11-06-1961 - Regular . ~ t ..., ~ I ~ REGULA..1 })EETHG OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDG~IATER, VOLUSIA COUrTY, FLORIDA, HELD rove 6th, 1961. The Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida, held Fovember 6th, 1961 Fas called to order by l-la.yor Cra'f.-ford C. Shaeffer at 7:30 P.H. ROLL CALL Hayor Cra"ford C. Shaeffer Councilman G. V. Beck Councilman S. A. Seng, Sr. Councilman R. P. Smith, Sr. Councilman D. T. Armstrong City Clerk F. F. Dippery City Att'y J. E. Chisholm Police Chief F. H. liorman Fire Chief C. F. Garlick Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present The Yinutes of Ithe Regular Neeting held October 16th, 1961 and a Special Heeting held November 1st, 1961 were presented to each Councilman for his approval. r-lotion duly made by Councilman Beck these minutes stand approved as submitted, seconded by Councilman Seng and by vote C~lRIED. BILLS & ACCOUNTS Electric Service Edgewater Hotors Edgewater Mower & Small Eng. Claude E. Talley Jess Mathas Nev-! Smyrna Plbg. Supplies Best in Children's Books Baker & Taylor Co. Bond-Hov!ell Lumber Co. Husson's Prentiss Hardware Co. Sanfax Corporation Swets Paint & Jallpaper, Inc. Lloyd Cox Co. ~ew Smyrna Beach Kews The Permutit Co. Volusia Tractor & Implement Co. New Smyrna Auto Supply ~'Jatkins ''Pordu Inc. Maintenance & Sanitary Supply Florida East Coast Rl'.ry. Glencoe Press National Chemsearch Corp. Black Laboratories, Inc. Davis :rv:eter & Supply Co. DI.;ight' s Smith Blair Ci ty of ~-Iey.i Smyrna Beach $200.64 178.53 3.50 300.00 3.50 150.28 1.70 2.19 19.62 10.00 52.25 41.38 47.78 1.10 5.25 33.00 35.09 13.51 38.68 95.48 96.00 7.50 67.33 2.41 .77 2.05 16.22 500.138 Motion duly made by Councilman Seng these bills be paid and be made a part of the minutes, seconded by Councilman Beck and by vote CA&'UED. Roll call vote being as follovls:- Councilman Beck Councilman Seng Councilman Smith Councilman Armstrong Hayor Shaeffer Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea . ...J ...., '-.",.,' "-' .?" COHMUNICATIOrs Letters were read from the follo~~ng: Richard L. Alexander, Minister of Union Church, Board of Governors of the Edge~~ter Community Center, three letters from the Zoning Board, Magnuson Properties, Inc., Briley, dild & Associates. OFFICERS REPORTS The Clerk read the Clerk's Cash Statement and the Budget Report for the month of October, 1961. Also the Building Inspectors Report for the month of October and his Yearly Report. The Police report for the Inonth of October and the Fire Chief's Report for the Year. RESOLUTIm;;s J~one ORDINAl CES l\~one OLD BUSH,ESS None KEiJ BUSIl~S Letter from Board of Governors of the Community Center. It is customary for the outgoing Council to dissolve all boards, Hayor Shaeffer statEd, but this Board had jumped the gun. This Board has done a fine job of running this Community Center. vfhen they were ask to donate money for different projects they al~~ys were willing and you l!ill never find a harder working board then they have been. They donated money to put in h'o more shuffle boards and various other civic projects. Gentlemen what is your pleasure on this. Motion duly made by Councilman Armstrong we accept the resignation of the Board of Governors of the Community Center, seconded by CounciL~an Seng and by vote CARRIED. Letter from Reverand Alexander of the Union Church asking the City to name the property in front of the City Hall flVeterans Hemorial Park of Edgev!ateru. Motion duly made by Councilman Beck this letter be tabled until the next administration comes into office. Seconded by Councilman Armstrong and by vote CARRIED. Letter from Briley, .1ild & Associates regarding selling Hater outside the City Corporation. Motion by Councilman Beck this letter be tabled, seconded by Councilman Armstrong and by vote CARRIED. Letter from Mr. Moynahan regarding soft sand and shell at 16th rold Hisbiscus in Florida Shores. Mayor Shaeffer this street had been torn up when there Has a fire in that vicinity and he advised Hr. Scofield this 'street had been ordered to be put back in shape. Letter from Zoning Board recommending that Mr. S~artz be allowed to extend his Trailer Court 89 feet on the South side and 186 feet on the North side and 178 feet vQde, butl that anytime this property be abandoned as a Trailer Court it revert back to the Residential status. A Petition was presented by 12 property owners in the area objecting to the extension to this Court. Mr. Brenzel stated he was against this as I c~~ see vmat it ~ould do to the property in this area. Mr. Swartz ask the Clerk read the notice that vTas published in the paper. This notice was not attached to the letter. Mrs. Oyler a member of the Zoning Board stated only property vQthin 300 feet of this property could have a voice in this. Mr. Scofield stated he had come to the meeting the night of the hearing, but v.JaS not allovred to say anything. He stated the City had planted palm trees on High'ilay #1 and '.rere trying to beautify the City and also Florida Shores objected to any Trailer Parks in the City as they only detract. Mr. Sv.Jartz stated as far as making the City beautifyl he had helped to plant these trees on the highway. I ask that this trailer court be extended as the land is locked in and no use to me other1.'