Appointing Clerk & 3 Inspectors - Annual Election - 10-06-1931 IS w..r R E S O L U T I O N A RESOLUTION APPOINTING A CLERK AIv'D THREE INSPECTORS TO ACT AT THE ANNU- AL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER,FLORIDA, TUESDAY, NOV- EMBER 3rd A.D. 1;931. WHEREAS, it is necessary and proper for the Town Council of the Town of Edgewater, Florida, to appoint, for the annual election to be held in said Town on the 3rd day of November, A.D. 1931, four (4) persons from the qualified electors of said Town, three It (3) of whom shall act as Inspectors of such election and one (1) to act as Clerk at said election, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RES OOVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS : Se• i�,n 1 . . ; t �� - and a. . 44 tr,.0a,n-,:,/ , all three of whon[71776-amiTtuirored electors o the Town of Edgewater, Florida, be, and they are hereby appointed to act as Inspectors of the Annual Election to be Wald in the Tour. of Edgewater, Florida,on the 3rd day of November A.D. 1931. Section 3. That_______________-__, „a duly qualifie& elector of the Town of Edgewater,Plorida, be, and is hereby appointed to act as Clerk of the Annual Elec- tion to be held in the Town of Edgewater, Florida,' on the 3rd day of November A.D. 193a.. The &tap on of the above Resolution was moved by Council- m , seconded by Councilman and on vote the same was passed on the f; -A) day of October A.D. 1931, as follows: / A Ar 3/4„ Mayo ; oun ilman Councilman Councilman A TiST: :mil , opt Cler, . Approved by me th4_ day of October, A.D. 1931. oly `J'`� ; Mayor-Counci , Town of Edgewater, Florida. \kW" Councilman P.R.Renwick, made the following motion: That the unexpended balances on hand at the end of the fiscal year ending Sept 30th A.D. 1931, amounting to $ 1,622.92, as per the Clerks Report for the month of September A.D. 1931, be reaportioned in the amounts named and to the accounts specified, as folio s: To the General. Fund, Account 1, Streets-, the sum of $ 400.00 , Account 2, Street Lights , the sum of 0200.00 , Account 3,Drainage & Docks, the si r,. of 0100.00 , Account 4,Salaries, the sum of $400.00, Account 5, Legal & Elections, the sun of $300.00, Account 6, Office Expense & Maintenence , the sum of $150.00, Account 7, Emlaergency, the sum of 072.92. the said reaportionment to provide a working fund for the various accounts pending the collection of taxes and other revenues for the fiscal year 1931-32. The motion was seconded by Councilman H.A.ioore , and unanimously* � d, the vote of council being. as Olto vs: ' �w /t4 , 0nr1 , 01� ". Motion bas then made by Councilman F.R.Renwick, seconded by Councilman II.A.i;oore , to adjourn sine die. Motion unanimously carried and council adjourned. Signed 2 wr pia, yor-Coun ilman. ATTEST: ) r� m Councilman o u- 7 ler l(7 Councilman