Councilman DeWitte Term - 09-10-1928 4\ A '
attention had been furnished by Dr.Chittick, at a cost
of :$8.25, )
NEW BUSINESS : President Patch here offered the following: ,1
A Resolution FF
:'heras , Councilman E .N.DeWitte has not been present
for some time at the meetings of council, and wheras
Annual Elections of officers will be held in November,
and wheras it appears that Mr.DeWitte may not be in ,
position to continue to Five his services to the Town,
THEREFORE, NOW,BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk, be
and hereby is, instructed to write Mr.DeWitte , and ask
him, in the event that he does not think he will be
in position to serve another term, or the remainder of
his present term, to tender The Town Council his res-
ignation, in order to avoid a Special Election; and in
order that his successor might be named at Annual h
Election to be held in November 1928; This request to i .
be made clear to Mr.Dewitte that in the event he expects
to return to serve his term of office , then this request
shall be null and void, and to be considered as if not
Motion by Mr.Lohman, seconded by Mr.Patch that
the above resolution be aacepted. Unanimously carried.
Mr.Spicer moved that Town Marshall be instructed
to erect or cause to be erected at north and south end
of Town, as near Dixie Highway, as The Highway Dept. ,
will permit, a sign, lettered to read " Town of Edgewater,
CROSS ROADS , DRIVE SLOW " , signs to cost not exceeding
five ( 5) dollars each. After discussion, in which it
developed that Town Marshall Simpson, who was present,
understood what was required, and who stated he could
have the signs made and erected for five dollars each
or less , motiorwas duly seconded by Mr.Lohman, and
unanimously carried.
Deputy Town Clerk.