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June 12, 1986 7:00 p.m.
The meeting was called to order by the Chairnan, Robert Garthwaite, at 7:00 p.m.
in the corrmunity Center of the City of Edgewater.
Members present were: Richard Moran, Jirrmie Newell, Louise Martin, Ray Savini,
Robert Wolfe, Robert Garthwaite; Alice Murphy was excused. Also present were:
Lister Rodman, Margaret Nelson, James Conley and John Robinette.
Mr. Garthwaite called for approval of the minutes of May 8, 1986. Mr. Newell
IIDVed the minutes be accepted, seconded by ~tr. Savini. Motion CARRIED 6-0.
tvlargaret Nelson - Special Exception to conduct business as a Furniture Retail
Sales at 1947 West FarkAvenue
Mr. Garthwaite announced this case is being carried over from a previous meeting
as the Board had requested and asked the Board to turn to the merro sent to us by
Mrs. Plaskett, Assistant Planner, for clarification of the questions asked by the
Board of the Planning and Zoning Board. Mr. Newell asked about the B-1 through
B-6 change, and Mr. Garthwaite explained they are going to take the Special
Exceptions out of the light industrial area where it says "B-1 through B-6 to be
included as a Special Exception" which will do away with retail sales. He also
continued that will not be anything for us to consider at this time, as we are
here to act on Mrs. Nelson I s request to allow a retail sales in that warehouse
as a Special Exception.
Mr. Garthwaite stated one of the questions we had asked was the sufficient
parking question, and Mrs. Nelson said her son has five spaces and she would
provide a letter if she gets the Special Exception, stating she will have the
use of those five spaces. The second question concerned the availability of
sanitation and Mr. Garthwaite explained that question will be handled by the
Building Official. The Comprehensive Plan, which is one of the criteria the
Board of Adjustment must determine, was another question and Mr. Garthwaite
explained this is really the criteria of the Planning and Zoning Board, also.
Mrs. Nelson then asked if this will go to another Board after the Board of
Adjustment and Mr. Garthwaite answered she will have to apply for an occupational
license if the Board gives her the Special Exception.
Mr. Newell stated his only concern was the use of one bathroom in all those
buildings, and Mr. Garthwaite stated this will be up to the Building Department
before they grant an occupational license. Mrs. Nelson stated the two offices
on each side have their own restroorns and a lot of people use those; that she
has never been down to see the restroorns so she doesn't believe that ffi3IlY people
use it. Mr. Newell added that Mrs. Nelson and the Body Shop next door should be
the only ones to use it. Mr. Garthwaite asked hOVJ' many bathrooms are in that
building and Mrs. Nelson answered three, but two are private, and one is for the
The Board then turned to page 1643 of the Code Book and proceeded to the five
criteria which must be met. Mr. Garthwaite then announced to Mrs. Nelson that
the five criteria have been met with the following conditions attached: (1) the
findings of the Building Department must be in the affirmative; (2) a letter
will be provided to the Planning and Zoning Depa.rbP.ent that the spaces of the
adjoining property will be available for parking; and (3) no IIDving of the
merchandise out of the builidng onto the front parking areas, and no display of
furniture or selling outside of said building. Mr. Savini then IIDVed the three
conditions mentioned be attached as part of the granting of the Special Exception,
seconded by Mr. Moran. JVI.otion CARRIED 6-0.
Mrs. Nelson stated she would like to have Mr. Rodman added to the business
and the Board told her she can do that when she canes in for her Occupational
License. Mrs. Nelson then asked if she could display on the grass, and Mr.
Garthwaite stated he was not sure, that she should check with the Building
James Conley, Request for a 9 foot Variance. to. the front setback ~ to allow
the erection of a canopy at 2315 Guava Drive, C.A.R~ Enterprises.
Mr. Garthwaite asked rtrr. Conley to take a seat, and Mr. Conley introduced Mr.
John Robinette as his partner. Mr. Newell asked Mr. Conley where he was at
last rronth' s meeting and Mr. Conley replied he misunderstood; he thought Mr.
Fischer was going to represent him. Mr. Garthwaite then asked Mr. Conley if
this was really a "temporary" awning as Mr. Conley had described on his
application, and Mr. Conley answered no, it is pernanent, fourteen feet long
and thirty feet wide. Mr. Newell said it is real 1 y a carport made out of
aluminum and asked Mr. Conley what it is used for. Mr. Conley stated it is a
paint and body shop and explained the dimensions of the canopy, saying it is
too hot in there and that is the idea of the canopy, to work outside. Mr .
Newell asked about the dust that would be accmnulated and Mr. Conley said
there is a retention,"' area where they wash .the "dust. away ~ .
A discussion followed as to the nine foot setback, resulting in the Board
discussing each criteria. Mr. Garthwaite then announced that Mr. Conley has
met thecriteria necessary for a Variance and must now appear before Mr. Fischer;
the Building Official, where he can secure a pennit and, at which time, a fee.
or fine will be imposed.
Mr. Garthwaite then informed the Board that new fonns were being used for
applications of Special Exceptions and Variances, and passed one set around
for their information. A short discussion followed concerning the new fonns,
which seemed to meet with the Board's approval.
There being no further business, Mr. Savini rroved the meeting be adjourned,
seconded by Mrs. Martin, Motion CARRIED 6-0. The meeting adjourned at- 7:34 p.m.._
Minutes submitted by
Dorothy C. Garrity
Board of Adjustment Minutes
June 12, 1986 Meeting