(.) Q
APRIL 4, 1984
Chairman Don Bennington called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.,
in the Community Center.
Members present: Messrs. Bennington, Wheeler, Quaggin and Mrs. Thomas.
Mr. Finn and Mr. Stewart were excused. Mr. Chenoweth was absent. Also
present: Susan Mista, secretary, Councilman Jack Spencer, Frank Opal,
Earle Gordon, Charles Wheaton and one member of the press.
Mr. Wheeler made a motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting
of March 21, 1984, seconded by Mrs. Thomas. Motion CARRIED 4-0.
Mr. Wheeler made a motion to approve the minutes of the March 15, 1984,
Workshop and also the minutes of the March 7, 1984, Workshop with City
Council, seconded by Mrs. Thomas. Motion CARRIED 4-0.
SP-8419 - Wheaton Construction Co. - Quadraplexes - 20th & Guava
Charles Wheaton and Earle Gordon were present to represent this plan.
Chairman Bennington read into the minutes a memo from the Fire Chief,
which stated that he was unable to distinguish from the site plan draw-
ing where the ditch is located at the rear of the property in relation
to the alley. He advised if the ditch is located on both sides of the
alley or on the side of the alley which abuts the proposed site, he
cannot approve same as there would be no~access for emergency vehicles.
If the ditch is located on the opposite side of the alley, he would have
no problems with approving same. Earle Gordon presented pictures to the
Board members, showing that the ditch is located on the opposite side
of the alley to the property in question. In regards to the question
concerning indicating on the plans the trash enclosure area, Mr. Gordon
replied that they h~d been trying to get in touch with the Sanitation
Department to find otit wtere they want it placed on the property, however,
they had been unable to talk with them prior to the meeting. He stated
that they will put it in as soon as they find out where it should go.
Chairman Bennington said he assumes it will be curb pick-up and if so,
it doesn't require an enclos ure area. (The reference to "he" is Earl
Copeland from his comments on the site plan.) Mr. Gordon assured the
Board that they would comply with whatever the Sanitation Department
suggested. He said they would build a privacy type fence enclosure with
an entrance to the back. Chairman Bennington said that he is sure they
would prefer curb pick-up and that would not require an enclosure, there
would be no need to put up an enclosed area for trash if it were not
Chairman Bennington said he wanted the grass area between the parking
to be landscaped. Mr. Gordon showed the Board a revised site plan where
landscaping is indicated, thereby satisfying Chairman Bennington's
question concerning landscaping the proposed site.
Mr. Wheeler asked where the closest fire hydrant is located. Mr. Gordon
stated it is about 100' south of the south end of the property.
Mrs. Thomas made a motion to give preliminary and final approval to this
site plan, that it meets alili the requirements of the Code. Mr. Wheeler
seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 4-0.
Chairman Bennington advised the Board that Paul Loeffler has asked to
talk to them concerning SP-83l2, a site plan that was approved last
year to build a warehouse on Park Avenue - 821 West Park Avenue. He
showed the site plan to the Board members, noting that there is a
section on the plan for future expansion, the area indicated future
parking is already in. Mr. Loeffler stated that it was his impression
that the future expansion was approved last year when the site plan
was given final approval and he did not think he was required to come
back before the Board for approval of the addition. Chairman Bennington
advised him that the Board only reviews and approves plans for what is
being built at that time - not what is intended to be built in the future.
Mr. Loeffler stated that the retention area was designed and put in to
accommodate the future expansion. Chairman Bennington asked the secretary
to check with the engineer to see if the stormwater calculations were
approved for the entire project. Also, the engineer~needs to advise
whether or not this site falls into the 100 year flood plane area and,
if so, does the stormwater calculations meet the criteria required for
this area. He also advised Mr. Loeffler he would have to comply with
the newly adopted Tree and Landscape Ordinances and show same on his
plans. Mr. Loeffler advised that he was willing to comply with whatever
requirements he needs. He said he has already ordered the building and
it will be in in a few weeks. He asked if he could be put on the agenda
for the April 18th meeting. Chairman Bennington said if the Department
Head Supervisors find no problems with the plan at their April 17th
meeting, the Board will review same at the April 18th meeting, due to
the fact he has been before them last year and only wants to put up
the addition. And also, subject to whether or not the engineer finds
any problems with this area being in the 100 year flood plane.
Review all setbacks and square footage requirements in all zones.
