06-20-1960 - Regular J . u u '.- w REGULAR MEETn~G OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGET.ofA'I'ER, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA, HELD JUNE 20th, 1960. . u The Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida, held June 20th, 1960 was called to order by Mayor Crawford C. Shaeffer at 7:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Mayor Crawford C. Shaeffer Councilman \vm. 11aler Councilman S. A. Seng, Sr. Councilman R. P. Smith, Sr. Councilman D. T. Armstrong City Clerk Frank F. Dippery City Att'y John E. Chisholm Police Chief F. H. Norman Fire Chief C. Fred Garlick Present Present Absent Present Present Present Absent Absent Present The Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held June 6th and Special Meeting held June 9th were presented to each Councilman for his approval. Motion duly made by Councilman Maler these minutes stand approved as submitted, seconded by Councilman Smith and by vote CARRIED. BILLS & ACCOUNTS Miller's Garage Florida Power & Light Co. Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co. W. L. Robertson Co. Thelma Hennig Edgewater Mower & Small Eng. Serv. Bostrom-Brady Mfg. Co. DuCor Supply Lock Joint Pipe Co. Lloyd COX Co. City of Edgewater, vlater Gulf Oil Corporation Sun Oil Company Magnolia Motor Co. $307.42 205.56 66.35 42.03 10.98 23.52 11.11 134.76 33.37 4.20 2.50 361.60 114.83 .75 Motion duly made by Councilman Smith these bills be paid and be made a part of the minutes, seconded by Councilman Armstrong and by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Maler Councilman Seng Councilman Smith Councilman Armstrong Mayor Shaeffer COMMUNICATIONS Yea Absent Yea Yea Yea ., Letters were read from the Board of County Commissioners; Edgewater Civic Garden Club and two from Edgewater Chamber of Commerce. OFFICERS REPORT The Clerk read the Clerk's Cash Statement and the Budget Report for the month of May, 1960. Also the Police Report for the month of May, 1960. . I \ V . v .,. u u '. RESOLUTIONS rxone ORDINANCE:s ORDINANCE #264 VACATING THAT PART OF KUMQUAT DRIVE BET'NEEN SIXTEENTH AND SEVENTEENTH STREETS IN FLORIDA SHORES, IN THE CITY OF EDGE dATER, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND PROVIDING FOR THE REVERSION OF THE ABANDONED PORTION OF SAID KmfQUAT DRIVE TO THE ABUTTING PROPERTY m'lNERS. The above Ordinance was read in full by the Clerk and motion duly made by Councilman Armstrong this ordinance be adopted, seconded by Councilman Smith and passed by vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Council held on June 20th, 1960. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Maler Councilman Seng Councilman Smith Councilman Armstrong Mayor Shaeffer Yea Absent Yea Yea Yea Upon motion duly made by Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman Maler and carried, the requirement of reading said ordinance upon second reading was waived land the ordinance was ordered put upon final passage. Passed by vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 20th day of June, 1960 and approved as provided by law, the vote of said Council on roll call being as follows:- Councilman Maler Councilman Seng Councilman Smith Councilman Armstrong Mayor Shaeffer Yea Absent Yea Yea Yea OLD BUSINESS None NET,v BUSINESS Letter from Edgewater Chamber of Commerce pertaining to false census. Mayor Shaeffer stated they were working in this area now as several names had not been recorded. He stated he personally contacted the department last Thursday in Orlando and was informed they would report to the City Council when com- pleted and if at this time they were not satisfied, then it could be taken up with the Atlanta office. Letter from Edgewater Chamber of Commerce, expressing appreciation for the work being done on shuffle board courts on the pier. Mayor Shaeffer stated when the rain stope this work will again progress as rapidly as possible. It is unfortunate we had to have rain at this time. Letter from Civic Garden Club, pertaining to the conditions of the landscaping at the Post Office. Mayor Shaeffer stated the City Council had no authority in this matter, the only thing they can do is make recommendations to the Postal Department as they rent the building from Hrs. Sedgwick. You as citizens have the right to contact the Postal Department. u j; '.U J . tv ~ Mayor Shaeffer stated at the last meeting a letter of resignation had been accepted from Mr. John from the Board of Governors of the Community Center. The name of Robert Wilckens had been submitted for a member of the Board of Governors. Motion duly made by Councilman Smith, ~1r. Robert Wilcken be appointed to the Board of Governors of the Community Center, seconded by Councilman Maler and by vote CARRIED. Mayor Shaeffer stated he was very proud of the Fire Chief and all the Firemen as he had received several calls on the phone today thanking the firemen for the fine work they had done during the fire in New Smyrna Beach early Sunday morning. Mayor Shaeffer also stated the paving on Flagler Avenue would have been started today, but the rain had held up the County who are doing work in Allendale which they did not get completed. Flagler Avenue will be paved first and then Rhode Island Avenue. Councilman Smith stated while he was Acting Mayor he had been approached by a number of persons asking for more publication of the Countil meetings. I do not know who is responsible for this