12-05-1960 - Regular
I ·
The Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida
held December 5th, 1960 was called to order by Mayor Crawford C. Shaeffer
at 7:30 P.M.
Mayor Crawford C. Shaeffer
Councilman G. V. Beck
Councilman S. A. Seng, Sr.
Councilman R. P. Smith, Sr.
Councilman D. T. Armstrong
City Clerk Frank F. Dippery
City Att'y John E. Chisholm
Police Chief F. H. Norman
Fire Chief C. Fred Garlick
The Minutes of the Regular meeting held November 21st were presented to each
Councilman for his approval. Motion duly made by Councilman Seng these
minutes stand approved as submitted, seconded by Councilman Armstrong and by
Edgewater Motors
W. R. Ferreira, Prisoner Fees
Charley's Welding Shop
Black Laboratories, Inc.
Simplex Valve & Meter Co.
Coronado Concrete Products
B. & B. Electric
H. & W. B. Drew Co.
New Smyrna Beach News
Quakenbush & Sons
Sun Oil Co.
New Smyrna Bldg. Supply
Hill Bros Tire Co.
Lloyd Cox Co.
Ray Hunt Ford
Watkins Ford
John Deibler
McMillian Co.
Steve Pyevac
Nieburger Chevrolet Co.
Bond-Howell Co.
Thelma Hennig
Miller's Wrecking Service
Same Oil Co.
W. L. Robertson, Ins.
Motion duly made by Councilman Beck we pay these bills and make them a part
of the minutes, with the exception of the insurance bill, seconded by Council-
man Seng and by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follows:-
Councilman Beck Yea
Councilman Seng Yea
Councilman Smith Yea
Councilman Armstrong Yea
Mayor Shaeffer Yea
Letters were read from the Zoning Board pertaining to variance for Mr. Lenz.
Also letter pertaining to waiting 5 days before issuance of a new business
license. Also letter from Mrs. Gunther regarding donation for Children's
Christmas Party.
The Clerk read the Building Inspector's Report for the month of November, 1960.
Also the Librarian's Report for November.
Mayor Shaeffer stated he wanted to re-open negotiations for a new police car.
I would like to get the Councils opinion. I have here an estimate to fix up
the old police car which is $524.50. I want your answer, do we buy one or
Councilman Smith stated that at. the informal meeting of the Council the day
Councilman Beck was informed of the different functions of the Council, the
purchase of a new police car came up at that time. I still feel the same as
I did last year. I felt the City is not in need of two police cars as the
cost of operation is too much. The old car could be fixed up and used by
other City officials. '
Councilman Beck: Mr. Mayor I said at the time I was not in accord with pur-
chasing a new police car, but no car should run three years as the expense
is too great. After going over figures of the estimate of repairs I do not
feel it would be good judgement to make these repairs, so I would say we
should buy a new one, but I am in favor of leaving this car at the City Hall
when the police are not using it, for use of the Mayor or Mr. LaBonde. I
feel the City should not furnish two police cars for two police officers
when one is used only eight hours.
Councilman Seng: I was against a new car at first, but I have changed my
mind since looking over estimates for repairs. After investigating what
other towns do, I find two cars for four or five police and I don't see why
we cannot operate efficiently with one car, but if we do purchase a new one,
I would suggest this car be left at the City Hall for others to use.
"Councilman Armstrong: I have not changed my mind. It would be like having
three pockets in a shirt. I feel the bids for repairs are not within reason.
I took a ride in this car about a month ago and all that was needed at that
time was the brakes fixed. In a matter of a month it seems it has fallen
apart. I do not know why, but I still will not support the purchase of a
new police car.
Motion duly made by Councilman Beck the City ask for bids on a new car with
the understanding the car be returned to the City hall for use of the Mayor
or Mr. LaBonde. Seconded by Councilman Seng and by vote CARRIED. Roll call
vote being as follows:-
Councilman Beck Yea
Councilman Seng Yea
Councilman Smith Yea
Councilman Armstrong Yea
Mayor Shaeffer Yea
The following names were submitted to the Council for approval to serve on
the Library Board: Thelma Hennig, Ruth Driskel, Marie Goodrich, Harriet
Cobey, Raechel Ennis, Vivian Oyler, Hattie Piser and Rose Angers.
Motion duly made by Councilman Smith a Resolution be drawn up appointing
the names submitted to serve on the Library Board, seconded by Councilman
Armstrong and by vote CARRIED.
Request of Mrs. Gunther, Chairman of Children's Christmas Party for $100.
Motion duly made by Councilman Smith the request for $100 be granted, second-
ed by COWlcilman Beck and by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follows:-
Councilman Beck Yea
Councilman Seng Yea
Councilman Smith Yea
Councilman Armstrong Yea
M~or Shaeffer Yea
Let ter from Zoning Board recoJIm'lending Mr. Lenz be allowed 90 days or until
March 1st, 1961 to vacate his business in residential area. Motion duly
made by Councilman Seng we accept recommendations of Zoning Board to extend
time to March 1st, 1961. Councilman Armstrong ask if he could ask Mr. Lenz
a question. Granted. Would it be possible, Mr. Lenz, for you to close down
your business by 10 o'clock in the vvening? Mr. Lenz statedif he had a dead
line to meet it was impossible at times to close at this time but he would
do his best. Motion then seconded by Councilman Armstrong and by vote CARRIED.
