Special Meeting - Equalizing Assessment of Taxes - 10-04-1927 swoof Mr. Spicer offered the following Resolution: 11 ES 0 LIT T IC ViLalitilliAs, the Town Council of the Town of Edgewater deems it advisable and to the best interests of the ToAr,rn of Edgewater, :Florida, to hold a meeting of the Town Council for the purpose of equalizing the assessment of taxes in the town, and for the purpose • of hearing complaints against such assessment , now therefore, HE IT RESCLTD BY THE T OWN COTE-CIL OP THE TOWN OF* :EDGE7ATER, FLORIDA, That a special meeting of the '2ovin Council be and the same hereby is called to meet at the Town. Hall at 8 :00 o 'clock P. M. on the 14th day of October, A. D. 1927, for the aforesaid purpose of equalizing the assessment of taxes in the town of Edgewater, and to hear complaints against such assessment ; and that the Town C4erk cause notices of this meeting to be posted at the Town Hall, the Post Office , and at the Edgewater Pha,rmacy. Passed by the unanimous vote of all members present on the4th day of October, A. D. 1927. APPROVED by me this the day of October, A. D. 1927. Mayor of the Town of Edge—ater ATMST: Town lerk 186 "ter ' The "esolution offered by Mr/ Spicer was passed and adopted by the unanimous vote of all members present. There being no further business to come before the body, the meeting etas adjourned upon motion of Mr. Spicer, seconded by Mr . Patch. (22C774'‘) Town Clerk 185