~::',~ ;,..~. --::lA(~;~"'(;.. ::o-.mci..~"Ul He~U'"or Cu.m.c~ .,.1'a;.,,:,~ 1 J~;." SodgwiQK Yea. Ye.... ye....... rea YOF'. '.(;ti.cn "":'ell dl.u.y 4ado l( .:()\tr....:..:~-a ...hae:.r~;:".. !.~t(...nJ.i' Ch1$llOba be 1n.structed t<.. a.;k t.he Colt!-t. fQ;io \:0l11.inual..i.on 0... "hi} ...";c....:.:.-. (l~ >.;.}C(:l. .:-econcled by' Counci.l.man n -Of.A and by' vote CA,t.u:.:r.. T1W'"" ',eb1~" no ".l1'"th.,. bvaineas Ooun~!"1..rla.1l :'ha>..l.:"to:' tC"ad we do nC1::l 114jou..~. 5econd~~ l')y ~OU'lci.l..::...ul t.l.l':.."'ell .w.ad LJ'oc. J ,..\:~...n:./. L( f 11:.'-:1 10t:~ A .H. , \\ "1 .- A?f'i1': city Clerk ..- '-' }~or Coune1.l.Jrnn Counc1L:r!l: ~ CounQ" 1 J'l'I.'l.11 JuunCi1:,iQll T .A t: '-' ~ T -- • fir/ ' t V Mayor CezcQ Councilman '1.14JAL`,, t' Counc' 0... 00 Councilman Councilman ATTEST: City Clerk V FRED R. BRANNON , JR. 308 BANK BLG. LAWYER PHONE GA. 8-4591 NEW SMYRNA BEACH, FLORIDA November 7, 1957 Hon. George 0. Sedgwick Members of the Council City of Edgewater Edgewater, Florida Dear Sirs: In view of your action today, and in view of the further action that my retainer was from November 1 to November 1, and I have already served one week in excess of this , I resign effective this date as City Attorney. The Sockrider case in Small Claims Court is set for a hearing tomorrow, Friday, November 8, in New Smyrna Beach before Judge Nelson, about two o'clock in the afternoon. This case has haver been served upon the City of Edgewater by registered mail, and Yr. Chisholm on behalf of Mrs. Sockrider may attempt to obtain a default of judgment. I suggest you have a special Council meeting immediately and emplcy counsel to represent Edgewater. As a guide in employing counsel I would say that I received no extra compensation for any of the four suits brought against Edgewater, so your counsel should protect you in this at no cost to the City. When I took office it was my duty to prepage all appoint- ments, including my own, so I suggest this duty now de- volves upon your new counsel, Mr. Chisholm. Yours very truly, • (ii , FRBjr:k -" -. Brannon, Jr1