Declaring Council Duly & Legally Constituted & Organized - 11-14-1928 Nmoir
A Resolution declaring the Town Counoil of
the Town of Edgewater, Florida, duly and
legally constituted and organized under
the provisions of law applicable thereto
WHEREAS, at the annual election held in and
for the Town of Edgewater, Florida, on Monday the 12th
day of November, A. D. 1928, E. A. Lembeok was duly &'.z.-
elected as Mayor of said Town to hold office as such for
a period of one year; W. .T000dayeeacr�, H. A. Moore ana
Phil Harz, Jr. , were duly,elected a1 Councilmen or
Aldermen of said Town to hold office as such for a period
of two years; and F. R. Renwiok was duly eleot d as Councilman
or Alderman of said Town to hold office as such for a period
of one year, AND
WHEREAS, the aforesaid E. A. Lembeok, W. T.
Goodyear, H. A. Moore, Phil Marz, Jr., and F. R.' Renwick
have duly taken and subscribed to their respective oaths
of offioe and have filed such oaths with the Town Clerk of
the Town of Edgewater, Florida; and have performed all of the
prerequisites to the holding of their respective offices, AND
WHEREAS, A. R. Patch is already a duly elected
Councilman or Alderman of the Town of Edgewater, Florida,
having been uniI and legally elected as Councilman or Alderran
it the annual General Election held in the Town of Edgewater,
Florida, in the year A. D. 1927, AND
WHEREAS, all matters, things and dutLes
necessary to the legal creation of the Iowa C01.41Qii .
of the, Town of Edgewater, Florid0 have been rrovided .
Section 1, That E . A. Lembeck be, and
i he is hereby declaredto be duly and legally elected to
i the office of Mayor of the Town of Edgewater, Florida,
and entitled to hold office Pp such for a period of
one year from and after the passage of +his resolution,
or until hip successor is elected and qualified.
Section 2. That W. T. Goddyear, H. A.
Moore and Phil Marz, Jr. , be and they. are hereby declared
to be duly and legally elected to the offices of Councilmen
or Aldermen of t#e Town of Ethrewater, Florida, end entitled
to hold office as such for R period of two years from and
after the passage of this Resolution; or until t! eir .
successors are eleoteL end qualified.
Section 3 , That F. R. Renwick be , and
he is hereby declared to be duly and legally elected to the
office of councilman or Alderman of the Town of Edmewpter,
I Floridn, and entitled to hold offioe as such for aneriod
I of one year from and after the passage of this Resolution,
or until his succesPor is elected and qualified.
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Section 4. That the Town Council
consisting of five Councilmen or Aldermen be, sand it is
hereby declared to be duly, legally and regularly constituted
and ormanized to function and perform its duties as such under
and by virtue of the ordinances of the Town of Edcrewater,
Florida, and the laws of the States of Florida pertaining
thereto, for and during the ensuing term of one year.
Secta on 5. That the Town Council
so constituted and organized be, and it is hereby declared
to Ins consist of the following members:
A. R. Patch, Councilman
W. T. Gnat ner, Councilman
H. A. Moore, Councilman
Phil Marti , Jr. , Councilman
F. R. Renwick, Councilman.
Section S. That this resolution
shall take effect upon its j a.s sa`e and approval as provided
by law.
P stied and apnroved as provided by law
this the aay of November, A. D. 1P2 , the vote
of the Town ouncil be as Follows :
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1-n Clerk
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Upon motion by Alderman Patch, seconded by Alderman Renwick,
the motion was duly carried.
Alderman Goodyear then offered the following tesolution: