Board of Adjustments Regular Meeting Minutes
October 14, 1982
Mr. Millard called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. in the conference area of the
Community Center.
Members present: Messrs. Millard, Newell, Wetzel, Garthwaite, Roush, Butt and Mrs. Martin.
Also present: Mrs. Taylor, Secretary, and one member of the press.
Approval of the minutes for the September 9th meeting will be reviewed at the next
regular meeting.
HO-5-82 - Harry Gilmore - Request for Home Occupational License to use home phone to
receive service calls.
Mr. Gilmore was sworn in and explained that his business is refrigeration repair. He
was also requesting permission to put a business sign on his truck.
The Board UNANIMOUSLY approved the Home Occupational License with the stipulation that
the sign on his truck would be removed at night if the truck was parked where it could
be seen by the publ ic.
HP-6-82 ~ William Parker - Occupational license to use home phone to receive service calls.
Mr. Parker was sworn in and said
would be stored on the property.
was requesting permission to put
his business was the aluminum installation; no materials
He has a lease for a warehouse for storage. He also
a sign on his truck.
The Home pccupational License was UNANIMOUSLY approved by the Board with the provision that
the magnetic ~ign be removed from the truck when it was parked in his driveway.
HO-7-82 - Albert Coll ins - Request for Home Occupational License to 'use his home phone to
receive service calls.
Mr. Collins was sworn in. He provides a maintenance service and also wished to be able
to put an advertising sign on his van, which will be parked in his driveway until such time
as he can construct a garage.
The Home Occupational License was UNANIMOUSLY approved provided the magnetic sign is remove
from the truck when it is parked in his yard.
Charles R. Greene - Request for a Variance to permit a 6 x 10' portico to the front of
an existing house. Location: 2808 Vista Palm Drive.
Mr. Greene was sworn in and said tha~ he was adding the portico to improve the appearance
of his house, which would require a variance to the front yard setback of approximately
four feet.
Th~ Board agreed that this was not an unreasonable request, and UNANIMOUSLY approved
Mr. Greene's request for a variance to permit the portico as requested and as drawn
on the sketch submitted with the application.
William L. Perry - Request for a variance to the sign ordinance to permit "travelling
lights".at the Sundance Lounge located at 515 N. Ridgewood.
Mr. Perry was sworn in. Mr. Perry said he would like to demonstrate the lights for
everyone; the lights were of very low wattage. He said that people driving by \~re
not aware that the bar was open during the day. The lights were not directional lights;
he had been advised by Chief Baugh that the lights would not be a distraction to cars
driving by.
~ ,
It was agreed to recess the hearing on the Will iam L. Perry case for the purpose of
letting Mr. Perry turn on the 1 ights; after the meeting at approximately 9 p.m., the
-members will drive by the establ ishment to view the 1 ights. The hearing will be
continued at the next regular meeting in November.
Lloyd L. Van Winkle - Requesting a variance to the side yard and rear year setback to
construct a sunroof over the service area at 101 South Ridgewood Avenue.
Mr. Brian Meeker was present to represent the appl icant. He was sworn in. Mr. Meeker
said the request was for an extension of the present cover and it would be one foot higher
than the existing roof. Mr. Meeker said that the corner post would be 12 feet from the
sidewalk. Mr. Garthwaite expressed concern about the corner post - it should have extra
strength as -it will be free-floating. It should be adequate to withstand hurricane-force
The appl ication of Mr. Van Winkle for a variance to construct a sunroof at 101 South Ridge-
wood Avenue was UNANIMOUSLY approved by the Board, provided that the Building Inspector
report back to the- Board that he is completely agreeable to the construction technique
and process, keeping in mind the hurricane winds, large trucks which might hit it, etc.
Will iam I. Shawhan, requesting a variance of approximately three feet to permit an addition
on an existing house at 917 Fernald Street.
Mr. Shawhan was sworn in. All members of the Board had looked at the property in question.
It was noted that this was an extension of an existing non-conforming use. Mr. Shawhan
is adding a bedroom and a family room.
The Board UNANIMOUSLY approved the granting of the variance as indicated on the drawing
attached to the appl ication.
Mr. Garthwaite asked why the Board could not hold special meetings, specifically mentioning
the postponing of the D & A Motor Vehicle Sales case. Mr. Millard said they could hold .
special meetings if it was an emergency. He stated there was a problem getting all the
advertising and paper work done on time.
Mr. Newell asked about the D & A Motor Vehicle Sales Annex appl ication, and Mr. Millard
stated that the City had issued a business 1 icense to them -in error; that the business
has been opened in good faith. Mr. Millard said he had asked the city attorney to look
at the file and felt it was premature to hear the case. Mr. Millard said he has never
had a response from Zoning, Planning or the City Council regarding what would be considered
the proper number of used car lots in the city. It is his opinion that the Zoning
Commission s~ould set a number as a guide to go by.
With regard to Home Occupational Licenses, Mr. Millard felt the Board should get together
to discuss the matter at a future date.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Joan Taylor