08-07-1973 o o Aug. 7, 1973 ZmINING AND PlJ."NNING BOARD r,fE"'T "-NG PRESENT: Harry Broga Robert D.Fisher Tom Loveland Bob Wolf L.E.Harris Dave McCallister ''1m. Ni chols James Mackie AB SENT: Vie. Vandergriff James Budd Minutes of last meeting read and excepted.. It was desided after discussion to write Joe Weaver another letter and send him a anothe~ copie on the Trailer Ordiances which are to replace Ord # 653. A copy of New Smyrna Beachs ordiande on Subdivisions will be given Mr. LaBondie and ask him to attend mext meeting (Regular). After a long discusion on Proposed water increase a motion waR made by Tom Loveland to sentd to the City Council a letter inclosing the Proposed increse. Second by Bob Wolf. Will hold ~RW special meeting Aug. 21, 1973 to discuss proposed water and sewage hook up. Have Mr. John Havelock of N.S.B. to attend this meeting to help us wtth any questions we might have. Sect. will check with City Hall to see if Mr. Vie Vendprgriff has been taken of the Zonning & Planning Board by the City Council, and also Mr. James Budd. Adjurned~tY~E 9:50