10-16-1973 Special
Oct. 16,1973
Special Meeting of the
Zonning & Planning Board
Harry Broga
Bob Fisher
Vic Vandergriff
Dave McCallister
Robert 'vo1f
James Hackie
Tom LOVl'/1and
Rezoning of Lot 12,13 & 14 except the south 25 ft of
same, being in Assessor!s Subdivision, A1verz Grant,
Sec. 52, Tmmship 17 S, Range 34 E, Edgewater, acc-
ording yo public records of Vo1usia County, Fla.
presented representing a area of 5 blocks. Copy in
file. Pictures presented shmving bad conditions
behind 1Vinn-Dixie.
Lando,mers want large buffer zone. A 30 ft, buffer zone
suggested. Drainage will be a big problem. A
8 foot buffer 'ivall ''/as proposed by the builder. Nr.
CaIfuvel1 was asked to sumit a new plan.
Dave ?tIc Callister made a motion that a written comm-
iment, a proposed land use, drainage plans and new
dra'iings be presented to the Zoning & Planning board
and a 30 day tableing o~ the present plans be made.
Second by Vandergridf.
Ne'i meeting will be held Nov. 20, 1973 at 7: 30pm.
Robert D. Fisher
Sect. Zonning & Planning
. .
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Harry Broga. All
members were present.
Mr. Ray addressed his opening remarks ~o the citizens who were
present. He gave a brief outline of what his company planned
to do if the variance was granted. Mr. Ray was asked what they
planned to do with the property if the variance was not granted
for the commercial project. He stated that they had purchased
the property and intended to make use of it. They could still
build the shopping center on a smaller scale and on the A-2
part of the property they would construct rental apartments.
After a few minutes of arguments back and forth Chairman Broga
warned Mr.. Scolaro that he would be asked to leave if he could
not act in an orderly manner. The Chairman then stated that he
would start with the front row and work back to the people in
the rear of the building and each and every person would be
given a chance to state his or her opinion of. the proposed
The following is a brief resume of what each person had to say
after they stood up and identified themself: ,
RYTA WEBBER: Presented a petition to Chairman Broga and stated
it contained 100% of the signatures of persons living in a five
block ares who were protesting the rezoning of the property in
MRS. LEO TURNER: 118 Thomas St. Said this was setting a precedent
and others would seek to have residential property rezoned.
MRS. FRANK BURLEY: Would be within 25 feet of her carport and
would like some assurnace that surface water would not floddhher
RYTA WEBBER: We need this property for watershed and as a buffer
for noise from the highway.
MR. LEO TURNER: Against rezoning any residential property for
commercial purposes.
MRS. FRED ROTH:_ A concerned property owner and is against rezoning.
MRS. LINDELL KRESS: Real Estate Saleswoman involved in transaction.
DAVE MCCALLISTER: Would like to see an artist rendition so we
could have something to show the public.
MR. GREENE: (Architect) We would be willing to leave a buffer
of yegatation 20 to 30 feet wide and also put in a masonry wall.
The bulk of the parking will be in front of the buildings and
in most places it would be 100 feet from the back of the
building to the property line. The surface water could be drained
toward the highway.
. REV. HARDIN: When we have heavy rains, there is a lake on both
sides of Lamont St. Was afraid of turning Hubble & Riverside
into commercial streets and would like some assurance it would
not happen.
MR. RAY: Assured the citizens this would not happen.
MRS. MURPHY: Would like to leave the property in question (179 ft.)
as a buffer zone. Objected to rezoning.
MRS. SHUPE: Would like a wall between her property and the
shopping center so they would not have to look at the garbage
from the shopping center and like some assurance that the
surface water would not drain on her property and flood her yard
and home.
MR. GREENE: Told people that they were right to criticize this
project because it helped him to design something they would like.
, J
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'Page 2 - Caldwell, Gillis & Ray, Inc. Variance
MRS. MASON: Hubble St. Presented a petition to Chairman Broga.
Said if they had a choice she would rather have a shopping center
than low cost apartments. Shopping center would not bother her
.as long as there was a 5 foot retaining wall and Plaza Lane was
not opened to the general public.
MR. SHUPE: Of same opinion as the Mason's since their property
was directly behind the proposed shopping center.
MR. SPARR: Did not want to have to look at any garbage.
MR. SCOLARO: Best location for shopping center would be at
Florida Shores as this location is too close to Winn-Dixie.
Stated that Winn-Dixie did not have any business to speak of now.
Threatened to sue City of Edgewater if they granted this
variance to Mr. Caldwell for the shopping center.
