05-07-1962 - Regular REGULAR HE:ETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEV1ATER, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA, HELD HAY 7th, 1962 The Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida held V~y 7th, 1962, was called to order by Mayor A. Hussey at 7 :30 P .IvI. ROLL CALL l-Iayor A. Hussey Councilman C.A. Siller Councilman S.A. Seng, Sr. Councilman H.R. Palmateer Councilman G.S. Kennedy . City Clerk F.F. Dippery City Att'y Dan Warren Acting Chief of Police J. Deibler Fire Chief C. Fred Garlick Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Absent The minutes of the uegular Meeting held April 16th and a Special Meeting held ~Iay 2nd, 1962 were presented to each Councilman for his approval. 1IDtion duly ~ade by Councilman Seng these minutes stand approved as submitted, seconded by Councilman Kennedy and by vote CARRIEp. BILLS & ACCOUNTS City of N.S.B. National Chemsearch Corp. Bond-Howell Lumber Co. Sams Coil Corp. Florida East Coast Ry. vi.L. Robertson Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. Jones Chemicals, Inc. Toxey Whitaker LaFrance Uniforms, Ine. U.S. Pencil Co., Inc. R.S. Stearns Tile Co. Dan viarren Rhet t 1-1dtillian Paul Ream Sanfax Corporation Lloyd Cox Co. Laurie's Fuel Oil Servo New SIDlfrna Beach News Richfield Service Station Coronado Concrete Prod. . Charley's Welding Shop Florida Business Equip.Co. Vlilliam E. Swoope, Jr. Prentiss Hardware Edgewater Motors Products, Inc. John Deibler Telephone li.R. Ferreira, Prisoner Fees Hanson & McCallister Zip Oil Station The Baker & Taylor Co. Claude E. Talley Repairs on Bldg. Inspectors Car $508.13 101.16 17.89 10.72 72.00 628 .61 11. 20 57.38 86.83 72.96 12.59 24.50 45.00 39.30 3.55 40.18 18.46 31.84 40.70 6.00 16.16 47.04 12.50 225.00 60.32 39.56 67.01 15.11 38.00 10.00 4.50 8.13 30.00 51.90 Motion duly m~e by Councilman Seng these bills be paid and be made a part of the nunutes, seconded by Councilman Palmateer and by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Siller Councilman Seng Councilman Palmateer Councilman Kennedy Mayor Hussey ( ((J \- Y\ 1',\ V- r " c"'" -h I)", \; ) Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea II v v REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA, HELD HAY 7th, 1962 , I .. V v The Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida held }my 7th, 1962, was called to order by ~yor A. Hussey at 7:30 P.M. ROLL CALL l-1ayor A. Hussey Councilman C.A. Siller Councilman S.A. Seng, Sr. Councilman H.R. Palmateer Councilman G.S. Kennedy . City Clerk F.F. Dippery City Att'y Dan Warren Acting Chief of Police J. Deibler Fire Chief C. Fred Garlick Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Absent The minutes of the negular Meeting held April 16th and a Special Meeting held }my 2nd, 1962 were presented to each Councilman for his approval. Notion duly made by Councilman Seng these minutes stand approved as submitted, seconded by Councilman Kennedy and by vote CARRIEp. BILLS & ACCOUNTS City of N.S.B. National Chemsearch Corp. Bond-Howell Lumber Co. Sams Coil Corp. Florida East Coast Ry. W.L. Robertson Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. Jones Chemicals, Inc. Toxey Whitaker Lafrance Uniforms, Inc. U.S. Pencil Co., Inc. R.S. Stearns Tile Co. Dan vfarren Rhet t McMillian Paul Ream Sanfax Corporation Lloyd Cox Co. Laurie's Fuel Oil Serv. New Smyrna Beach News Richfield Service Station Coronado Concrete Prod. Charley's Welding Shop Florida Business Equip.Co. vfilliam E. Swoope, Jr. Prentiss Hardware Edgewater Motors Products, Inc. John Deibler Telephone W.R. Ferreira, Prisoner Fees Hanson & McCallister Zip Oil Station The Baker & Taylor Co. Claude E. Talley Repairs on Bldg. Inspectors Car ~ ~ COMHUNICATIONS $508.13 101.16 17.89 10.72 72.00 628 .61 ll.20 57.38 86.83 72.96 12.59 24.50 45.00 39.30 3.55 40.18 18.46 31.84 40.70 6.00 16.16 47.04 12.50 225.00 60.32 39.56 67.01 15.11 38.00 10.00 4.50 8.13 30.00 51.90 A letter was read from George V. Beck, J .A. Goodrich, and Warren L. Gunther requesting City of Edgewater, Florida to keep the City Hall open two addi tional hours on Hednesday, May 9, 1962 and Thursday, May 10, 1962 so that people working late can sign the recall petition. A letter from Gladys E. MacCrae asking for raising the fund for the Humane Society. II I I .