07-15-1981 Regular
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July 15, 1981
Chairman Earl Wallace called the meeting of the Zoning and Planning
Board of the City of Edgewater, Florida to order at 7:05 P.M. in
the Community Center.
Earl Wallace.
Dan Nolan
Nat Kroman
Richard McKillop
M. F. Wheeler
Ray Troian
Don Bennington
Ken Winter
City Attorney Clay Henderson was also present.
Mr. Wheeler made a motion to approve the minutes of the regular
meeting of July 1, 1981, which was seconded by Mr. Winter.
Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 7-0.
Mr. Wallace read a letter from Charles A. Hall requesting the
vacation of an alleyway at U.S. 1 and Wilkinson Street.
Mr. Hall was present at the meeting to discuss the property
owned by Jack Sapp and Bessie Schmidt requesting the use of this
15 ft. x 150 ft. strip of land.
The Board discussed the future use of 'this land in the B-3 zone
and the fact that it probably would not serve a valid interest to
the City.
Mr. Troian made a motion to table the matter for further study,
which was seconded by Mr. Kroman.
Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 5-2. Mr. Winter and Mr. Wallace
voted NO.
The Board agreed the matter would be brought back before the Board
at the August 5th meeting and Mr. McKillop made a motion to submit
the request to the various department heads for their recommendation.
Mr. Troian seconded the motion.
Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 7-0.
Sketch Plan SP-78 - Swoope & Upham, Inc. (F.E.C.)
It was reported that Mr. Hancock of Swoope & Upham had contacted
the Department to request the matter be tabled until the next meeting
since some of the items covered at the meeting of June 29th had not
been resolved.
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The City Attorney reported a tentative agreement had been reached
with the FEC regarding the well sites.
Mr. Wheeler made a motion to table the matter until the documents
have been executed indicating that municipal services can be
provided. Mr. Winter seconded the motion.
Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 7-0.
Preliminary - SP-77 Norman Roberts
Mr. Roberts was present at the meeting to discuss the proposed
duplex to be built on a non-conforming lot on Live Oak Street in
the R5-A zone.
The Board reviewed the site plan requirements and other property
setbacks in the same area.
Mr. Winter made a motion to grant preliminary and final site plan
approval for the duplex. Mr. Bennington seconded the motion.
Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 7-0.
Preliminary - SP-85 Geil Development Services
Mr. Luis Geil was present at the meeting to discuss the proposed
commercial bank (Southeast Bank) building to be located at the
corner of Indian River Blvd. and East side of U.S. I in the
B-3 zone. Mr. Geil stated the State had approved the plans for
a branch bank at that location.
The Board discussed the temporary modular structure to be built at
the site until the permanent bank could be built. A time stipulation
for removal of this structure was discussed.
There was further discussion regarding the deceleration and turning
lanes on U.S. 1. Mr. Geil stated the DOT had approved the plans
concerning what was needed in regard to the traffic. Also discussed
was the Northwest corner of the property which was an encroachment
into the street. A comment from the Water Department Supervisor
concerning the connection of the water line to Riverside Drive was
also reviewed. It was established that the project did meet with
the Comprehensive Plan and the flood plane level.
Mr. Bennington made a motion to approve the preliminary site plans
with the following stipulations: (1) approval by the DOT and City
Engineers concerning the deceleration lanes on North bound U.S. 1,
(2) resolving the question of encroachment of the Northwest corner
of the property, (3) change of the water hookup going to Riverside
Drive, (4) time limitation of two years to start construction on
the permanent building, (5) documentation of approval by the bank's
comptroller office, and (6) modular design approval by the Building
Official. Mr. Wheeler seconded the motion.
Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 7-0.
It was indicated if the stipulations were resolved five days prior
to the next meeting the site plans could be placed on that agenda
for final approval.
Zero Lot Lines
It was noted this matter had been previously discussed with the old
Zoning Board and tentatively had made recommendations taken from
the County and New Smyrna Beach ordinances.
The Board discussed the requirement of having two septic systems
for duplexes for zero lot lines, which would be a benefit in revenue
to the City.
Zoning and Planning Board 7/15/81
After further discussion Mr. Troian made a motion to recommend to
the City Council to include zero lot lines in the zoning ordinance
for residential subdivisions as permitted in the R-4, R-5, R-5A,
B-2, B-3, B-4, B-5, B-6, I-I, 1-2 and PID zones, as discussed.
Mr. Bennington seconded the motion.
Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 7-0.
The City Attorney reported the Board should discuss multi-family
projects, including condominiums, townhouses and apartments to
determine if these should be included under the subdivision
The Board discussed the smaller projects having to comply with
the present subdivision requirements and considering the impact
and the asthetics of proposed projects. After further discussion
a workshop of July 29th at 7:00 P.M. in the Community Center was
set to discuss this matter.
The City Attorney reported on a proposed ordinance concerning the
Board of Adjustments and bringing them in line with the Comprehensive
Plan. He stated this is coming before this board since the Board of
Adjustments is part of the zoning ordinance and therefore would
need the approval of the Zoning and Planning Board. Mr. Henderson
noted the basic areas of the Board of Adjustments was to grant
variances from the zoning ordinance, approve special exceptions and
to hear appeals regarding interpretations. He stated a new item
has been added that when the Board reviews special exceptions, prior
to the public hearing the Zoning and Planning Board will review the
request and make recommendation to the Board of Adjustments. This
will require a member of the Zoning and Planning Board be present
at the meeting to present the recommendation.
The City Attorney reported that the overall occupational licenses
in conjunction with the permitted uses in the various areas was
being researched to be included with the upcoming changes to the
zoning ordinance. This will be reviewed at the workshop.
Mr. Wallace stated at the present time the City does not have a
pest control ordinance. Mr. Bennington reviewed the litter ordinance
and stated there are several rats in the area, however enforcement
has been a problem. It was agreed to review this at the workshop
on July 29th.
Mr. McKillop questioned a vacancy of the Board and a question of
reducing the membership which was discussed at the last City Council
Mr. Wallace said reducing the 'membership was a suggestion since
seven members on the Board would be adequate.
There was no further business and Mr. Kroman made a motion to adjourn
the meeting. There was no objection from the Board members and the
meeting was adjourned.
Minutes submitted by:
Patsy L. McCann
Zoning and Planning Board Meeting 7/15/81