11-07-1960 - Regular " v '- ~ '. \,J \j REGULAR 1.fEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEr/rATER, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA, HELD NOV. 7th, 1960. The Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida held November 7th, 1960 was called to order by Mayor Crawford C. Shaeffer at 7:30 P.M. ROI.J.. CALL Hayor Cray/ford C. Shaeffer Councilman S. A. Seng, Sr. Councilman R. P. Smith, Sr. Councilman D. T. Armstrong City Clerk Frank F. Dkppery City Att'y John E. Chisholm Police Chief F. H. Norman Fire Chief C. Fred Garlick Present Present Pre\sent Present Present Present Present Present The Minutes of the Regular Meeting held October 17th, and Special Meeting held October 21st, 1960 were presented to each Councilman for his approval. Motion duly' made by Councilman Seng these minutes stand approved as submitted, seconded by Councilman Smith and by vote CARRIED. BILLS & ACCOUNTS BondQHowell Lumber Co. Glencoe Press New Smyrna Auto Supply Rhett HcMillian Hughes Supply Addressograph-Multigraph Corp. Sun Oil Co. \villiam Sciscoe Lock-Joint Pipe Co. Sams Oil Co. Campbell Brown Dvd.ght's Gulf Oil Corporation Uoyd Cox Co. Charley's Welding Shop Magnolia Motor Co. Prentiss Hardware Co. Gorman Co. Edgewater Motors Jess Mathas Communications Co. Ford's Gulf Service Books for Library City of New Smyrna Beach $7.56 31.50 13.99 200.00 5.88 6.03,r" 23.72 10.87 43.20 30.26 70.92 2.80 36.00 5.25 12.50 72.01 19.46 - 7 oJ 3.54/ 2.69 165.60 1,151.42 2.00 136.76 482.23 J5~- Motion duly made by Councilman Smith these bills be paid and be made a part of the minutes, seconded by Councilman Seng and by vote CAR.iUED. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Seng Yea Councilman Smith Yea Councilman Armstrong Yea Mayor Shaeffer Yea cm1HUNICATIOf\'S Letters were read from the following: C. N. Hamel,Edgewater Civic Association two letters,Florida State Road Department. OFFICERS REPORTS The Clerk read the Clerk's Cash Statement and the Budget Report for the ~~nth of October, 1960. Also the Building Inspectors Report for October, 1960 and his yearly report. Also the Fire Chief's report for the fiscal year. . " ~ ,.., v '-'" "". ORDINANCE AN ORDINAl\"CE DESIGNATING AND APPOINTING A CITY ATTOill,JEY FOR THE CITY OF EDGE\'IATER, FLORIDA AND SETTING FORTH COlvlPEI\;SATIOE FOR SUCH OFFICE. The abeve Ordinance was read in full by Atterney Chishelm and metien duly made by Ceuncilman Seng this .ordinance be adepted, secended by Ceuncilman Smith and passed by vete .of the City Ceuncil .of the City .of Edgewater, Flerida, at the regular meeting held en Kevember 7th, 1960. Rell call vete being as fellews:- Ceuncilman Seng Yea Ceuncilman Smith Yea CeuncilIT~ flxmstreng Yea Mayer Shaeffer Yea Upen metien duly made by Ceuncilman Smith, secended by Ceuncilman Seng and carried, the requirement .of reading said .ordinance upen secend reading was ,.rai ved and the .ordinance was .ordered put upen final passage. Passed by vete .of the City Ceuncil .of the ~ity .of Edgewater, Flerida, at the regular meeting .of said Ceuncil held Kevember 7th, 1960, and appreved as previded by Law, the vete .of said Ceuncil being as fellews:- Ceuncilman Seng Yea Ceuncilman Smith Yea Ceuncilman Armstreng Yea Mayer Shaeffer Yea OLD BUSINESS Nene I\JX\Aj BUSINESS Mayer Shaeffer stated he had befere him a letter v~itten by him te Mr. Lenz en August 26th, inferming him he weuld net be issued a business license fer 1960-61 if he intended te remain in business at his present lecatien. On September 6th }tr. Lenz purchased a license thru errer in the .office. Mr. Lenz was then called inte my .office and alse netified by letter that he weuld be given until Nevember 1st te relecate his business in the business