03-06-1961 - Regular . '--' ~ .-'~ ~ '....,/ u REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA, HELD MARCH 6th, 1961. The Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida, held March 6th, 1961 was called to order by Mayor Crawford C. Shaeffer at 7:30 P.M. ROIL CALL Mayor Crawford C. Shaeffer Councilman G. V. Beck Councilman S. A. Seng, Sr. Councilman R. P. Smith, Sr. Councilman D. T. Armstrong City Clerk Frank F. Dippery City Att'y John E. Chisholm Police Chief F. H. Norman Fire Chief C. Fred Garlick Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Before any business came before the Council, Mayor Shaeffer stated Mr. Seig was present and had another engagement, so we will hear from him at this time. He ask Mr. Seig to come forward and explain his agreement for Water Tank Maintenance. -Upon recommendations of the Engineer's Briley Wild & Associates he stated his contract would have to be changed from $400 to $500 per year and 9 years instead of 10 years, as they recommend that the outside be painted every three years, due to climatic conditions. The agreement states he is to inspect and make all necessary repairs and painting once a year. He is to furnish all material used and the City to be the sole judge of this maintenance. After a question and answer period, motion was duly made by Councilman Seng the Mayor be authorized to sign contract for Tank Maintenance for 9 years at a cost of $500 per year. Se- conded by Councilman Beck and by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Beck Yea Councilman Seng Yea Councilman Smith Yea Councilman Armstrong Yea Mayor Shaeffer Yea The Minutes of the Regular Meeting held February 20th and Special Meeting held February 24th, 1961 were presented to each Councilman for his approval. Motion duly made by Councilman Armstrong these minutes stand approved as submitted, except for one correction to be made on Page 5 of February 20th meeting. This done the motion was seconded by Councilman Seng and by vote CARRIED . BILlS & ACCOUNTS M & H Valve Fittings Co. Hill Bros. Tire Co. Johns }.{anville Corp. Exum & Collins Oil Co. J olm W. Dykeman Magnolia Motor Co. Volusia Tractor & Implement Co. New Smyrna Builders Supply Co. Pitney-Bowes, Inc. Lloyd Cox Co. Apopka Products Prentiss Hardware Co. sports Center Dwight's Bank of New Smyrna Highway Equipment Co. Charley's Welding Shop City of New Smyrna Beach u u n Prisoner Fees Edgewater Motors Nieburger Chevrolet Co. $602.75 57.02 2,002.26 26.61 48.35 5.52 37.67 3.24 21.60 19.34 125.00 B4.72 75.25 7.55 7.70 18.4B 3.00 486.23 16.00 80.83 1,334.86 , . '-' ~ '--" 'V " Ford's Gulf Service Best in Children's Books T. W. Denison & Co. Bond-Howell Lumber Co. Fire Ball Light George stuart John Deibler John W. Carter Bobbs Merrill Mrs. George Angell $30.00 1.70 2.54 103.39 38.25 20.36 5.33 35.00 4.61 2.97 Motion duly made by Councilman Armstrong these bills be paid and be made a part of the minutes,seconded by Councilman Smith and by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Beck Yea Councilman Seng Yea Councilman Smith Yea Councilman Armstrong Yea Mayor Shaeffer ' Yea COMMUNICATIONS Letters were read from the following:- Florida State Road Department. Mrs. Marion Wilcken and Mr. Wetzel and residents back of Tropical Blossom Honey Company. OFFICERS REPORTS The Clerk read the Clerk's Cash Statement and the Budget Report for the month of February, 1961. Also the Librarian's Report and the Building Inspectors Report for the month of February, 1961. RESOLUTIONS None ORDINANCES None PROCLAMATION AMERICAN LEGION BIRTHDAY PROCLAMATION designating March 15th to 18th, 1961 as American Legion Birthday Week. OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS Application for New Business for Libby Berry, liB Francis Drive. Mayor Shaeffer stated there would be a 5 day waiting period. This is out of the Commercial Zone and will be turned over to the Zoning Board for their re- commendations. Letter from Mrs. Wilcken. Mayor Shaeffer stated he had personally contacted Mr. Ford and ask him to place cars so they would not shut off 'view of the Patio Restaurant and this he agreed to do. I also contacted Mr. Dave McGinnis regarding the refuse from the Honey Plant. First I want to say that Mr. Conrad's name was stricken from the signers of this complaint, as this does not pertain to him and he had no reason to sign. Mr. MCGinnis promised me faithfully this would be taken care of at once and the old trailer will be moved tomorrow. 