07-29-1966 ",. . .-p o o ~ " ,0 MEE TING OF THE EDGEWA'IER ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD OF THE CI TY OF ED3-E- IvA'lER, FLORIDA HELD ,JULY 29th, 1966 The Meeting of the Zoning and Planning Board was called to order by Chairman David L. Wiggins, Sr. at 8:00 P.M. on July 29th, 1966 in the Office of the Mayor. ROLL CALL David L. Wiggins, Sr. Chairman Thomas B. Loveland Arthur 1. Shafer Clifton E. M.~her ~l. K. Robin~()n Present. Absent Pre~ent Present AbMnt- Mr. Wiggin~ announced that this is a ~lblic hearing as adverti~ed in the Daytona Beach Evening Ne~ of July 11th, 1966. Mr. Wiggins read from Ordinance #219 ~tipulating th.~e who can ~peak for or again~t the variance request~. Anyone who wishe~ to speak will be allowed three minutes te do so. ~~ The variance request to be considered wa~ from Mr~. Ryta F. Weber for permis~i.n CJ. t. operate a Kindergarten in her home, legal descriptien of location is in her '" letter. Mr. George Roth, who i~ within 300 feet of the prGperty, objected t. the request as he thinks the building is te. small, is only a 50 foot let and is surrounded by a jungle and an Grange groove, therefore no place for a Kindergarten. Mrs. Weber explained that the Kindergarten was fer pre-~chool children and would be held for three hours in the mornings. The children wauld net be permitted t. leave the hQuse at any time. She was planning t. have some()ne help her. A letter ~~~ read from the Volusia County Health Unit stating that a preliminary investigation had been made and c8ttld see no reason why Mrs. Webber could not operate a kindergarten en a limited basis at this residence. A complete approval would nave to be made after Hrs. Webber was set up and operating. Mr. Mosher asked whe (awns the orange groove on the we~t and was advised that Mrs. Blake was the o~er and the prepertyon the east was owned by Se~g's. Mrs. Blake stated that if mere prsperty i~ needed she had 300 feet that could be used. The property on the s8Uth i~ ewned by Mrs. Lohman. ~ A letter wa.s read frGm Mrs. Caroline Seng stating that she was net in favor of such O but if the majority of the neighbors were in accord she wouldn't oppose. She was writing in behalf of the Seng's and as Executrix ~f the Henrietta Ziegler Estate. " A letter was read frem Mrs. Winnifred L. Heath stating that she had ne objection to Mrs. Webber opening a Kindergarten in her home. A letter was read from Mrs. James Blake statin~ that she and Mr. Blake had no ob- jectien to Mrs. Webber opening a Kindergarten 11'1 her home. --------- ~ ,.. ", o o A letter wa~ read fr.m Paul R. and Patricia J. Herald ~tating they epp~sed to the plan sf a Kindergarten being .perated in the h$me sf Mrs. Webber as they felt it would decrease the value .f their preperty. A letter was read from Nellie M. Ogg Chambers dated July 18th, 1966 stating she was oPPQsed t. the kindergarten s. near her pr6perty, feelin~ it would hurt the re~ale of her property. A letter was read from Olive E and D. N. Nowlin stating they had ne objection to Mrs. Webber's starting a kindergarten in her h.~and that they were in faver of the project. A letter wa~ read frem Jessie B. and Catherine K. Sterling stating they were in favor .f the Kindergarten and felt that }~rs. Webber was very capable and suited f8r that type 8f work. There were ne comments te be heard and there were n. more letters to be read. After the meeting was adjourned, the Beard discussed the letters received and the comments made at the meeting and it was their recemrnendation that the City Council of the City of Edgewater be advised that they recommend the variance requested by Mrs. Ryta F. Webber be granted f8r the purpose made in the application. -----... Minutes taken by Elsie L. 1-lard. Q --...., u ~~A-' ~, David r;, Wiggins~irman Edgewater Zening a d Plannlng Beard