district. Mr. Lenz stated when he received netice his license was due he presumed it was O.K. te purchase same. Mayer Shaeffer stated thru an errer in the .office his license was issued. He then ask Mr. Lenz if he had dene ~~ything abeut relecating his business in the business district, te vmich Mr. Lenz replied he ceuld net find a place. Mayer Shaeffer then stated the City Zening Ordinance strictly ferbids deing business in the area in ~Thich yeu are lecated, and it is my swern duty as Mayer te see that Ordinances are enferced, and as .of this mement yeu are .out .of business in this area, and I am geing te send lvIr. Nerman .our Pelice Chief te pick up yeur license, and if yeu de net surrender same, I ~~ll have te put yeu under arrest. Mayer Shaeffer stated things might have been different if yeu, Mr. Lenz, had ceme te my .office te see if everything was alright befere purchasing yeur license, but yeu ignered me entirely. y~. Graften aks if anether extensien ceuld be granted, as this Penny Saver is a big help te the City. Ceuncilman Seng stated he had ne ebjectiens te his deing business ~mere he was, but if we de this fer .one we will have te de it fer ethers, and that weuld net de. Mr. Graften stated there were twe ether businesses en Riverside Drive at the present, and what is fair fer .one is fair fer the ether. He weuld net cemmit himself as te whe was deing business in this zene. Mr. Bre~m stated this paper is semething the City needs badly and a precedent has been established, and it alse brings revenue te .our Pest Office every week which helps .the rating, and it dees net cest anyene anything, and circulatien weuld be interrupted fer five .or six weeks, and as I see it, it is net hurting anyene. Metien duly made by Ceuncilman Seng, Mr. Lenz be allewed te .operate anether 30 days to allow time to bring this before the Zoning Board, secended by Councilman Smith and by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as fello'..rs:- ... " II t '-" ~ '-' v . . .... Councilmffi1 Seng Yea Councilman Smith Yea Councilman Armstrong Yea Mayor Shaeffer Yea The Clerk was instructed to vITite a letter to the Zoning Board requesting them to meet and recommend action in this case. Letter from Edgewater Civic Association requesting another road out of Edgewater Acres. Motion duly made by Councilman Smith this letter be tabled for further discussion, seconded by Councilman Seng and by vote CARRIED. Letter from Edgewater Civic Association, requesting the Council to take under advisement certain Charter changes. Mayor Shaeffer stated this had been under discussion for quite some time, and there are other changes to be made, which are all under advisement. Letter from t.fr. Hamel. Hayor Shaeffer stated he would contact Mr. Saxon as he thought this was a County project and would investigate this as soon as possible. Discussion on paying for Advertising on School meeting. Motion duly made by Councilman Arms~rong the City pay $100.00 toward advertising, seconded by Councilman Smith ffi1d by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Seng Yea Councilman Smith Yea Councilmffi1 Armstrong Yea Mayor Shaeffer Yea Mrs. Hennig, reported that there would be a full yearly report for the Library at the next regular meeting of the Council. Mayor Shaeffer also informed Mr. Lenz the Council had over-ruled his decision and his case v;as going through routine channel of the Zoning Board, so you are still in business until the Zoning Board makes their report. There being no further business Councilman Seng moved >-;e do nOH adjourn, seconded by Councilman Smith ffi1d by vote CARRIED. Time 8:35 P.M. t-fayor 130: t cr .~r k;,~~~~.L-~ ~ ---.) Councilman Councilman j I Councilman Councilman A=TJ~~/ >>#7 City k