Zoning and Planning board Meeting
Tuesday Feb. 6, 1973
James Budd
Robert Fisher
Robert "Tolf
James Mackie
Harry Broga
Vic Vandergriff
Dave ~IcAllister
Tom Loveland Absent
Kenneth May Absent
L.E.Harris Absent
Minutes of last meeting read and approved of Jan.9,1973
Mr. Butler of Quinn Assoc. explained several aerial maps and how they
can be blowned up and the cost. It was figured out that we may need
9 prints at appromently 100.00 per print. Each print would cover an
area of 18000 x 18000 sq. ft. App. three flights would be needed to
cover the aREA we need. Mr. Butler will send us a letter and the app.
Will contact Mr, Briggs and find out when he can meet with us. Board to
be notified later.
Recommended letter on trailor be sent back to Mayor refering him and the
council of existing ordances Page 16.
Meeting adjourned at 9:05 P~.
Robert Fisher