08-19-1981 \.) o '. CITY OF EDGEWATER ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD REGULAR MEETING August 19, 1981 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Earl Wallace called the meeting of the Zoning and Planning Board of the City of Edgewater, Florida to order at 7:00 P.M. in the Community Center. ROLL CALL Earl Wallace Dan Nolan Nat Kroman Richard McKillop M. F. Wheeler Ray Troian Don Bennington Ken Winter Alfred Hetu Present Present Present Present Present Absent Present Present Present City Attorney Clay Henderson was also present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Wheeler made a motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of August 5th, which was seconded by Mr. Winter. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 8-0. Mr. Wheeler made a motion to approve the minutes of the special meeting of August 13th, which was seconded by Mr. Bennington. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 8-0. OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES Chairman Wallace requested a representative for Reed's Produce discuss the request for an occupational license. Since no representative was present, Mr. Nolan made a motion to table the matter, which was seconded by Mr. Hetu. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 8-0. COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Jerry Cutrona was present to discuss Mr. Robert Sander's letter of August 17th requesting approval of revisions for final site plan which had been approved 4/20/81. Mr. Cutrona stated additional .48 acres of land had been purchased from Paul Biggerstaff, which allowed more recreational area, further distance between the buildings and eight additional living units (total of 108 units) to the "Hermosa palms" condominium project located at Ridgewood and Mockingbird Lane. A DER water permit, with conditions, had also been received. After a brief discussion, Mr. Kroman made a motion to approve the final site plans dated 5/7/81 (SP-59 Rev. 3), which was seconded by Mr. Winter. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 8-0. o o Since additional people had arrived at the meeting, Chairman Wallace asked if a representative for Reed's Produce had arrived. A representative had arrived at the meeting and Mr. Wallace asked if the Board wished to remove the matter from the table and hear the request. Mr. Winter made a motion to remove the matter from the table, which was seconded by Mr. Hetu. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 7-1. Mr. Kroman voted NO. Mr. George Reed was present to discuss the request for an occupational license for the produce stand to be located in the vacant lot adjacent to the grocery store at 809 Indian River Blvd. The Board was reviewing this request since it was not listed as a permitted use in the B-2 zoning district. Mr. Reed indicated the structure was portable and would be taken home each night. The Board discussed at length the parking and setback requirements and the possibility of fruits and vegetables being a permitted accessory use to the convenience store next to them. Mr. Reed stated they were leasing the land, therefore did not want to have a permanent structure at this time. Mr. Nolan made a motion to approve the request as a permitted accessory use, based on the submission of a preliminary site plan and the requirements meet approval of the Board. Mr. Winter seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 6-2. Mr. Kroman and Mr. McKillop voted NO. SITE PLAN REVIEW Preliminary SP-87 (A) - Henry Bartlett Mr. Henry Bartlett was present to discuss the proposed 24 one bedroom apartments to be located at 424 Live Oak Street in the R-5A zoning district. Mr. Bartlett stated he had revised his plans to incorporate several changes the department heads had recommended at the meeting of 8/17/81 and presented storm water management computations. The Board questioned Mr. Bartlett if the question of opening Live Oak Street had been resolved. Mr. Bartlett stated he would have to meet again with the City to resolve this matter. He further indicated he did not consider his projects as a subdivision, nor did he wish to carry the entire burden of cost of opening the street alone since he felt the City should provide access to his property, even though the area is undeveloped. The Comprehensive plan was reviewed under medium density require- ments. The City Attorney stated the Board might consider this is possibly dividing land for development which changes an existing road in which the City would assume responsibility for maintenance. Mr. Bartlett said this would be under one ownership and no division of the land. The Department Head remarks from the review meeting held 8/17/81 were discussed. Mr. Winter made a motion to approve the preliminary site plan (dated 8/12/81 Rev. #1) with the stipulation that utilities be shown prior to final approval and a workable solution be met between the City and developer regarding the street. Mr. Wheeler seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 8-0. Zoning & Planning Board Meeting 8/19/81 -?