Rate of Taxation on All Property - 07-15-1930 ■ ♦ -4 MINUTESOF JULY 15 1930- continued from Page UNFINISHED BUSINESS- concintued, Ald.H.A.Moore offered the following Resolution: A RESOLUTION, PROVIDING FOR THE RATE OF TAXATION ON ALL PROPERTY,REAL AND PERSONAL, IN THE TOWN OF EDGEVATER, FLORIDA. BE IT Resolved, by the Town Council of the Town of Edgewater, Florida, that all property within the corporate limits of the Town of Edgewater,llorida shall be taxed, in accord- ance with the laws of the State of Florida, and all persons owning property within the said corporate limits of said Town shall pay taxes thereon at the rate of ten ( 10 ) mills per anum for each one dollar value of such property. Motion by Ald.1aul Van Arman, seconded by Ald.ri.A.Moore , that the above named Resolution be passed and spread upon the minutes of the Town Council. Motion unanimously carried. Motion by Ald.Van Arman seconded by Ald.H.A. Moore that the Clerk certify to the Town Tax Assessor, a copy of the above named Resolution naming the Millage for the the tax year beginning 1930 A.D. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: Clerk read letter from Mayor Renwick, dated July 15 1930 , reporting the absence from duty, without permission, of Marshall A.J.Cannon. Motion by Ald.H .A. Moore seconded by Ald. Paul Van Arman that the letter be received and made a part of these minutes , and further that Mayor henwick be authorized to ascertain if itkx possible the present whereabouts of Marshall A.J.-annon and recover from the said A.J.Cannon, such Town property as was in his Custody as Marshall for the Town of Edgewater,Florida. Motion un- animously carried. Motion by Ald.H.A.Moore seconded by Ald.raul Van Arman, to adjourn, Motion carried. SI GDTE " EST: TOi+4+a'2� C RK.