08-13-1981 Special ~ .~ ~ o CITY OF EDGEWATER ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD SPECIAL MEETING August 13, 1981 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Earl Wallace called the meeting of the Zoning and Planning Board of the City of Edgewater, Florida to order at 7:00 P.M. in the Community Center. ROLL CALL Earl Wallace Dan Nolan Nat Kroman Richard McKillop M. F. Wheeler Ray Troian Don Bennington Ken Winter Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Excused City Attorney Clay Henderson was also present. Mr. Wallaced explained the special meeting was being called to help meet the August projected date for the zoning ordinance amendments. Mr. Nolan reported his findings in researching various cities and their treatment of condominiums, such as New Smyrna Beach, Daytona Beach, Ormond Beach and Bunnell. He discussed the requirements each city had for setbacks, recreational facilities or money alloted for this purpose, open space, landscaping, parking requirements and height limitations. Mr. Nolan recommended the open space requirement should be determined by the levels of the building, set a percentage and base everything from that requirement to determine the landscaping, etc. He further recommended following the pattern of New Smyrna Beach where they treat condominiums under the multi-family requirements. The City Attorney read from the State Statutes concerning the con- formance with the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Henderson stated the Attorney General has given an opinion that when an amendment to the zoning ordinance affects more than 5% of the territory of the municipality then the full rezoning procedures must be adhered to, including dual advertising, two public hearings, quarter page ads, etc., therefore making it impossible to meet the August projected date for the amendments. As a beginning, Mr. Henderson recommended the Board set a public hearing and invite all interested parties to make suggestions for these changes. The end result would be a new zoning ordinance and zoning map upon adoption by the Council. The Board felt the two areas that needed immediate consideration were condominiums and the concept of Riverside Drive. Mr. Henderson presented a Tentative Schedule for Zoning Ordinance Review which included the proposed ordinance and amendments which the Board had previously discussed. Mr. Nolan made a motion to take time to study the report by the Attorney and set up a workshop to discuss condominiums, landscaping and trees. Mr. Wheeler seconded the motion. The Board set a workshop for August 26th at 7:00 P.M. There was further discussion concerning the meetings for September, since a special Council meeting would be held on the regular meeting day. The Board agreed that the September meetings would be held on the 9th and 23rd at 7:00 P.M. in the Community Center. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 7-0. .~ . .. o o ~. COMMUNICATIONS The Board discussed the letter from James C. Carder requesting their consideration of allowing townhouse development as a new permitted use in the B-5 zoning district. There was further discussion of condominiums being included under the R-4, R-5 and R-5A zoning districts, and in the Subdivision Ordinance. Mr. Wheeler made a motion to table the letter from Mr. Carder until they receive further information. Mr. Kroman seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 7-0. NEW BUSINESS Mr. McKillop reported on the application of street numbers and names to new developments. He stated at the present time these are being applied by the Utilities Department and this eliminates the possibility of duplication. ADJOURN Mr. Nolan made a motion to adjourn the meeting, which was seconded by Mr. Kroman. The meeting was adjourned. Minutes submitted by: Patsy L. McCann Zoning and Planning Board Special Meeting 8/13/81 -2-