- I '-' '-' u v Concerning the letter from the people asking for the City Hall to be open a few hours longer on Wednesday and Thursday, Vayor Hussey stated he does not see anything in the Charter about this matter. Hotion duly made by Councilman Palmateer that the City Hall close at its regular hours, seconded by Councilman Kennedy for the purpose of getting it cleared up. Councilman Siller: These people had an opportunity to vote at a regular election from 7:00 A.H. to 7:00 P.M. I don't see why we can not let the City Hall be open an extra few hours when we can pire a policeman to sit in the City Hall all night. Councilman Seng: I have no objection to anyone coming in to sign the petition. Councilman Palmateer: I am not opposed but just want to get it on the floor for some discussion. Roll call on the motion was as follows: Councilman Siller Councilman Seng Councilman Palmateer Councilman Kennedy Hayor Hussey Nay Nay Nay Nay Nay After some discussion Councilman Kennedy moved that we let the City Hall remain open the few extra hours, seconded by Councilman Siller. Councilman Kennedy said the money paid to the City Clerk should be paid by the Committee who ivant the City Hall left open. Roll call on the motion being as follows: Councilman Siller Councilman Seng Councilman Palmateer Councilman Kennedy Mayor.' Hussey with exception to the pay- with exception to the pay Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Councilman Palmateer: Regarding the request of the Humane Society he said it would not be possible to increase the amount of money given them because the budget that we are working with is from a former administration and we have had some addional expenses. Motion duly made by Councilman Palmateer that we table the letter from the Humane Society, seconded by Councilman Seng and by vote CARRIED. OFFICERS REPORTS The Library Report for the month of April, 1962 was read. The BUilding Official s Report for the month of April, 1962 was read. RESOLUTIONS None ORDINANCES None OLD BUSINESS Councilman Siller said he felt it was time to bring up the matter about the petitions that was tabled at the former meeting. He said he understood some of the members of the Council wanted to check on the names. He said he was under the impression that the Council was going to do something about it. u " ,- '-' ~ ~ "-' Motion duly made by Councilman Siller that Frank Norman be reinstated as Police Chief with back pay on the passage of this motion, seconded by Councilman Kennedy who said he would vote nNon when it came up for a vote. Councilman Kennedy: Some of you people are under the impression that Frank Norman was suspended on Grand Larceny for the disappearance of a $200 bond. Councilman Kennedy then read from the minutes of the meeting when Frank Norman was suspended. It did not mention anywhere in the minutes about the $200 bond. Councilman Kennedy said that this Council had been more than fair. Mr. Walter B. Sikes asked why the trial had been put off so long. Attorney Warren: This case has not been delayed. It had to be investigated. This case was put on the Spring term. A case came up today concerning kidnapping and Mr. Brannon, Norman's Attorney, took the case, because of this the case had to be postponed. He said the State had done everything in its power to get the case over with. Councilman Siller said that Norman had been cleared of the Grand Larceny of $200 bond and should be reinstated. Mr. Nat Brown: All this publicity has been very bad for the town. Some people are trying to make one man bigger than the whole City. Council.Jr>an Kennedy: I have asked you, the people, if we have been fair. He stated that Nr. Norman had told him that he didn't feel he could or should be reinstated until all the charges are cleared. He said that }~. Norman could comment on this if he wanted to. Roll call on the reinstatement was as follows: Councilman Siller Councilman Seng Councilman Palmateer Councilman Kennedy Mayor Hussey Yea Nay Nay Nay Nay 1'-ir. Robert G. Koren: Since Mr. Norman has been suspended there ha,s not been a police car by my business. We have no police protection in this town. Councilman Kennedy: \ve have 24 hour police protection in this town. It doesn't ssem possible that a Police Car has not been by your business. Motion