'lI II "'-wI " ...... ..., -...; '--.J Regarding the survey on drainage in Florida Shores, Mayor Shaeffer stated this would not be taken up as the two figures turned in were so far apart there must be some mistake or they were not figuring on the same thing. M~or Shaeffer stated the culvert under the Railroad would be completed tomorrow. Councilman Smith ask about the two different sizes of pipe under Park Ave. I would recorrunend that the two pipes be the same to take care of the flow. Mayor Shaeffer stated he had contacted Mr. Saxon and he had promised the proper drainage would be put under Park Ave. as soon as the culvert under the railroad is in. Councilman Armstrong stated he had drawings of the proper pipe and drainage for Park Ave. made by a competent engineer and I would like to have them submitted for Mr. Saxon's approval. Mayor Shaeffer stated he would see that Mr. Saxon gets them. Councilman Armstrong stated there had been no work done on the Florida Shores Pier as yet. M~or Shaeffer stated he had instructed Mr. Cox to get this work done as soon as possible. Mr. Carter: A year ago I went to work making a ball field for our youngsters to have a place to play ball. I have heard remarks about the City dlD'Ilping dirt on this field when it is on private property. This is a temporary set up for them to practice until the other field is completed. This is not for only a few youngsters, but all the youngsters of Edgewater. Councilman Beck stated if any more remarks were made to sent them to him and he would tell them. If the City is broke and cannot pay for something like this for our youngsters, I will pay for it rrwself. Hr. Carter stated the back stop was in on the new field and already for sod. He stated it would take about 3000 ft. of sod at 4i per square. Mr. Brown stated it would be much cheaper to put it in by contract as the man he has a contract with uses his own equipment for leveling, filling, etc for 5i~ per square and puts top soil over and then rolls. Mrs. Murton: About the Monday night song fest and dance. The people putting on the sing and dance on Monday evenings do it free of charge and it is open to everyone. We have people coming from allover this area. Everyone is co- operating except the Board of Governors. Mrs. Wohl received a letter today stating the charge for the large hall would be $7.50 beginning tonight and it has already been advertised as a free dance. Also she could not use it only on Monday evening and the 1st and 3rd Monday evenings she could not start until after the Council meeting. On March 25th a Hobby Show is planed and also on Thursday night a free dance class has been advertised. There are from 200 to 250 people attend these gatherings and if these people are willing to give their time and energy I feel it should be free. Other cities furnish free e~tertainment. Mayor Shaeffer stated this was up to the Board of Governors as they have full control of the building. I interfered once and got rrw fingers slapped and I will support this board of governors 100% as they are doing an excellent job. r>1r. Grafton:- I will stick rrw neck out and say the Edgewater Chamber of Corrunerce will pay for tonight so that something can be worked out before another meeting night. Others discussed this pro and can from the floor. City to underwrite this project. One suggestion was for the Councilman Beck was in favor of the City underwriting this, if necessary. Councilman Seng ask about a free will offering. You say they have between 200 and 250 attend, so if each one put in just 5i they could still have a good time and I am sure 5~ would not break anyone. I feel we should go along with the Board of Governors and if they feel they should charge, then charge them. Mr. Frantzen: I am the only board member here. Other organizations have to pay for the use of the building. If you let one have it free they would all expect to have it free. The building has a big upkeep and someone has to pay for it. I do not see any of the people that attend these dances coming on Tuesday night when we have bingo. This is the way we get out money to keep this building running. u II '-' '\,J' ~ .. . u u Councilman Smith: The Board of Governors are elected to take care of the Building and approved by the City Council, and I agree with this board, if one pays, all should pay. If the City underwrites this, it should come out of the recreation fund. Councilman Armstrong: Mrs. Wohl should be complimented for her good program. She has worked hard and done a wonderful job. They are corning here from allover to attend these functions. The Board of Governors regulate the charges. If necessary I would agree to sub- siding this cost as I would hate to see this done away with. They have no dues like other organizations. I would suggest the board meet with the City Council and invite Mrs. Wohl to work out some solution. Mr. Frantzen stated he would call a special meeting of the Board and he was sure something could be worked out. There being no further business Councilman Armstrong moved we do now adjourn, seconded by Councilman Beck and by vote CARRIED. Time 8:50 P.M. Mayor Councilman Councilman Councilman , Councilman SrOuA- ,7 /LJUJ~6 ATTEST:c-::Z'{.u,ab 7' f.i:./o~_d City Cle~ jI ( I