- l ~ o The Board was reminded that a workshop had been set for August 26th at 7:00 P.M. to discuss what multi-family projects would be included under the subdivision regulations and requirements. Preliminary SP-87 (B) - Henry Bartlett Mr. Henry Bartlett discussed the proposed sixteen (16) unit motel, plus office and manager apartment to be located at 421 Live Oak Street in the B-2 zoning district. The recommendations of the department heads as a result of their meeting of August 17th were discussed. The 6" water main and hydrant to be placed at the entrance to the complex was discussed at length. The Fire Department had indicated fire fighting vehicles would have difficulty turning in the area near the East end of the complex. Redesigning the project was also discussed. There was further discussion regarding the fact this motel was similar in design and appearance as the apartment complex on the adjacent property, which could have an appearance of a "subdivision", without being governed by the appropriate regulations. Mr. Nolan made a motion the preliminary site plan be tabled until a workable solution can be obtained with the developer and the Fire Department for approval of the site plan. Mr. Wheeler seconded the motion. There was further discussion and Mr. Winter made an amendment to the motion to discuss the implication of the zoning of the B-3 permitted uses at the next workshop. Mr. Nolan seconded the motion. Upon roll call the amendment to the motion CARRIED 8-0. Upon roll call the motion made by Mr. Nolan CARRIED 8-0. The meeting was recessed for 5 minutes. Preliminary SP-90 - Joseph L. Raffetto - JLR Enterprises Mr. Raffetto was present at the meeting to discuss the addition to a business at 328 N. Ridgewood in the B-3 zoning district. Mr. Raffetto stated there would be no manufacturing, only retail sales and that he would employ approximately six people. The Board reviewed the permitted uses and site plan requirements, along with the Comprehensive Plan. The Board concurred the plans were in compliance with the requirements. Mr. Winter made a motion a accept the preliminary and final site plans (sealed set dated August 12, 1981) conditional upon additional ingress to the project be shown and Legal Dept. approval before the building permit is issued. Mr. Kroman seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 8-0. Sketch SP-91 James C. Carder Mr. Carder was present to discuss the proposed 4 unit townhouse development to be located at 1954 Fern Palm in the R-4 zoning district. There was a discussion concerning the 20,000 sq. ft. minimum project site requirement and the lot size requirement as specified in the R-4 specifications. The City Attorney stated the Board could resolve the ambiguity of the requirements or refer the matter to the Board of Adjustments for a variance to the 20,000 sq. ft. requirements. Zoning and Planning Board Meeting 8/19/81 -3- ~.- '. o o Mr. Winter made a motion to table the site plan until after the August 26th workshop, which was seconded by Mr. Kroman. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 8-0. Mr. Carder was invited to attend the workshop for any input he might have concerning the matter. OLD BUSINESS Mr. Wallace referred to a letter from James C. Carder requesting consideration of allowing townhouse development as a new permitted use in the B-5 zoning district. This matter had been tabled from a meeting August 13, 1981. Mr. Nolan made a motion to remove the matter from the table, which was seconded by Mr. Winter. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 8-0. Mr. Carder presented a topographic survey of the property in question and stated this particular area is not suitable for the present zoning of B-5 because of the elevation of the center portion being seven feet lower than either end.of the property. Mr. Carder requested the allowance of townhouse development to this property and presented a letter from the adjoining property owner, Fred Vanzin, Jr., requesting his adjacent lots also be considered. Mr. Carder stated he planned a 56 unit homeowner townhouses on the 3.75 acres. After considerable discussion, Mr. Bennington made a motion to allow R-4 townhouse development as a permitted use in the certain area of lots 1 through 15 of the Highway Subdivision as referred to page 1556.1 paragraph 3 Lot requirements per dwelling units apply only to townhouse development. Mr. Wheeler seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 8-0. Mr. Henderson_stated~his motion would become part of the tentative report to the City Council concerning the revision to the zoning ordinance. Mr. McKillop reported on the recent meeting he had attended of the MPO Technical Coordinating Committee. The Committee had been working on the transportation study. Mr. McKillop reported that he had been working on street names and numbering in his capacity of Edgewater Postmaster, in conjunction with the site plans in the Planning Department. He asked the Board to allow him to continue with this project to keep duplications from occurring. It was the consensus of the Board that Mr. McKillop should be allowed to continue with the project and report back to the Board. The City Attorney reminded the Board they had not set a public hearing as the first step of revising the zoning ordinance. Since the Board would be meeting the second and fourth Wednesdays in September, Mr. Winter made a motion to set a public hearing for September 23rd in reference to the updating and changes of the zoning ordinance. Mr. Wheeler seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 8-0. Zoning and Planning Board Meeting 8/19/81 -4- .' . o o .. , NEW BUSINESS The City Attorney administered the oath of office to Mr. Alfred Hetu, the newly appointed member of the Board. The Board unanimously voted to ratify and confirm all the votes of Mr. Hetu during this meeting, previous to him being sworn in. ADJOURN Mr. Winter made a motion to adjourn the meeting, which was seconded by Mr. Nolan. The meeting was adjourned. Minutes submitted by: Patsy L. McCann Zoning and Planning Board Meeting 8/19/81 -5-