duly made by Councilman Palmateer that the City Clerk write a letter to }~gnuson Properties concerning easements on certain streets: 12th Street, Needle Palm Drive, and 16th Street. NEVI BUSINESS Hearing on Paving Project: These streets are to be paved: Knapp Avenue, Flagler, Lake Ocean to Flagler, Virginia Drive, Riverside Drive, to Highway, 1'-1agnolla, Evergreen, and Hart and Snyder. A Gentleman from Florida Shores asked why more streets in Florida Shores weren't paved. Councilman Kennedy: That is all that was asked for. Councilman Kennedy added that next year they plan on paving Juniper Drive. Mr. Blauvelt: Do you plan on paving the cross overs in Florida Shores? Mayor Hussey said that would be done when they get the materials to do it. II ~ '-' ~ ~ .' . . . Thelma Hennig asked if Vivian Oyler knew about the paving. She has been out of town for a month now and she doubted if she knew about it. Nr. Harry Lindberg asked why there was an advertisement in only one paper. The Council said that was all that was necessary. Councilman Kennedy said that the Recall petitions were not really fair since Councilman Siller had voted tryealt for a bill to Gorman Co. for $S41.62. If the people want clean government it is only fair to blame Councilman Siller as well. Councilman Siller said this took place before he was Councilman. Councilman Siller said that he had met with the other Councilman and they hd told Mayor Hussey his mistakes and he said he would try to do better. But Hayor Hussey has not done better. Councilman Siller had a list of violations given him by Councilman Palmateer. Concerning the Water Lines, the forrrer Administration had voted for that, not this Administration. Councilman Seng told a story which brought out the fact that people should appreciate where they live and see the beauty in it. They should not always be fighting. Mayor Hussey said he appreciated l>ir. Seng's story and said he hop~a the people that are in the hall tonight will think for theW-selves. He said he would do the best he can for the City. Councilman Kennedy said that there was an additional charge on his peti tion, saying he did work for the City while on the Council. He said the Kennedy Tile Co. did the job. Someone from the audience asked who was the Kennedy Tile Co.? Councilman Kennedy said George Kennedy, Flossie Kennedy, ani Robert Kennedy made up the Company. Thelma Hennig said the Board of Governors had paid the Kennedy Tife Co. and that there was no money from taxes for this job. Ittwas money the Board of Governors had raised. !vir. Blauvelt said he was not speaking for the Fla. Shores Property Owners Association or the Civic Association for which he is a member. People should realize that this Council was elected by the people of the City. The otltr men that were defeated should realize that they are not wanted to represent the people. He stated concerning the petitions, that it is up to everyone to make up his own mind about the petitions. Councilman Kennedy said these people wanted good clean government. Why didn't they clean up their own mess. l'ir. Koren, owner of the Utica Bar, asked the Council about extending the hours on Saturday Night. Because his Bar has to close so early, he sends his business to New Smyrna Beach. The Council said he should write a letter asking for this. Mr. Koren said he was too busy. Nat Brown: I have lived in this town for 9 years. I have spent up in the millions in this town. I wasn't too good to write a letter to the Council. Councilman Seng: I was in the same business for 27 years. People should be able to get enough to drink by 12 o'clock. The Council agreed to look into it. . \.) ("J \J v -.. . . - 1.fr. Mason asked about thesschool in Edgewater. He said he realized it would be hard to get a High School but we should be able to get a Grammar School. Nayor Hussey said he had contacted Iv1r. Smiley about a school but got nowhere. ~~yor Hussey said that he will make a trip to Orlando to find out more about it. lv1r. Brovrn. said he had given the2-land for the ,school and still they did not get a school. There being no further business Councilman Palmateer moved we do now adjourn, seconded by Councilman Kennedy and by vote CARRIED. Time 8:45 P.M. Mayor ~ Councilman /cZ~/ ~~'- -- ATTEST : ~-Jft=t rj, iJ#;:r Ci#r er 'J'