~se. K knolt! Mr. Bentz turned in a pl~t for a road of 40 ft 1,.jhich vlOuld connect up to Riverside drive someday. Counc~l- man Armstrong ask t~ clarify this. ~~. Brenz~l ~urned i~ a plat of his property, which has a 40 Ft. street going North. This ~s ~n the c~ty Hall at the present . ~ .' ~ ..., '-' Motion duly made by Councilman Beck this recommendation be tabled for the next Council, seconded by Councilman Smith and by vote CARRIED. Letter from Zoning Board recommending }IT. Brooks be allowed to extend his carport ~Qth an aluminum a~ning 5 ft. x 13 ft. to be attached to the present house 'd.th SCrev.TS. Hotion duly made by Councilman Beck i'Te accept the re- commendations of the Zoning Board to allov' VIT. Brooks to extend present carport qy aluminum al~ing, seconded by Councilman Seng and by vote CARRIED. Mr. Tedei ask Hhat the bill from Hr. Talley for $300 ....!as for. Mayor Shaeffer explained that the zoning Board '\lath the help of Mr. Talley had been working on a nevI City map for t,.-JO years and it is no"! completed and any Contractor or Realtor could purchase one of these maps for $30.00. :fuen the Board statted this work, Mr. Talley estimated the cost to be around $600. This has been a long hard tedious job and the Board has received no compensation whatsoever for this l~ork. They also completed the job of numbering the houses so we could get house to house mail delivery. I also yant to say that v!hen these maps are sold, the City vrill place the money in the General Fund. Mr. Frantzen: I was the Treasurer of the Board of Governors. Our report vffiS not read tonight. I notice ....Te ",ere the only board of the City making money. Tde have never been turned do"m I,..rhen vre ask anyone to '\.rark for us on Tuesday Jights and some of the board have been on hand every Tuesday night to help. Mrs. Hennig. If I understood correctly the Clerk read the Library fund \~as $2400 for the fiscal year. Our records show $2500. I would like to have this clarified. It 'I'TaS explained that v:hen the budget ':Tas adjusted the Library was given an additional $800 instead of $900 as promised. Hayor Shaeffer: Gentlemen of the Council, at our Council meeting bra weeks ago the Chamber of Commerce ask for $1000. At the time we stated we l.JOuld take it up at this meeting yhich is after the new budget comes in. If there is anY':.!ay 'iTe can get around this, I T'[ould like to kno"! it nOH. It ..../as stated the new Brochures vrauld lost $895 and the Chamber VIas spending about $500 for Bill Boards to advertise the City of which some of the merchants vIere donating. .lhen Attorney Chisholm ,as ask if there was anything to prevent the City from making this donation, he stated he could see no reason why this could not be done. This lTas discussed further vQth reference to the $500 limitation put on by the Charter change. Motion then duly made by Councilman Armstrong we give the Chamber of Commerce $1000 for Advertising purposes, seconded by Council- man Beck and by vote CAP~ED. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Beck Yea Councilman Seng Yea Councilman Smith Yea Councilman Armstrong Yea Mayor Shaeffer Yea Mr. }'iaJClllell: I '.-;ant to extend an invitation to the :Hayor and Council and the Public to attend the dedication of the :lar I1emorial at 4 P.H. Sunday. I want the neT" Hayor to be there as this ''Tar Nemorial vJill be turned over to the City. There being no further business Mayor Shaeffer recessed this meeting until 4 P.N. November 8th for the canvassing of the ballot. Time 8:30 P.M. II . I ~ ~. ..., J CONTD~ATION OF, THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGmiA'rER, VOLUSIA comiTY, FLORIDA, HELD NOV. 8th, 1961. Mayor Shaeffer called the meeting to order at 4:00 P.M. ROLL CALL Hayor Cra"lford C. Shaeffer Councilman G. V. Beck Councilman S. A. Seng, Sr. Councilman R. P. Smith, Sr. Councilman D. T. Armstrong City Clerk F. F. Dippery Present Present Present Present Present Present Also all members of the Election Board. The purpose of this continued meeting ,,'as to canvass the Ballot of the City Election held November 7th, 1961. The Results of the Canvass are hereby attached and made a part of the minutes. Motion duly made by Councilman Beck we accept the Ballot, seconded by Councilman Armstrong and by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follm'Is:- Councilman Beck Yea Councilman Seng Yea Councilman Smith Yea Councilman Armstrong Yea Mayor Shaeffer Yea There being no further business Mayor Shaeffer recessed the meeting until 7:30 P.M. at v,hich time all old business will be taken care of and the newly Elected Officers vall be svrorn in and seated. Time 4:20 P.M. Councilman Councilman M4A-<t --Y f) A4.:::t!~ ..... ATTFST~:t.ad~ i7~ C' Cle:vk' ~I