MRS. MITNER: Pays $400 in taxes and is afraid they would be
more is this property is rezoned. Against shopping center.
HARRY MASON: Would like at least a five foot wall between his
property and the shopping center.
MR. LODICO: Look at the way that Winn-Dixie floods the area
back of it. Must do something with the surface water so this
won't happen in this area.
MR RICHARDSON: 219 Hubble St. Stated that if these people
did build the shopping center most of the people on his street
would be satisfied if there was a wall built between them and
the center..
MR. KNOYiLTON: Opposed because it would cut the value of ..h.iS>~3
property. Had two questions! (1) Will a wall be as good a buffer
zone as there is now? (2) Why does the city go to the trouble
of having separate zones if they want business and residential
sections to~ether?
BETTY KNOYiLTON: Opposed to everythin~!
MRS. SUE SHAEFFER: Concerned with flooding on Riverside Drive.
- . t~ R S. MAR GAR E T REI nl; Val e n cia D r i v e . . . Con c ern e dab 0 ute h a n g e
in zoning.
JEAN HAUGHWOUT: Wants restrictions as to type and height of buffer.
MR BRaGA: City has restrictions on thi~.
MRS. MURPHY: Asked Chairman to get a count and see how many of
those present were opposed to variance.
MR. COOK: Had property appraised about two weeks before news of
this variance came up and after he found out about it, he asked
the same people if this would make any differ~nce in the value of
his property. He said they told him his prop~rty would b.e worth
$5,000 less.
MR. STEWART: Against any rezoning.
MRS. STEWART: Against any rezoning.
LES HAUGHWOUT: Very poor policy to change zoning. He is not
always against rezoning but thinks this area should be left alone
and some other area rezoned.
.MR. RICHARDSON: Most property along U.S. 1 is commercial
from Edgewater to Ormond Beach so this would be same.
RYTA WEBBER: Couldn't you build on the 250 feet and leave the
other property alone?
MR. GREENE: There would not be enough room for parking as we are
, .
Pnge 3
Caldwell, Gillis & Ray, Inc. Variance
required by law to have 1 1/2 spaces for each 300 square feet
of building.
MR. RAY: We Would be foolish not to use the property as we have
already purchased it. When questiohed~ from the audience he said
they had not finalized the sale but expected to do so in the next
week or ten days.
MR. BEVEL: Suggested that the Chairman read A-2 Zoning of
Ordinance 219.
ROBERT FISHER: Read this entire section to audience as requested
by the Chairman.
UNKNOWN: Spot zoning is very bad. Once you have opened the door,
you can never shut it again.
MR. BEVEL: Make up ypU( minds. This man has purchased this
property and is goihg to use it. Which would you rather have?
Low rent housing apartments or a Shopping center with a buffer?
MR. RAY: We would be willing to leave the trees in a 20 to 30
feet buffer zone and build a wall 8 feet high if the city will
all o \'1 it.
MR. GREENE: We can feed all the heavy trucks from the highway
so they would not have to use any of the side streets.
MR. BEVEL: The decision is yours: Either he can cut down all
of the trees and build apartments or have a shopping center
and have a buffer with trees and a wall.
RYTA WEBBER: Will you open Plaza Lane?
MR. CALDWELL: We .do not plan to open Plaza Lane.
HAUGHWOUT: He said he thought it would be an excellent idea if
they would build the shopping center next door to MR. BEVEL.
MRS. MURPHY: The choices to me' seem to be a threat.
MR. CALDWELL: Assured citizens that he did not intend to build
the shopping center right up to the property line and would leave
a.. b u f fer i s g ran t e d the v a ria n c e .
The Zoning & Planning Board went into the Mayor's office to
discuss the proposal and after much discussion with the parties
f rom C a 1 d we 11, Gill i s & Ray, I n c. t~ R. r~ c C A L LI S T E R m 0 v e d t hat
the variance be tabled for 30 days to give the interested
parties time to get up a more concrete proposal which would
give plans for a buffpr ~one, drainage, parking, entrances and
1 a n d u s,e i n g e n era 1. T his W 0 u 1 d a Iso, g i v e I~ r. C a 1 d 1'1 e I It' m e
toyet a wr~-~plan and commitment together for the Board.
This motion was seconded and agreed on by voice vote.
The next meeting with MR. CALDWELL with is Associates will
take place November 20, 1973 at 7:30 P.M. and the public is
welcome to attend.
Minutes taken by:
Sue Blackwell, City Clerk
Adjournment time: 9:45 P.tL