Chairman Bennington said that setbacks are needed in the B6 zone for
front, side, rear and corner. B4 needs residential setbacks for corners;
B2 and BZ need corner setbacks for residential; R4 in duplexes have no
corner setbacks. The letter from the Building Official says he is having
problems in R4, B2, B3, B4, B5 and B6 with corner lot setbacks in single
family dwellings. R4 is for duplexes and single family. The Code does
not give corner setbacks for duplexes in R4, so it is 10'. In the letter
from the Building Official it says that the attorney advised that he has
to use the side yard setback requirements for corner lots, which is only
la', and it is up to him to determine whether or not this 10' setback on
a corner lot would create a safety hazard. Chairman Bennington further
stated that at the last meeting it was agreed that the corner lot require-
ment should be 25'.
A discussion then ensued concerning the corner lot setbacks in the various
zones. It was also discussed concerning the 800 square feet requirement
for living area that presently exists in the B2 and B3 zones. It was
suggested at one time to change that figure to 1000 or 1200 square feet.
With the minimum lot requirement in those zones being 110' by 75', there
would be plenty of room to build a house requiring larger square footage.
Mr. Wheeler suggested that all the zones be required to have a 25' corner
lot setback.
Chairman Bennington said that setbacks also need to be listed in the B6
zone, there are none now in the Code. It states in the Code that if a
duplex or multi-family dwelling is to be constructed in B6 must request
a Special Exception for that purpose and they are to go by the R4 require-
ments. There is no requirement for the depth of the lot. In checking
the zoning map, Chairman Bennington stated that the only B6 property he
could find is on Park Avenue, and there are only 5 lots zoned B6. He
said he was not sure they need the B6 district zoning. Everything around
this property is B3. There are two other lots zoned B6 which is a parking
lot for the First Stop Restaurant. All the permitted uses in B6 are the
same as in B3, with the exception of a hospital.
-2- Planning & Zoning Board Meeting
April 4, 1984
Chairman Bennington suggested that it would be his recommendation to
rezone the B6 land to B3.
The Board members agreed on changing the Code for single family residence
requirements in the following manner:
B2, page 1597, under residential, Item 2 - add:
corner lot setback - 25'.
B3, page 1605, under residential, Item 2 - add:
corner lot setback - 25'.
B4, page 1608, under residential, Item 2 - add:
corner lot setback - 25'.
Note: The wording should comply with the way it
which states - " Interior side -yard setback: Ten
setback on corner lot: Twenty fiv~ (25) feet."
R4, page 1556, under duplexes and single family,
25' .
1S written in the Code
(10) fe~t.Side yard
add: corner lot setback-
A discussion then ensued regarding the B6 zone, wherein there is just a
small portion of land zoned B6 and it is surrounded by B3. The only thing
that could be built in B6 that cannot be built in B3 is a hospital.
It was the members agreement that this property should be rezoned to B3.
The property in question is located on Park Avenue, between Park and Pine
Bluff and u.s. 1 and Old County Road, Lots 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 and
the two lots on the corner that is presently a parking lot, which are Lots
1 and 2. The reason for having B6 rezoned is that these are the only
lots in the City zoned B6; Lots 1 and 2 are already developed as a parking
lot; nothing can be built in B6, except a hospital, that couldn't be
built in B3. There are a lot of things that can be built in B3 that
are not allowed in B6. It was the suggestion of Chairman Bennington that
the Board look at this situation more closely before sending a recommen-
dation to Council.
Mr. Wheeler made a motion to send a letter to Council with the corner
setback requirements, recommending that the Ordinance be changed to
include same. Mrs. Thomas seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 4-0.
In regards to the B6 requirements, there are no setbacks for the other
uses in that zone. It was decided to table any action on the B6 zone
to the next meeting.
Review and vote on proposed changes for Permitted Uses in B2 and B3 zones.
Review parking requirements in B2 and B3 zones.
It was the Board's decision to table discussion of these items to the
next meeting. Chairman Bennington suggested that the Board members make
note, when driving around the area, of the parking facilities for the
different businesses that presently exist. There are some places that
seem to have plenty of parking spaces and others do not seem to have
There being no further business to come before the Board, upon motion
made by Mr. Wheeler to adjourn, seconded by Mrs. Thomas, the meeting
was adjourned at 7:58 P.M.
Minutes submitted by:
Susan Mista
-3- Planning & Zoning Board Meeting
April 4, 1984