06-10-1981 Workshop ~ ~ o ~ CITY OF EDGEWATER ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD WORKSHOP June 10, 1981 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Earl Wallace called the workshop meeting of the Zoning and Planning Board of the City of Edgewater to order at 7:00 P.M. in the Conference Room. ROLL CALL Earl Wallace Dan Nolan Nat Kroman Richard McKillop M. F. Wheeler Ray Troian Don Bennington Ken Winter Present Excused Present Present Present Absent Present Present City Attorney Clay Henderson was also present. Mr. Wallace explained the reason for calling the workshop was to discuss the development plans of the City in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan, such as recreation, industry, business and housing. Future land use of the undeveloped land within the City was discussed. The City Attorney discussed the inconsistencies between the Comprehensive Plan and the present Zoning Ordinance and discussed how the Board should pinpoint specific items for the changes necessary to bring the two into agreement. Mr. Wheeler questioned Mr. Henderson if the present zoning ordinance would have to be changed. Mr. Henderson stated that the present housing trends are changing and many are being constructed with multi-family living plans in mind and with the adoption of the Comprehensive plan the City was forced to think more toward the future. There was further discussion concerning existing construction within the City and newly proposed projects. It was stated that aesthetics should play an important part with the upcoming projects and the control the Board should have over the green space and recreation areas to create an attractive development was discussed. Water and sewer connections regarding new construction projects was reviewed. It was .stated the developers of the projects should be responsible for these connections. The newly formed Code Enforcement Board and their role in enforcing the zoning and sign ordinances was reviewed. It was requested that the agenda packages for meetings be prepared and ready to pick up no later than Friday before the meeting to be held the following Wednesday. It was suggested that a caravan be held to visit the property site in question, however the Board took no action to this request. A new zoning map to work with showing the updated zoning was requested. It was stated a new map is in preparation. -, o o Mr. Wallace stated that at least one workshop per month would probably be necessary to meet the deadline of August in re- constructing the present zoning ordinance. ADJOURN Mr. Wheeler made a motion to adjourn the meeting, which was seconded by Mr. Kroman. The meeting was adjourned. Minutes submitted by: Patsy L. McCann Zoning and Planning Board Workshop Meeting 6/10/81 -2-