Roll call vote being as follows:-
Councilman Beck Yea
Councilman Seng Yea
Councilman Smith Yea
Councilman Armstrong Yea
Mayor Shaeffer Yea
Letter from Zoning Board reconmending that there be a 5 day waiting period
before issueing a new business license or transferring a license. Motion
duly made by Councilman Beck we accept the recommendations of the Zoning
Board for a waiting period of 5 days before issueing a new business license,
seconded by Councilman Seng and by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as
Councilman Beck Yea
Councilman Seng Yea
Councilman Smith Yea
Councilman Armstrong Yea
Mayor Shaeffer Yea
Discussion on Charter Changes.
Councilman Beck: I will start off first in favor of limiting Council spending
of $500 without bids and I think we should make arrangements for a City
Manager when needed.
Councilman Armstrong: I suggest Councilmen be elected City wide and stagger
terms. I think it would be fairer as we are supposed to represent all the
City. There could still be districts to be represented by a resident of that
district but elect each Councilman at large and also stagger terms rather than
have a whole new council.
Councilman Smith: I am 100% for split terms for Councilmen, and also go along
with limitation of spending only $500 without bids.
Councilman Beck: I am not in favor of a split term for Councilmen. Suppose
we were not satisfied with the COlmcil elected, we could not throw them all
out at once, so I am opposed to staggered terms for Councilmen.
CoWlcilman Seng: I am in favor of Councilman elected City wide, and City
Manager if it could be worked out. Also limiting spending.
Councilman Smith ask for the floor. He stated he did not know who gets blamed
for flooding of homes. He referred to an article from the News Journal about
dead. end canals and stated every one should read this article. I would also
like to ask the Mayor to contact contractors to ascertain cost of placing
culvert under FEC Rwy. It would not be a big task for any contractor to de-
termine the cost of this work. Mayor Shaeffer stated we were waiting to get
a report back from the Railway giving permission to do this work.
Councilman Armstrong stated the !ofosquito Control, Mr. Braddock, Mr. Hunt
and also Mr. Saxon had done a fine job of drainage in this area. He stated
Mr. Tedei had trouble from an inadequate drain pipe on Fern Palm Drive. It
would cost approximately $344 for additional pipe to give adequate drainage
and Florida Shores would do the work of putting it in. I claim this is a
pre-existing condition and should be corrected by Florida Shores. They have
stated our drain ditch which we empty into their canal has hurt the sale of
property, but such conditions as this one on Fern Palm is hurting their
business. I would like to ask Mr. Scofield if they have their drag-line for
sale. All heavy equipment has been moved out. Mr. Scofield stated they did
have the dray line for sale, but had brought in another machine which would
do a better job than the dray line.
Councilman Armstrong: Mayor Shaeffer stated he had a plan for Florida Shores
before he was elected, but we have not heard what this plan is. At meetings
of the Council on May 20th and June 9th it was agreed we negotiate some kind
of a contract to get the work completed. This has not been done. All the
people should be interested as it is going to be a big drain on all the people
if this work is not completed to our satisfaction.
Councilman Beck: I want to go back a lont time, to when my father was County
Commissioner. At that time they tried to get the Railway to do something
about the drain under the Railroad. This holds up the water in all the
western section.
Councilman Seng: I suggest we contact private contractors for a price and
when we get permission from the Railroad, we go ahead with this job.
Councilman Smith: Mr. Tedei, I investigated this drain pipe under Fern Palm
and find the pipe is too short and there are only sand bags stacked up which
will not hole, and which I sa;y is faulty construction. It will take a 30 ft.
pipe. I would suggest the Mayor and Lawyer meet and determine who is at
fault and who is responsible for replacement.
Councilman Armstrong: I have done everything to get Magnuson Properties to
live up to their agreement and I would like to see the right thing done. We
want to go forward and not backward.
Mr. Drury spoke and said another 6 ft. drain would have to be put in in order
for it to function properly.
Mayor Shaeffer stated he would take a pole of the Council for spending $344
for pipe.
Councilman Beck: Buy pipe. Councilman Seng: Buy pipe, provided Florida
Shores will do the work of putting it in. Councilman Smith: Question. What
advantage to change diameter of pipe. Mr. Drury stated it would take two 6 ft.
pipes to work properly, as there were two 5 ft. pipes under Railroad and it
could not be corrected by adding a 4 ft. pipe.
Mr. Tedei: Four years ago the property where the plant stands was rezoned
for business. I have invested approximately $75,000 in this property. We
have not exactly gone forward, but I have never ask for anything until we
began to operate. We mean business and we need action now. '
Chief Garlick: I would like to ask that the Council take some action to stop
burning of rubbish at night. He stated all fires should be put out after sun
down. Some people set fire to stumps and they burn all day and way into the
next day and if not properly tended could lead to serious trouble. He stated
he had been called out on several occasions by this. Ma;yor Shaeffer stated
the ordinance forbad buriing without attendance and was a violation.
There being no further business Councilman Beck moved we do now adjourn,
seconded by Councilman Smith and by vote CARRIED.
Time 8:50 P.M.
Councilman .
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