publication, but I would like to make a motion the City Clerk be responsible for all publications of Regular and Special meetings and the Agenda. Before a second was made Mayor Shaeffer stated he was in favor of Regular Meetings but not Special Meetings as some- times a Special meeting had to be called within an hour and it was impossible to get it in the paper, so I would appreciate it if you would change that motion to only Regular I-reetings. Councilman Smith stated he would change the motion to Regular Meetings and the Agenda, seconded by Councilman Maler and by vote CARRIED. Councilman Armstrong reported the Park & Pier was progressing, but it was slow because of the rains. He stated it was reported that last Saturday 4" of rain fell. Mayor Shaeffer stated the meeting is now open to the public, so if you have anything to bring before the Council please rise and state your name. Mr. Ketcham: Is inspections on cross connections of water being continued and what is being done about those that are not connected properly? Also what progress is being made on the drainage under the FEC Ry? Mayor Shaeffer stated the water department are still making inspections and the ones that are not connected properly are given a notice and if not corrected will be cut off from the water supply. About the Drainage under the FEC Ry, we have started South and are making a drainage ditch to connect up with the Florida Shores Canal which when completed will relieve the drainage situation in your section. There is no use going to the FEC now as on July 15th the DuPont people take over. At the present they are cutting help right and left and getting rid of the older employees. After July 15th Mr. Ball will be contacted and we will certainly do all we can to get this drain in. Anyone can talk to Mr. Ball at his office at the FEC Depot here. Mr. Scofield; Did you not get a letter from Mr. Moynahan? v~ was this letter not read? Mayor Shaeffer stated he had received this letter and Mr. Moynahan had called him on the phone and will be in his office at 10:00 A.M. tomorrow at which time we will take up this letter. Mr. Michael Clemente; vfuy is it we are not allowed to do business in Edge- water? I am connected with Tom Jordan Wrecking and Body Shop and I was re- fused a job here in Edgewater last Saturday although I was called. Hayor Shaeffer ask if he was called by the Police Chief and he stated no. Mayor Shaeffer stated he had already heard about this and the Officer on the investigation was in charge and called the wrecher service. A long discussion followed and Mayor Shaeffer stated he would take it up with the Police Chief tomorrow. . u u .u u .. Gertrude Naglevort; vlhy did the fogger quit before he got to my place on Royal Palm Drive and 26th Street/ We are eat up with mosquito's and he never gets that far. Councilman Maler stated the man is new on the job and maybe he did not know there were houses out thatfar. It is pretty dark out there and he probably did not realize there was anyone living out there, but he would see that he covered that area from now on. Gertrude Naglevort; Why can't '\'re have a crossing signal on Indian River Boulevard and the railroad? It is a bad crossing and a signal is need- ed there. Again she was told after the DuPont people take over, maybe ,.,e can get somewhere with the railroad. It takes time and we have to be patient. Mr. Brown stated a Flasher Signal costs around $11,000 and it takes month of negotiation with the railroad. Councilman Smith stated he attended a meeting of the South Daytona Council sometime in April and they ..rere trying to get a signal and two gentlemen attending the meeting stated if they would give them to June 1st they would have gates in. Councilman Smith; About drainage, we have been told by the engineers it is foolish to lower the culvert under FEC Ry, but to put in two pipes. One on each side lower than the present culvert. This can be done with hydraulic jacks. I do not understand why the County will not help as their shell pit is locked in. It would lower the pit by 4 ft. Hr. Brown: It takes a lot of time to do anything with the Railroad as I worked for three years to get what I got, so I suggest you go after them as soon as possible after July 15th when DuPont takes over. Councilman Smith; I noticed an article in Sunday Paper where all cities around Daytona Beach were mentioned, even Palatka, but not one word about Edgewater. I think that is up to the Chamber of Commerce to get us some publicity. Mr. Grafton stated he had spent about $30.00 out of his own pocket to help advertise Edgewater and I feel it is up to the City. The City was not contacted on this advertising and Mr. Brown stated it was the fault of the News Journal and Mr. Skaggs in particular who has charge of this area. Also the Orlando Sentinal, with Mr. \'lolf at the head of this area has not done anything for Edgewater. Mr. Grafton stated Edgewater now has eleven small industries and New Smyrna Beach only has nine so far. Mr. Beach; "That we need to put Edge,.,ater on the map is a Shopping Center and a good Bank. 1.layor Shaeffer stated Mr. Bennett has been working hard to get a Shopping Center and bring industry to Edgewater and some other things are in the making now, he advised me before he left on a vacation. There being no further business Mayor Shaeffer recessed the meeting until July 5th as the regular meeting night falls on July 4th. Time 8:30 P.M.